Are you feeling comically relieved?

May 24, 2003
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So has anyone done anything for this years comic relief? I haven't and I'm starting to think I should have done. Oh well, I do have some things planned for this next couple of weeks.
I say the whole comic relief thing is just a thinly-veiled excuse for all the chavs at college to dye their hair red
What's this? Another one of ya'll's (ha ha! double contraction!) crazy island customs?
I haven't had comic relief for awhile, apart from looking at bash that is :p
I should do something, but I haven't.
I'm not very good at organising public events and motivating people.

I'm going to build a school in a poor village one day though. Hopefully it'll be an aim that comes to fruition.

Edit: There was a dubious joke in the Viz last year:

Approximate quote: I was watching comic relief on TV last year and I was appaulled at their comedy shorts on Africa. I don't find poverty much to laugh about, thank you very much, Comic Relief.

The joke being in that the writer of the letter missed the entire point of comic relief. As is typical with most letterbocks in the Viz.
My school's doing a non-school uniform day for it.. next Friday.. :dozey:
SHIPPI said:
My school's doing a non-school uniform day for it.. next Friday.. :dozey:

omg r u going nekkid????!!?!
Don't be a fool shens. Naked Thursdays are the days you go naked.

SHIPPI said:
My school's doing a non-school uniform day for it.. next Friday.. :dozey:
Oooh, Tesco might be doing a non uniform thing tommorow :D I'l have to nip down before work.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Don't be a fool shens. Naked Thursdays are the days you go naked.

Oooh, Tesco might be doing a non uniform thing tommorow :D I'l have to nip down before work.
Our tesco had people wearing red jumpers and red wigs- :afro: <-- like that but red.
kirovman said:
Approximate quote: I was watching comic relief on TV last year and I was appaulled at their comedy shorts on Africa. I don't find poverty much to laugh about, thank you very much, Comic Relief.

The joke being in that the writer of the letter missed the entire point of comic relief. As is typical with most letterbocks in the Viz.
Ahahaha, that's funny! :imu:

What exactly is the Viz?
To answer your question, Farrowlesparrow (my god, what a name), no, I am not feeling comically relieved.
Zeus said:
To answer your question, Farrowlesparrow (my god, what a name), no, I am not feeling comically relieved.

a dig at the thread author and a response in the negative, what's up Zeus? :upstare:
What? I didn't mean to insult his name, just mentioning it was a funny name, also I was just saying I didn't feel comically relieved.
StardogChampion said:
Ahahaha, that's funny! :imu:

What exactly is the Viz?

It's a UK comic/magazine which makes rude/dirty/humourous comics and is not afraid to poke fun at some sensitive issues.
You'll be able to read more of the same if you goto "Letterbocks"

What's all this nonsense about that 66-year-old Romanian woman being the world's oldest mum? My mum's 77. Beat that.

Also top tips:
EMPLOYERS Avoid hiring unlucky people by immediately tossing half the CVs into the bin.

Also try downloading the videos. You can even subscribe if you like it that much.

Good all round read :thumbs:
Lenny Henry...hes just funny dressed as a black man.

Sorry you feel that way Zeus (What a name! Its so godly :x:p) :D
Yea, was going to bleach my hair, maybe dye it red afterwards, so it was PROPER red, not this brown-with-a-red-tinge-coz-i-just-borrowed-a-mates-spray that alot of people at our school did. Exams and coursework caught up though and I never got the chance to go out and buy any. :X Wasnt that high a priority to me, guess Im just not charitable(sp?).

Although alot of the chavs at school thought it was fun to throw the noses about, and spray red lines or a cross in their hair, or on the walls...and someone set off a fire alarm just for Comic Relief...

...half of them dont know WHAT Comic Relief is, or raised any money, someone even asked "Why's everyone wearing red noses like??" :|

EDIT: Im tired, please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes and whatnot.
Yeah most will just assume its a day to do things they think are funny. The charity side of it doesn't register with them.
SimonomiS said:
Although alot of the chavs at school thought it was fun to throw the noses about, and spray red lines or a cross in their hair, or on the walls...and someone set off a fire alarm just for Comic Relief...

...half of them dont know WHAT Comic Relief is, or raised any money, someone even asked "Why's everyone wearing red noses like??" :|

Grr this bloody country's going down the pan, people like that don't know how lucky they are to be able to enjoy their lives (even though IMO they lead a pitiful existance). Wish we could send them to Hitler island to teach them a lesson in how a large majority of the world are living under bad conditions and even oppression.


Actually you see poor countries like Kenya have huge modern skyscrapers in their capital (on the news just now) but then you realise 50% the country lives below the povery line.
Distribution of wealth is highly skewed. I believe it will improve though, it just needs more recognition and public awareness in the developed countries, and providing the people of these countries with education to help themselves.

Money is good in the short term, but the best long term investment is education.
Farrow, do you know the amount raised this year? Im guessing its more than last year, always is. Inflation or something I guess.

EDIT: I guess thats capitalism for you Kirov.
kirovman said:
It's a UK comic/magazine which makes rude/dirty/humourous comics and is not afraid to poke fun at some sensitive issues.
You'll be able to read more of the same if you goto "Letterbocks"

Also top tips:

Also try downloading the videos. You can even subscribe if you like it that much.

Good all round read :thumbs:

i have all the viz books.. :D

whats your favourite "letterbocks" quote? :)
KoreBolteR said:
i have all the viz books.. :D

whats your favourite "letterbocks" quote? :)

All of them? There's lurds man!

