Are you allowed to...?


Aug 6, 2004
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...kill a man in self defence? And what is the price to pay if not?

I know it depends from country to country, but let's say you live in a liberal an "normal" society (like UK, Germany, France, liberal states of the US)!

I'm asking because this morning my older brother and his friends (there were 7 of them) were partying at a normal (smaller) bar and they got attacked with bottles, clubs, and chairs for no good reason by a band (10 or more) of your term would be "chavs" but we call them diffrently here, but they are the same scum! They messed up my brother and his friends pretty badly, two of them were hospitalized because of head trauma (cocnusion) and severe cuts! Fortunatly my brother got away with only cuts on the face! They hadn't had a chanse to defend themselves because those dirtbags rushed them from behind! The police did arest them but they'll mostlikely be out tommorow!

So i hope nothing simmilar happens to me but just in case...let's say you see someone attacking you with a bottle and you quickly grab the nearby knife on the bar and stab him by "accident" what would you get?

"We" are pressing charges but the problem is that those dirtbags heve friends outside who won't hesitate to threaten my and the other six fammilies!

Our "chavs" here are a little diffrent than yours (UK-ish), they are more organised, like a really shitty amateur mafia organisation (but really far from it), something like the black gangs in the US ghetto.

Anyway, if someone comes uninvited at my house they're gonna regret it!!! :sniper:
If something is a threat to my safety i will remove it.
If a government or other person wants to arrest me for acting on the above view they will automatically become a threat.
They're are out tomorrow after beating up seven people? My god, where are you from?
Hmm...if someone is trying to you then you're allowed to kill them if it is self defence but it depends on the setting and what's going on. If someone is coming at you with a broken bottle and you grab a knife and kill them then I think you'd get off on that especially if other people saw that. Broken bottle + jugular = :x
short recoil said:
If something is a threat to my safety i will remove it.
If a government or other person wants to arrest me for acting on the above view they will automatically become a threat.

We're talking about the legality of the situation, not how hardcore you are short recoil..... :upstare:
I'm even more interested what rights do you have is somebody attacks you by your home? Those bastards don't have moral awarenes, they'd even attack a officer if they had a good chanse! Real shit heads that pratcticaly live on the street their parent's get social welfare, they have three fammilies in one apartment...etc. How do these ****s get let into the country!??!
jverne said:
I'm even more interested what rights do you have is somebody attacks you by your home? Those bastards don't have moral awarenes, they'd even attack a officer if they had a good chanse! Real shit heads that pratcticaly live on the street their parent's get social welfare, they have three fammilies in one apartment...etc. How do these ****s get let into the country!??!

If you want the upshot of a situation like that, ask an officer.

Although he/she might think you're crazy, and want to lure an unsuspecting innocent to their doom.... :O... scratch that.
jondyfun said:
If you want the upshot of a situation like that, ask an officer.

Although he/she might think you're crazy, and want to lure an unsuspecting innocent to their doom.... :O... scratch that.

Hmm...well, i not sure if it would be wise to do that!? I'd tried to look into the constitution but i could't find anything explicit (might look again someday), so maby if someone here is studying law or something can give some info!?
If you kill someone in self defence you'll go to jail for manslaughter.

Check out the film Con Air. Nice guy protecting his wife = JAIL.
StardogChampion said:
If you kill someone in self defence you'll go to jail for manslaughter.

Check out the film Con Air. Nice guy protecting his wife = JAIL.
If you're in the US..I think you're wrong. Manslaughter is manslaughter, killing by accident.

Self defense is not manslaughter, if somebody is threatening your life you can protect yourself. I'm pretty sure if it's self defense in the USA you can't really get in trouble. I could be wrong, though.
I would kill a man only if it meant defending my own life.
short recoil said:
If something is a threat to my safety i will remove it.
If a government or other person wants to arrest me for acting on the above view they will automatically become a threat.
Dude! Show me your muscles! Please!

Well... maybe you should look up your country's laws on self-defense? Ask a teacher or something. In the US, I believe you can get off quite easily if you wound someone in self-defense, but it gets much more complicated if you kill them. But its tough to prove self-defense cases a lot of the time.
Man. I'm glad I don't live in Europe. Its always been praised for the peaceful place it is in comparison to the united states, but I hear so many stories of people getting randomly attacked or robbed, and its not a rare occurence. Sure... here in the states, we have tons of violence, but when it comes down to the individual people, its a rarity when it comes to being robbed, being harrassed by gang members, being attacked. Many people go their entire lives here without witnessing or being victim of any of those things. I haven't witnessed or been victim of anything like that yet. And I can walk outside of my house, stroll around my town at midnight and feel safe.

