Are you a Type A or a Type B?


  • Type the "A"

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Type the "B"

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Neither really describes me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some of both.

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters
Mostly the explosive swearing... although now I think of it, that's totally voluntary most of the time :)
I'm a type B personality...

I do have some type A though... mainly the negatives.
B for me.

I doubt everybody can be described by one of those two though.
I have some qualities from A and B but I would have to say I have more qualities from group B.
Azner said:
mood switches, im partly physcopathic...(seriously, ask anyone else here in my chuirch and singapore...WOODBRIDGE FOR EVAH!)
go spit on the sidewalk and get beaten to death by your police force please
I fit most of the criteria for both of those. So yeah, AB.

-Angry Lawyer
Danimal said:
I -A-gree. Silly system.
First answer only :p

I'm type B, although I do swear more than most, and people don't like it :(.
I also gesture quite a bit, and am more flamboyant with my actions.
lePobz said:
Type C. Bits of A, bits of B. Whoever worked this system out is a f***ing tool.
Yeah me too. I'm all the first parts of A but all of B that was mentioned on the first page.
Im B. With some bonus feat. Like i can totaly lose my mind and start breaking stuff. But that usaly stops after a cupple of minutes.
CrazyJeepDriver said:
Im mainly a type B, although I do have some type A in me.
Ahem... CRAZYJeepDriver
whay u mean by ur name?
AntiAnto said:
EDIT: Damn, I forgot the poll.

I added one for you.. hope its not too late. If you forget a poll, PM a mod, (or if you're clever, you can even report your own thread, stating that you forgot the poll) and if someones in a good mood, maybe they'll quickly add one for you :)
bliink said:
I added one for you.. hope its not too late. If you forget a poll, PM a mod, (or if you're clever, you can even report your own thread, stating that you forgot the poll) and if someones in a good mood, maybe they'll quickly add one for you :)

Thank you bliink.
Bits from A, bits from B tbh. What does that make me?

[edit} actually, make that predominately B. :P
Added a few more options to the poll :D
What an incredibly shallow way to define personality. I'm both at the same time, one at sometimes, and another at another. And that personality test was just as stupid and incomprehensible as the sentence I just wrote.

If you're going to categorize personality, the Jung typologies are much better. There was actually a thread on them a long time ago, I remember. My particular profile, INTJ, fit me so well I felt naked, stripped of any uniqueness I thought I had.
Almost always type B but I can talk explosively at times. :D I'm not a very competitive person though.
  • Desire to multitask under time constraints
  • Frequently doing more than one thing at a time
  • Using obscenities often
  • Relaxed
  • Creative and imaginative
  • Inclined to self-analyze

Three of A and three of B.