Are you bored?

State of the industry?

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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My interest in a game hasn't piqued in quite some time. That's not to say I don't enjoy hopping on GTAIV for a few minutes and running some people over, or hopping in a CS/TF2 public server for an hour or so and getting a few headshots. These things are somewhat timeless and won't easily tire.

Innovation in mainstream gaming seems all but dead. Titles are rehashes or minor improvements or graphical touch-ups more and more. I'm not excited by the next installment of Gears of War and sadly I'm hardly in a rush to buy a PS3 or play through Metal Gear Solid 4 or the next installment of Final Fantasy. I'm bored with gaming. Perhaps I should get more into Indie games, I've played quite a few that I enjoyed.

Maybe I should splurge on a PS2/3 and pickup SoC or Okami. I'm not sure. I DO know that I'm surrounded by people on my campus that seem incredibly content playing Counter-Strike, CoD5 or Halo 3 forever. It kills me. What recommendations do you have for innovative and lesser known titles - and what systems do they require? This isn't so much suggestions for me as much as an open discussion on your likes/dislikes of the state of the industry and what you would like to see more of. Hell I've lurked this forum long enough to know you'll make this thread your own in no time. ;)
Right now there is a lot of technology innovation.

gameplay innovations have always been pretty rare since the last of the vector graphics/beginning of the raster graphics arcade games.

Like, you, I can still have a lot of fun playing games, but I'm generally bored of games too.

I think if you want to try something new - why not give the Wii a shot?
Right now there is a lot of technology innovation.

gameplay innovations have always been pretty rare since the last of the vector graphics/beginning of the raster graphics arcade games.

Like, you, I can still have a lot of fun playing games, but I'm generally bored of games too.

I think if you want to try something new - why not give the Wii a shot?

Wii might be interesting, I'm thinking of giving it a whirl and buying Okami and maybe some virtual console games. Along the lines of your first statement I understand the graphics innovation, but I really, really loathe realism - and that seems to be what sells. Ugh.
Try Super Mario Galaxy. It's not super innovative or anything, but playing it somehow rekindled my joy for gaming in general. There's something so delightfully simplistic yet imaginative about it, it's like a celebration of creativity or something. That or I'm just easily pleased and it had a lot of bright colours and "wa-hoo!" noises. :D

Okami's good, but long, you might get tired of it before the finish (like me). Shadow of the Colossus is definitely worth it, probably the most cinematic game I've played.
unfortunately games are on a big downhill slope in my opinion. Seems most developers are more into visuals then content.
Wii might be interesting

I really, really loathe realism - and that seems to be what sells. Ugh.

you have to get a Wii then.

and last time I checked the Wii was kicking ass, so.. realism isn't really the hot ticket after all?

Everything you said screams Nintendo wii TBH. And if you get one, can I come over and play it? That's another thing - games can be a lot more fun when you play it with friends or family- in the same room.

I can't believe I didn't get one. I just hate how expensive everything is when it's new.

The only game that I really want one for so far is Paper Mario and Wii sports. the two Wii games I would really like to see are Super Punchout and Waverace.

Are there any other boxing games for this sys - besides the one in Wii Sports?
I am a little bored. Though it's not that I'm bored in general, I just have lots more things I'd rather do than play the games I have.

Though my friend just got me into StarCraft, so I guess I'll be playing that. I've also been playing some Operation Flashpoint recently. I don't care about any new games because my PC is long overdue for an upgrade.
I burnt myself out after finishing COD4, Crysis and Bioshock all in one weekend.

Hard to get myself to play much these days.
While I do still love games and apart from a few tiles that I'd like to have, everytime I play a new game anymore, I'm left with a "meh" feeling. I don't know if it's because of the lack of innovation or not, but it must have something to do with it. It just seems like I've "been there, done that" for the past five years or so now. It's hard being on top as an "old fart gamer". Sure, we have experience and can own anybody, but the singleplayer games today for the most part just doesn't capture that same experience like they did when I was younger.

Plus, I think getting older has something to do with it. It's just not as fun anymore when you can simply save up some cash and get the game yourself. Part of the fun of gaming as a kid for me was the anticipation of asking my parents for a new game, or getting new games for my birthday or Christmas. Kinda the same way with drinking alcoholic beverages too when we was underage. My parents just don't care anymore because we're, "old enough to make our own decisions" now. Meh I say.
While I do still love games and apart from a few tiles that I'd like to have, everytime I play a new game anymore, I'm left with a "meh" feeling. I don't know if it's because of the lack of innovation or not, but it must have something to do with it. It just seems like I've "been there, done that" for the past five years or so now. It's hard being on top as an "old fart gamer". Sure, we have experience and can own anybody, but the singleplayer games today for the most part just doesn't capture that same experience like they did when I was younger.

Plus, I think getting older has something to do with it. It's just not as fun anymore when you can simply save up some cash and get the game yourself. Part of the fun of gaming as a kid for me was the anticipation of asking my parents for a new game, or getting new games for my birthday or Christmas. Kinda the same way with drinking alcoholic beverages too when we was underage. My parents just don't care anymore because we're, "old enough to make our own decisions" now. Meh I say.

I think this is sort of my problem, although I still get the occasional game for Christmas from my big sis in Chicago.
Well in the past two months the only game I have played is CoD 4 multiplayer. The only games I am looking forward to at the moment are the next Half-Life games and Gears of War 2.
I am.