Seems everybody has an experience there in europe with these 'chavs'... I haven't had any such experience here, and I live in the united states!

Sure, I suppose if I lived in the city, downtown I might experience these problems... but I live out in the subburbs, and don't really experience this stuff.
Raziaar said:
Sure, I suppose if I lived in the city, downtown I might experience these problems... but I live out in the subburbs, and don't really experience this stuff.
I live in a Baltimore / Washington DC suburb and have never been attacked / witnessed and attack either.
Vigilante said:
I live in a Baltimore / Washington DC suburb and have never been attacked / witnessed and attack either.

See? In most parts of america, it really IS safer than europe.

Most people here are never victims or witnesses to any violence throughout their whole lives.
StardogChampion said:
If you kill someone in self defence you'll go to jail for manslaughter.

Check out the film Con Air. Nice guy protecting his wife = JAIL.
Wrong for the following reasons:
1. Holloywood doesn't write the law (if they did we'd all be screwed :P)
2. Even if they did write the law, the guy in Con Air was a navy seal (or something like that) and was court marshalled because they considered his hands to be "deadly weapons".

I'm pretty sure if you kill someone in self-defence in the US your jail free.
Jack_Karverboy said:
If someone was threatening my life I would probably try to take them out

lets say that you were a soldier in the US.

If bush tried to send you to iraq, and therfore threatening your life, would you take him out?
15357 said:
lets say that you were a soldier in the US.

If bush tried to send you to iraq, and therfore threatening your life, would you take him out?

No I would take out the iraqis with the guns cause they were the ones really threatening my life, or just run away to mexico. Or take bush out.
Short Recoil said:
If something is a threat to my safety i will remove it.
If a government or other person wants to arrest me for acting on the above view they will automatically become a threat.

You, sir, are ridiculous.

Or take bush out.

Fun. :D
jverne said:
Our "chavs" here are a little diffrent than yours (UK-ish), they are more organised, like a really shitty amateur mafia organisation (but really far from it), something like the black gangs in the US ghetto.

I just:

1. Spit up Diet Dr. Pepper all over my keyboard and pants.
2. Laughed so hard that I woke up my parents next door.
3. Giggled excessively for about 5 minutes.

I thought WE were the stereotypical ones.
I know right now, you have to run before fighting killing. If you could run, you get busted for killing. They are trying *or maybe they already have* passed a law that says you can kill if it's in your house. Yeah, getting busted cause someone broke into your place and you killed the SOBs. *sigh* But yeah..depends on the judge I'd say. If he is a guy that isn't a total coqbite..then if it's any sort of self-defense, you can get free.
you may use necessary force...So if that requires killing i believe it is legal.

But there is a lot to be proven
In the UK if they assault you with a deadly weapon you have every right to snap their neck clean in two...

But its not a wise thing to do because you'll still be in the shit if you have no witnesses/proof that they attacked you..

If someone attacks you with a deadly weapon I would advice running away... Or kicking them in the nuts and then running away...

Just so long as you don't stick arround.. :)
In the UK, you are legally authorised to use deadly force as long as you can prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that you were in mortal danger.
Fat Tony! said:
Lol omg short recoil is super man :O.

Shut up! He'll tear you apart.

With his bare hands.

or not
short recoil said:
If something is a threat to my safety i will remove it.
If a government or other person wants to arrest me for acting on the above view they will automatically become a threat.

/me predicts short recoil will end up riddled with bullets in a bizarre confrontation with law enforcement
CptStern said:
* CptStern predicts short recoil will end up riddled with bullets in a bizarre confrontation with law enforcement

You don't understand! He's invincible!

He will remove the threat.
kirovman said:
You don't understand! He's invincible!

He will remove the threat.

*shakes fist*

I'll remove you!
Short Recoil has got himself in so much trouble. Super Jesus is after him now.
repent or feel the wrath of Super Jebus!

Super Jebus: "Stop Evil do-ers or I will smite thee mightily"

Criminal 1: "wha? speak english robe-wearing dood"
i say, set the fire to the places where those bastards live
Use an indirect attack. People like that always have something to hide. Find it, research it, exploit it. Never let them know it was you. Use your brain, do your homework. Don't get mad, get even.
Edit, sh*t, sorry. I read your post wrong. But still
and stab him by "accident" what would you get?
that is pretty f**ked up that you would want to "accidentely" kill someone if they attacked you