Are you colorblind??

Hazar said:
I don't like misprunciations of the last part ;)
Sound too much like an alcoholic drink? :p Or was that how it was supposed to be... :O
Letters said:
Sound too much like an alcoholic drink? :p Or was that how it was supposed to be... :O

:O :p yeah kinda, it was supposed to be Da-ki-ri, but a lot of people say dak-ir-i :hmph:
qckbeam said:
That is a physical impossibility my good man. Your posterior does not have a foot with which to kick!

I'm red-green colorblind.

I hate those tests with a passion. Color blindness sucks. My colorblindness keeps me out of the FBI (as a special agent) or learning how to fly. I can see colors just fine, it just when shades of the same color are bunched together. It's irritating.

As for the scare, I was already irritated at the test so the flash picture didn't do anything to me.
i r foiled! but.. your wrath feels like a small baby mammal of some kind..
In some forums, posting stuff like this is against the rules. I believe the same goes for
Javert said:
In some forums, posting stuff like this is against the rules. I believe the same goes for

But it's funny.
and it leads to classic exchanges like the one between myself and blahblahblah!
no one mentioned my ingenious jabberwocky allusion :(

screw you guys, i'm taking my vorpal sword and sitting under the tumtum tree..
I hate those flashs.. There not funny, I dont like being scared so suddenly like that. I did'nt click on this one, luckly I read the thread first and did'nt see this one.
I'm colourblind whenever I CONSUME THOSE NOODLES!!

This forum needs more noodles.
The_Monkey said:
Yes, I'm colourblind. That test was...disturbing.

Cool! So you mean you can't tell the difference in this:

The_Monkey said:
Of course. I don't see in black and white. On this page:
I can see the 1st, 2nd, 4th and with difficulty the 6th(it's 5, right?)

With that test, I can see the 1st, 4th, and the 6th (kinda)

I pretty sure I'm red-green colourblind. I only took the test once, and it was years ago, but I'm sure that's what he said..

The only time I've had difficulties with colours is when picking out dark-coloured pencil crayons :p And this is stopping me learning to fly, too ;(
Jesus that scared the crap out of me.
Hehe.. i was about to press it when the pointer came up insted of that 'I' thing so i knew it was a trick.
so if I saw alot of red on the last one that means I passed?

i expected it after the first click of the answer...:(
I've never been that scared of these things - I can always tell it's a surprise..... I guess I'm just uber 1337 :D
This is like one of the first BOO! flashes :p
I'm not clicking it :p

At the people saying they can't fly because there colourblind - There's a high chance that you probably would'nt be able to fly anyway. You have to be extremely clever for a start...not 5 GCSE's at C and above :p and have very high body strenth and high resistance to G-force's.

Of course...this concern's you if you mean you want to be a fighter pilot. My brothers in the RAF and not only are the force's fighter pilot's ****nuts and big headed bumchums but they are also all built like a brick shit house.

Btw its my dream to be a fighter pilot :( but it will never happen.
NeLi said:
Mahhaha! I could see them ALL!

I must be somekind of perfect human being..
seriously.. it's good to know there is yet another resource on the web that allows me to demonstrate my superiority over blahblahblah, the monkey, shippi, and about 7% of the world's male population and 0.5% of the world's female population. it's good to be me.
NeLi said:
Mahhaha! I could see them ALL!

I must be somekind of perfect human being..

I could see them all too! guess were just perfect, huh!
hmm, it had liquidgeneration in the URL...I know not to click those ;)
wtf was that at the end. dam it scared the shit out of me, cause i WAS realy close to the monitor