I've got a few of them :thumbs:

Letterbocks hehe, I have loads of favourite quotes.

My favourite is:

Harold Shipman has recieved 15 life sentences for his murdering of over 200 people.
I think it's absolutely disgusting. Why should Harold Shipman be allowed to live 15 times longer than anyone else?

A few more:
On the Queen's immunity to prosecution:
The idea that the Queen could come into my home, steal all my possessions, murder my family and defecate all over my living room, while escaping scot free absolutely disgusts me.
Everytime I see her smug grin on telly makes me sick.

These suicide bombers really get my goat. What an evil way to kill innocent people, running screaming into a crowded place like madmen, blowing themselves and everyone else to pieces.
Whatever happened to good old-fashioned gentlemen terrorists like the IRA, who'd quietly pop a nail bomb under a pub table and leave without making a song and dance about it.

People should not say horrible things about the terrorist Osama bin Laden. They are simply bringing themselves down to his level.

Ah, Geordie humour. Can't beat it. (I'm a bit biased). :cheers:
I get Private Eye myself.

Seriously, best paper publication EVAR.
Kangy said:
I get Private Eye myself.

Seriously, best paper publication EVAR.

Got a couple of the annuals. It's funny stuff.

Still prefer the Viz though.
I did something for it. Our call centre was a Comic Relief call centre for the night so I was on the phones taking donations.

Only thing is I had been working since 9am so I didn't finish until midnight. Nice 15 hour shift :| But it's for charity :D
Nah well i'll give some money, not much though :\ I never have any money
Chris_D said:
I did something for it. Our call centre was a Comic Relief call centre for the night so I was on the phones taking donations.

Only thing is I had been working since 9am so I didn't finish until midnight. Nice 15 hour shift :| But it's for charity :D

How do you take donations? Or did you literally "take" them? :LOL:
kirovman said:
I should do something, but I haven't.
I'm not very good at organising public events and motivating people.

I'm going to build a school in a poor village one day though. Hopefully it'll be an aim that comes to fruition.

Edit: There was a dubious joke in the Viz last year:

Approximate quote: I was watching comic relief on TV last year and I was appaulled at their comedy shorts on Africa. I don't find poverty much to laugh about, thank you very much, Comic Relief.

The joke being in that the writer of the letter missed the entire point of comic relief. As is typical with most letterbocks in the Viz.

RoFl...are you stupid its taking the piss...The letters in the ViZ are so funny...
SimonomiS said:
How do you take donations? Or did you literally "take" them? :LOL:
They call up, I take their credit card details, they tell how much they wanna donate, their credit card gets charged and money goes to Comic Relief.
Chris_D said:
They call up, I take their credit card details, they tell how much they wanna donate, their credit card gets charged and money goes to Comic Relief.

Fun, what was the highest donation? Apologies for being nosy.
On the subject of Comic Relief...

I pledged some money on the rednoseday webpage last night. I checked my internet banking today and it turns out that they took the money I pledged twice! Now I'm not saying it was a massive amount of money, but we're talking notes here and the fact that they took it twice is ****ing annoying... really though, what can I do other than let them keep it without coming off as a total cockmuncher? Imagine me ringing them asking for my money back.. ha! oh well.
SimonomiS said:
Yea, was going to bleach my hair, maybe dye it red afterwards, so it was PROPER red, not this brown-with-a-red-tinge-coz-i-just-borrowed-a-mates-spray that alot of people at our school did. Exams and coursework caught up though and I never got the chance to go out and buy any. :X Wasnt that high a priority to me, guess Im just not charitable(sp?).

Although alot of the chavs at school thought it was fun to throw the noses about, and spray red lines or a cross in their hair, or on the walls...and someone set off a fire alarm just for Comic Relief...

...half of them dont know WHAT Comic Relief is, or raised any money, someone even asked "Why's everyone wearing red noses like??" :|

EDIT: Im tired, please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes and whatnot.

The best course of action for those "people" is to drag them out of school, shove them on a plane and parachute them over Africa with a little note on them saying "Dear Oxfam, here is some free labour for you to help Africa with" And if their parents complain, we send them next. :p

I gave a few pounds to a collection at the gym, it is just a shame that we can't spend a few weeks in Africa helping out the relief agencies by volunteering though.

Oh and Zeus, mind what you say to Farrow, he is a religious drunk *hence my signature* so he is capable of anything. ;)
I liked the Little Britain parts yesterday. It seems Robbie Williams finally popped out of the closet. One of the Ladee's called him a poof, and I think she was spot-on.

I like the single btw. Amarillo. Real cheesy 70's stuff.
I thought the Spider-Plant Man was classic.

For a start it had Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in it ("But we decided to give it.." "BIG TEETH!!!!")

Oh and a Baldrick-like Robin :p
SimonomiS said:
Farrow, do you know the amount raised this year? Im guessing its more than last year, always is. Inflation or something I guess.

EDIT: I guess thats capitalism for you Kirov.
It was over 36 million raised that night - that was when i last checked though, could've been more after i went to bed!
Venmoch said:
I thought the Spider-Plant Man was classic.

For a start it had Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in it ("But we decided to give it.." "BIG TEETH!!!!")

Oh and a Baldrick-like Robin :p
Rowen Atkinson (SP?) Great choice!!