Are you buying through Steam or Retail?

Will You buy through Steam Or Retail?

  • Steam

    Votes: 61 32.8%
  • Retail

    Votes: 125 67.2%

  • Total voters


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
I searched and didn't find anything so I guess I post this question: Are you buying through Steam or Retail when HL2 comes out? Why?

I personally love the idea of being able to download and play a new game right when it gets out, but I gotta have my box and manual, so I'm gonna go with retail.
Didn't do a very good search then...

I'll buy through Steam.
Make it a poll..

Anyway... I will go retail, Going to buy the Special edition version, and I just like the feeling when you can hold something in your hand. Thats why I will buy all games trough retail.
I'm still not sure ... I'll probably get it retail ...
Retail, because I want the HL2 box in my hands. :)
Store version! When you purchase a game over Steam it feels like you don't actually own the game and have control over it. You have to depend on Valve's Steam service to use your game. I don't like that. A few years from now the Steam servers probably won't work with Half-Life 2 and then your out of luck (I'm talking like 10 years from now). Some people will still be playing Half-Life 2 10 years from now and your Steam version just may not work however my store version will and I will still be able to get the Steam version by entering my CD key into Steam. So it's best of both worlds!
I want the box, if Valve would just send us the box I would glady by it through steam :)
Well I have the Collectors Edition Pre-Ordered at my local EB. I have already registered my ATi voucher on another one of my steam id's so that I can get it that way too.
I'm going to get the CE and I like having hard copies of my games
Retail here, I want the collecters edition in my own two hands! :)

Also... I just noticed the offical halflife2 website has NEWS!!! :p

Its about CS:S admitadly... and its old too! but I thought it was gona be another dead valve site. :LOL:
If I had ADSL I would buy it via steam (no ADSL until 24th Sept), looks like it will be retail for me.
gavsim said:
If I had ADSL I would buy it via steam (no ADSL until 24th Sept), looks like it will be retail for me.

What a coincidence, I'm getting ADSL on Sept 25th. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Kschreck said:
Store version! When you purchase a game over Steam it feels like you don't actually own the game and have control over it. You have to depend on Valve's Steam service to use your game. I don't like that. A few years from now the Steam servers probably won't work with Half-Life 2 and then your out of luck (I'm talking like 10 years from now). Some people will still be playing Half-Life 2 10 years from now and your Steam version just may not work however my store version will and I will still be able to get the Steam version by entering my CD key into Steam. So it's best of both worlds!

My thoughts exactly. :) However, I live in Europe, I hope Vivendi isn't going to do the 2 weeks crappy delay for Europe like Activision did for Doom3. If the Euro launch of HL2 will be behind US launch I will most likely first get a pirated version ASAP and then order the SE HL2 box from a US site that sends overseas (I used before, they're even Canadian). Or wait until HL2 SE is available at Euro retail shops and buy it here then.

I will 100% guaranteed get a legal retail copy of the game though, because HL2 is the ONE game I've been looking forward to like 5 years now. :) Unlike Doom3, if Activision would have made it so that Doom3 was for sale in Europe on August 3rd then they would have had my €55 as well. Now I just downloaded it without a tear shed. If publishers can't even be arsed to release such such anticipated games worldwide like Blizzard does, then I honestly can't be arsed to pay for the game. I have one exception to this rule which is Half-Life 2. :)
They better release it at the same time. That sort of thing drives me insane ... :angry:
Steam, for three reasons.

One, I can download it faster than I'd be able to drive to the store and get a retail copy. Two, I do plan on buying the box version, but I'll wait a year or two till I can get it for ten bucks, and it won't be any different than if I bought it the first day. Three, and most importantly, Valve makes a far larger profit if I buy through Steam, and they deserve every cent they make from HL2.

Kschreck said:
Store version! When you purchase a game over Steam it feels like you don't actually own the game and have control over it. You have to depend on Valve's Steam service to use your game. I don't like that. A few years from now the Steam servers probably won't work with Half-Life 2 and then your out of luck (I'm talking like 10 years from now). Some people will still be playing Half-Life 2 10 years from now and your Steam version just may not work however my store version will and I will still be able to get the Steam version by entering my CD key into Steam. So it's best of both worlds!

Ummm HL2 goes through Steam no matter what buddy.... It is integrated within all of the HL2 code most likely, so if Steam does go down, then you will need to find a No-Steam hack to play it.

I have the ATI Voucher so I'm getting it through Steam :bounce:
lets say i buy it retail and something happens to my cd's could i later download it through steam with my cd key??
acme420 said:
lets say i buy it retail and something happens to my cd's could i later download it through steam with my cd key??
dart321 said:
What coincidence, I'm getting ADSL on Sept 25th. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You in the UK? If so which exchange? Im on the Rushyford exchange. :LOL:
well i bought a ati card, so im forced to download it. im a poor bastard so i cant afford to pay 100 dollars for a new game
Iced_Eagle said:
Ummm HL2 goes through Steam no matter what buddy.... It is integrated within all of the HL2 code most likely, so if Steam does go down, then you will need to find a No-Steam hack to play it.

I have the ATI Voucher so I'm getting it through Steam :bounce:

Acutally you don't need to have Steam to play the game. How would people without the internet be able to play? Think before you post!
Getting through steam, unless Collectors Edition gets sold in europe.
I'm gonna buy it retail, maybe even the CE once VALVe releases whats in it. The closest EB is 15 minutes by subway so that's not a problem. I don't like the idea of not having a physical copy of the game.
Retail. Only have a debit card.

If they let you pay via Pay Pal, WorldPay or nochex however...
I'm with GuNzABlaZiN here. I like having a physical box and CD case in my grubby little hands. So for me, I have to go with retail every time.
I'm sorry but you NEED steam installed and running to play it, single player or otherwise. end of story. Trust me on that.
Wesisapie said:
I'm sorry but you NEED steam installed and running to play it, single player or otherwise. end of story. Trust me on that.

Really? Can you give us your sources on that information? Seriously, did I miss an interview or article or something? I'm not being sarcastic.
Steam.... ill get a .pdf manual, and CD's and boxes take up too much space....
i dont remember, it was a really long time ago and i'm never one to remember sources. there is no steam independent version, as far as i remember, they both run the same way as the steam version, only if you buy it at the shops its like they give you the gcf and stuff so you dont have to download them, and it installs steam if you dont already have it.
thats the way i'm picturing it. the only thing they changed is you can run steam in offline mode to play single player, but you still need it running.

someone else can check sources on this info.
If I knew what the costs associated with Steam were I'd probably go Steam. But at the moment retail.
well i think i will have to give this game a miss as i close all unwanted programs when i play games and steam is one of those programs that anoys me. just get a crack that will let you play your legal copy without steam.
retail for sure.

Probably going to get the special edition and I like to have an box for my collection.
I'm undecided I suppose. I've heard that Valve gets more of the profit if you purchase over steam, but I want my pretty box for the shelf. If only there was a way to get it retail and give Valve the profit they deserve. (without buying 2 copies)