Are you colerblind, take this test to find out!

my brother is actually partially colour blind


This is going to be one of those popup screamy things, isn't it?
I was wondering if i was supposed to see anything in that last one

PS: i hate you
D***! That scared the heck out of me! Do not click on the white box when you can't see a number! I warn you!
The internet called. It wants last week back. :D

I am actually red-green colorblind. The first time I took that flash "test" I quit (because of frustration) before the scary part happened.
This is a test where you get screwed at the end with one of those screamy things. I didn't go to the links specified, but I have been tricked before and it's kind of obvious that this is the sabotage test.
the last one you can't see anything, I've had a professional eye check before - they always have one of thoose at the end
Pfff...I knew what this was going to be the second I clicked on it.
Alientank said:
Pfff...I knew what this was going to be the second I clicked on it.
Me too. I bet you went through it anyway, right? I know I did.
It kind of gives it away that in the link the name of the file has 'sabotage' in it :p.
god thats the best one i seen so far, rofl i wasnt close to the screen, but im like "wait am i color blind cuz i really cant see shit in this one" so i guessed and that guess gave me a heart attack, thx man that is awesome i love a good scare......
LMFAO thats all I have to say.. I shit my pants because I had paused my music and my volume was REALLY loud.. I was going to enter a "?" in the last one but that shit ended up giving me a scream! HAHAHA I love you.
I murdered the last guy who had me look at one of those screaming pop up things... :angry:

So umm... i'll see you at halloween, alright?
KagePrototype said:
Bwahaha. I was at Uni with no speakers on. No scaring for me! :p
lucky bastard. my volume was almost all the way up, and it was 3 in the morning where i am and my roomate is asleep, so i might as well be all alone. also, its completely ****in' dark in here.
GOD DAMNIT! I'M PARTIALLY COLOR BLIND! on the last plate, i saw absolutely NO colors. i'm gonna call the doctor :(. that thing MIGHT have been scary if i had my sound turned on, but i didn't :E
Hah I sensed it coming when I saw the thread so I put my head phones on the top of my head :D So I just went "wtf?" when I couldn't see any numbers. At least I'm not colorblind...
That one sucked, I like the ones where they make you think you are color blind even if you are not.
*Points and laughs at all the people who did'nt know what it was* Welcome to the world of Flash.
Woohoo... I didn't expect the damn thing, but I didn't flinch a bit. I laughed a bit though.......

Those knives are really awesome.
you could have at least disguised the LG soon as I saw the thread title I knew this was a screamer thread.. in fact I knew it was this exact one from this exact site. :naughty:
color blind pshhhhh im not color blind

my friend is colorblind and i always ask him what color things are and he cannot tell them apart
I actually didn't expect it.
But when I clicked on the last one and was like: "Why did it link to a jpeg from some horror movie?" It was more confusing than scary.

I'm probably desensitized. A real murdererous zombie could pop out from behind my chair and, thanks to the internet, I'd just sorta shrug.
seen this one about 500 times.. it's liquidgeneration people.. your web savvy is lacking.
hmm.. now that the stupid joke is over.. let me ask, is there an actuall website for this sort of test? im interested...