Are you going to purchase COD4: MW2 :: The re-count

Are you going to buy COD4:MW2?

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Care about what????!!?!!? I said I don't ****ing care about the ragers raging over pc version. You are implying that my posts should be cared by ragers? No!

And no, I never defended IW in this entire thread. Stop putting words into my posts. IW is a prick, yes. But I'm still buying the game for console.

When the **** did I even insult a fellow board member?

OK, try and keep your cool, you sound really mouth foamy. I don't know how you could have let it escalate like this over nothing.

You started talking out of the side of your mouth here, for whatever reason:
You might as well protest the entire gaming industry. O' smart one.
I ignored it, because frankly, it's very childish, and I don't engage children on their level of intellect.

Why should anyone and IW care about people bitching
I was also talking about Dynasty, saying people were "crying", but you don't think saying we are "bitching", "raging", or sarcastically calling me "O' smart one." is an insult?

And who in this thread is raging? It's only you, man. :)

I don't think anyone else cares enough to insert 10 punctuation marks at the end of sentences.
When the **** did I even insult a fellow board member?

You insulted every single person in this thread who voiced their anger about this decision when you said we're all whiner/ragers/whateverthe****yousaid.

And don't you dare come back with "I didnt say people in this thread were! I just meant in general!" because I will kill you for lying.
Trust me, bro. His bite is worse than his bark.

OK, try and keep your cool, you sound really mouth foamy. I don't know how you could have let it escalate like this over nothing.
Turst me, I'm cool. I'm not angry compared to bunch of people bitching about IW.

You started talking out of the side of your mouth here, for whatever reason:

I ignored it, because frankly, it's very childish, and I don't engage children on their level of intellect.
I'm sure you are very intelligent person [/sarc]

I was also talking about Dynasty, saying people were "crying", but you don't think saying we are "bitching", "raging", or sarcastically calling me "O' smart one." is an insult?
Oh, grow some balls, wuss. This board is infested with sarcastic posts.

And who in this thread is raging? It's only you, man. :)
You and couple of other people. Be denial about it for all I care.

Anyway, I don't care.

I don't think anyone else cares enough to insert 10 punctuation marks at the end of sentences.
come on guyz lets be friends


I'm just hoping IW will see the light after all they did say "nothing is off the table."
I'm not angry compared to bunch of people bitching about IW.
As opposed to bitching that people are bitching?
I'm sure you are very intelligent person [/sarc]
Honestly, my intelligence is very average. If I seem smart to you, then you're probably just stupid.

Oh, grow some balls, wuss. This board is infested with sarcastic posts.
Nobody cares, I was pointing out how ridiculous you are acting. Throwing a tantrum, even. It's the fact that you brought it to my attention by denying it. You sound really butt hurt about this whole thing. Heh, and no wonder, because you bend over and receive the ass reaming from IW with open arms. Or open anus, as it were.
My local indie game shop is selling this early and I've already pre ordered mine FUUU- :flame:
Thing is that I'm guessing that most people on here will be the kind of people who are clued up about lack of dedicated server support. The average gamer on the street probably won't be. So while a significant number of people on here may be having their decision to buy changed, I'm not sure that will carry over to a significant drop in sales for MW2 overall.
Interestingly, just look at the different ways the two companies have handled the situation. IW has said the outcry is a "vocal minority", accused people who have protested their decision of being people with a monetary interest in the dedicated server business, and all around insulted their former fans. Valve personally flew the leaders of the L4D2 boycott to their offices to play the game for themselves. Valve was really smart about talking to their fans; Infinity Ward have just been tremendous douchebags.

So I've noticed. Valve has always been the BEST at handling customers. They've always understood that the community comes first, and they usually handle the situation accordingly. Valve really doesn't disappoint me. This was probably their biggest situation, in regards to L4D2 being released so soon, since HL2 was postponed for.. 3 years or so. They've handled it greatly, and I know they always will.

IW basically is playing the ignorance card here. "Oh, it's just a few people." I forgot PC gamers were so small in comparison to console gamers. They haven't talked to the community. They haven't approached any question asked about the changes/price 'upgrade in any good way. They completely condescend the whole PC gaming community. I mean I've always thought IW was a great developer. They've always tossed out pretty good games, but I'm not that kind of person that thinks, "ADUHhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sinnse day toookkkkk outt duhhh feuturezz ittt muts be gud?!!!!"

You don't take out features that make a PC game... a PC game.. I know you want to be uniform on ever platform, but what makes a PC game different is the customization abilities plus the ease of playing what you want to play. Blah.

I'm done. I just don't even want to type anymore. Anyway, I hope you all burn in hell for no reason at all. :D
The thing is, we all know how well that L4D2 boycott went. "We hate this game. It's terrible." 3 months later. "We bought the game. We were REALLY going to buy it, and it's not that we were boycotting the purchase." etc..