After all, playing regurgigated trash and old concepts in a new packaging gets old pretty damn fast.
For what may be decades, I have been hoping for some RPG ish game that is innovative, addictive, and beautiful. Something that plays really well, has a lot of puzzle elements, rewarding, atmospheric, creative, no bullshit talking with NPC's, and awesome character advancement. But I haven't seen anything come close.

Basically, a modern game similar to the classic Dungeon Master. Oblivion is the closest I've seen.

I would also love a 3rd person hack and slash with the same qualities I just mentioned. I think the closest would be possibly The Witcher. I'll have to get a new graphics card to play that though, plus I hear the combat is problematic. Looking for something like Lord of the Rings. Anyone?
Damn you for fooling me into thinking it was a poll about boredom.
I like the lulls it allows me to catch up on my back catalog as well as revisit some old classics (presently playing Fallout 1 again).
There's plenty about to play, the problem is decent games are spread across all formats - which means considerable expense if you want to experience them all.
Healthy! I'm loving it. I can't wait for title "x"

Im waiting for a few games and movies. Im good.
For now I'm kinda bored, but I'm still looking forward to a couple things like Spore and Champions Online.
I am a little bored but it should get better later in the year like mirror's edge and spore :)
It seems like they just don't make the games I like. Sometimes they come close.

I feel like the older you get, the harder it is to be amused.
Games in the form of gameplay and story, and of course graphics has only gotten better. What is not happening is innovation and new ideas, well not many imo.
The game I'm most anticipating is Left4Dead.

It says something about the industry when my most anticipated games of the past 10 years have generally been from the independant developer Valve. There are of course exceptions - Civ4 for example (Meier is a living God), but I do think that EA, Vivendi etc. need to start encouraging original development more. Hell even Civ4 isn't exactly groundbreaking, just awesomely polished to a fine gloss finish.
Looking for something like Lord of the Rings. Anyone?

What, did you play the actual Lord of the Rings game, or are you looking for something with the same story?

I personally thought Return of the King was totally awesome when it came to 3rd Person Fighting Games.
Definitely not. Games are getting better and better. I believe we are live in the golden age of gaming.
Sure theres innovation, look at CoD4 or GTAIV, more realism,better graphics, physics
but at the same time, a lot of games are becoming the same "Go here, shoot these people, follow this guy, blow this building" as I notice many companies over-work graphics. Again, look at GTAIV or CoD4. After a few hours of playing either, they seem to become repetitive by having similar missions over and over again (although the sniper missions in CoD4 were a nice break)

This is why Portal is good, its puzzles. Yet, its not some kinda rip-off Tetris styled puzzle game, its just different. VALVe did well with making it look nice, while not making it into another 'looks like I'm actually here' game (I.E. CoD4 or Bioshock)
It's doing fine. I'm just bored of waiting for innovational title 'x' to stop being delayed. >: (
It's so rare nowadays that I am really, really excited for a game and satisfied when it is delivered.

Games are definitely going downhill in my opinion. We need to reverse this as quickly as possible... game developers, and especially their pressuring producers(which I think is the biggest problem), have their priorities wrong when it comes to game development.
Starcraft II, Team Fortress 2, and CoD4 are the only things keeping me into games atm.

CoD4 tried a more fast-paced, realistic style of warfare (if compared solely to other CoD games, hell, most modern warfare games (I.E. Delta Force:Black Hawk Down)

GTAIV, being one of the majorly successful sandbox/story-lined games, took the sandbox and story to new heights (Niko has the deepest story of any GTA) but the new vehicle physics topped that of one of the closest competitors, Mercenaries. The original Mercs vehicle physics weren't realistic, but at least the was acceleration, as opposed to other GTA's where you hit the key/trigger/button and the car/boat/plane rockets ahead at 100MPH.
People sometimes put too much emphasis on innovation. HL2 and GTA4 are two incredibly highly rated games even though neither actually have much in the way of innovation.
Well if you don't have the talent Valve has your best bet is innovation.

You could argue HL2 is innovative anyway.
Games don't need innovation to be appealing. That's like saying the only good music is original and unique music, except 90% of casual music fans aren't going to be able to tolerate Autechre.

Note: innovation and originality is good, but it shouldn't be the deciding factor for enjoying something. Your mind, which tells you ''yes, I like this'' or ''no, I don't like this'' is all that matters. Or at least to me.

As for the topic:

Hell no, I'm having tons of fun - the most important thing in gaming to me. Every night I hop on to Halo 3 for some CTF, Assault and zainy custom games with all my college mates and we have hours of fun playing some serious teamwork games or just joking around. If not Halo, we're on COD4, the only thing boring us there being the Martydom perk, but thats not enough to stop us having some great killing time.

I'm still plowing my way through GTA4 and I haven't even scratched the surface of the world outside of the main story or the MP, so I'm looking forward to that soon. When I'm not doing that I'm still enjoying trying to get through COD4 on Veteran and playing around with the Arcade Mode, and then I spent loads of time in Halo 3 SP on Legendary with some mates.

I finished a great Q4 of gaming by spending the months going through Bioshock and Mass Effect, and I still play Bioshock to this day and count it as a brilliantly fresh SP experience to plow through. The Orange Box simply has too much to offer for me, and with such a brilliantly well crafted game, I'll never tire of going through the HL games.

With sequels and more to come of all these games, I couldn't be any less bored. :D
Your vote doesn't really count, as you're the industry's lowest common denominator: excited about everything, even if it is Peter Molyneux's hernia.

EDIT: The golden age of gaming were the 90s. Everything now is retreading of old concepts.