Anyway, I'm sure 160k of those sigs will purchase the game regardless. I wish people could actually stick to their word when it comes to this, but well, we all know that doesn't happen.
As stupid as the Left 4 Dead 2 boycott was, many of those people will buy the game not just because they're fickle idiots, but because Valve actually responded to the criticism and demonstrated that many of the objections to the sequel that people had (e.g. Lack of free content for L4D1) were unfounded. Whilst Infinity Ward is handicapped somewhat by these revelations coming so close to the release of the game, their dismissive response hasn't exactly warmed anyone to them (REAL MOUSE SUPPORT!!!!!1111), and the fact that they've come clean about the deficiencies so close to release of the game demonstrates a contempt for their fans and a foreknowledge of how they were going to upset consumers that you simply didn't get with Valve.

But then, there are some pretty fundamental differences in how people were upset by each developer. People are upset because Modern Warfare 2 isn't going to have certain features, people were mostly upset because Left 4 Dead 2 dared to exist at all. It's pretty clear which was the more pathetic episode.
Thing is that I'm guessing that most people on here will be the kind of people who are clued up about lack of dedicated server support. The average gamer on the street probably won't be.
True, but the average gamer on the street isn't a PC gamer either, and I think the issue is less about 'dedicated servers' and more about the availability of custom maps and such. Is the 'average gamer on the street' the type to religiously buy DLC? I don't see it.
Beautiful. :laugh:

Oh, and I can't speak for the Modern Warfare titles, but large dedicated servers are shit in a lot of FPS titles anyway, because there are so few decent maps built with that kind of scale in mind. The Battlefield developers were quick to jump up and down on Infinity Ward's cowering form, but really, dedicated servers are essential to a title that's about large scale battles. Modern Warfare always seemed like a more focused, small-scale experience.
We all know Dedicated Server and 64 player support will come in a patch

Oh, and I can't speak for the Modern Warfare titles, but large dedicated servers are shit in a lot of FPS titles anyway, because there are so few decent maps built with that kind of scale in mind.

That reminds me of playing Dust and Office in Counterstrike the other day with 64 players; crazy. Same scale maps as MW, yet you are more likely to die from a grenade blast than an actual bullet and flashed more times than a streaker running up to you in the middle of the street. Very very imbalanced
Thing is that I'm guessing that most people on here will be the kind of people who are clued up about lack of dedicated server support. The average gamer on the street probably won't be. So while a significant number of people on here may be having their decision to buy changed, I'm not sure that will carry over to a significant drop in sales for MW2 overall.

They are advertising the hell out of this game. I don't recall ever hearing an advertisement for a video game on the radio, but I've heard like 6 advertisements for MW2... and I hardly listen to the radio. Something that struck me was that they mentioned the PS3, 360, Wii, and DS, but made no mention of the PC version on the advertisement. However, I think that was just because it was a 'console only' game retailer advert.
Got my PC version in the post today. Then realised I have to wait till the 10th - steam activation. I didn't even realise it was coming out next week.
Got my PC version in the post today. Then realised I have to wait till the 10th - steam activation. I didn't even realise it was coming out next week.

Given that its steam, we will have to wait till the 11th :thumbs:
I, for one, am pretty excited about this text based chat and mouse based control scheme. With this amount of originality I'm surprised people aren't already handing out GOTYs. 10/10 two thumbs up A+++
I hope they put guns in the game.
As opposed to bitching that people are bitching?
poking fun of people bitching =/= bitching

Honestly, my intelligence is very average. If I seem smart to you, then you're probably just stupid.
which is why I added [/sarc] at the end of post. If you failed to notice that, that's your problem.

Nobody cares, I was pointing out how ridiculous you are acting.
Throwing a tantrum, even. It's the fact that you brought it to my attention by denying it.You sound really butt hurt about this whole thing. Heh, and no wonder, because you bend over and receive the ass reaming from IW with open arms. Or open anus, as it were.
Dude, you are the one who has been bitching regarding this whole issue, along with people who has been posting this type "OMFG!!!! IW DUMB DOWN PC VERSION!!! ME NO BUYING THE GAME!!!" and I'm the one who is butt hurt? Talk about self-denial. Keep at it, simpleton.
I bend over because I want to buy this game? You have an issue. Get a life outside of internet.
Take it to tells, Dave and Nancy. Nobody cares 'bout yer love games.

p.s. The co-op in Modern Warfare 2 actually looks prettay awesome. The only real loss for me in this new system is the lack of lean, which I continue to make use of in Modern Warfare, particularly on hardcore.
p.s. The co-op in Modern Warfare 2 actually looks prettay awesome. The only real loss for me in this new system is the lack of lean, which I continue to make use of in Modern Warfare, particularly on hardcore.
There is an online co-op in the game? Well, damn. My expectation of this game just grew larger
I gotta admit, the idea of rank finally being held by IW themselves is appealing to me. I had mine reset during formats twice. I also like the idea of adding a steady level of progression and stat tracking, not that it requires gutting the dedicated server infrastructure that we all know and love.

I can't honestly complain, I never became a regular on any CoD4 server, nor did I play any mods or custom maps, or enjoy massive unwieldy games, spare for a few inebriated, deathmatch craving nights. I also didn't play competitively enough to complain about slightly higher latency.

Hell, all this controversy is just keeping MW2 on the headlines of all the major game news outlets--probably generating more console sales. If the PC version is well received by those willing to take the $60 plunge and are mildly articulate, I'm looking at picking it up for sure.
I gotta admit, the idea of rank finally being held by IW themselves is appealing to me. I had mine reset during formats twice. I also like the idea of adding a steady level of progression and stat tracking, not that it requires gutting the dedicated server infrastructure that we all know and love.

I can't honestly complain, I never became a regular on any CoD4 server, nor did I play any mods or custom maps, or enjoy massive unwieldy games, spare for a few inebriated, deathmatch craving nights. I also didn't play competitively enough to complain about slightly higher latency.

Hell, all this controversy is just keeping MW2 on the headlines of all the major game news outlets--probably generating more console sales. If the PC version is well received by those willing to take the $60 plunge and are mildly articulate, I'm looking at picking it up for sure.
Ranking was held by formats? I didn't know that at all. I've only played it for 360 so I had no idea how the online for the PC version of MW was. That's thousands of times better than having to reformat, no ranks, restart. God. That would piss me the **** off completely. So the rankings are basically BF2-esque where they're attached to your username? Is the username going to be your Steam handle since it works with Steamworks?

Come to think of it, I might pick this up on PC after a while when the price drops. I'm not willing to spend 120$ on the same game twice for two different platforms. That's nonsense. >_<
Yar, the assumption is that IW will store the profile data through Steamworks functionality (along with things like video settings, key bindings, etc). The comparison to BF2 is legitimate, but hopefully this is even more competent.

If the co-op is as good as previewers are making it seem, I'm all in.
If IW nails PC matchmaking I will take off my damn hat to 'em. Come to think of it, has anyone done proper matchmaking on the PC? (the only thing that comes to mind is Left 4 Dead, and that was a disaster at launch).
L4D matchmaking is different though. It sets you up with other players but still uses dedicated servers, so it's still possible for server owners to customize the game and add server plugins.

MW2 will set you up with other players but will use P2P connections. Not exactly everyone has an internet connection capable of hosting lag free 9v9 games like a dedicated server can, or at least with sub-100ms ping. Not to mention that if the host player leaves, and there is no way of telling who is the host till the game starts, then the game actually pauses for several seconds and migrates to a new host. This also means that people who usually play with each other from across the world will no longer be able to meet on a centralized dedicated server that they regular. Now they're gonna have to directly connect to each other which means even more lag and high pings.

If MW2's matchmaking doesn't fail like OPF2 or FEAR2, the only reason will be the fact that it's MW2.
I just don't see how IW can replace the sense of Community a Servers's not possible with random people every new match.
I loved the original Call of Duty, but after that...I lost interest, because it looked to be more of the same; just better graphics and different locations.

I never had any interest in the Modern Warfare, because unless it's Counter-Strike, I have no interest in modern war shooters (and CSS doesn't technically fall under this, I know).
poking fun of people bitching =/= bitching

which is why I added [/sarc] at the end of post. If you failed to notice that, that's your problem.

Dude, you are the one who has been bitching regarding this whole issue, along with people who has been posting this type "OMFG!!!! IW DUMB DOWN PC VERSION!!! ME NO BUYING THE GAME!!!" and I'm the one who is butt hurt? Talk about self-denial. Keep at it, simpleton.
I bend over because I want to buy this game? You have an issue. Get a life outside of internet.
You just don't get it do you? This thread was created for the purpose of bashing IW and discussing how stupid they are. This is amusing for us. What did you expect to see in this thread?

Of course you don't have a problem with the game, you are buying the completely unchanged consoled version. How about if tonight they announce that the PS3 version doesn't support online co-op? You'd be in here "bitching" and "crying". And if you wouldn't, that's because you play $65 first person shooters on a $600 console with a game pad. You'll take anything.
Of course you don't have a problem with the game, you are buying the completely unchanged consoled version.
And since when is "changed or unchaged consoled version" is a deciding factor for buying games?

I'm buying this game because it looks fun. I will be playing with my friends. It's just simple as that. I really can't say I give a rats ass if it's consoled version or not. I play games because they are fun. Unlike some other people in this board.

How about if tonight they announce that the PS3 version doesn't support online co-op? You'd be in here "bitching" and "crying". And if you wouldn't, that's because you play $65 first person shooters on a $600 console with a game pad. You'll take anything.
Now you are making fun of console users? That's priceless, coming from a deadbeat pc elitist.

If they say no "coop" for ps3, I still couldn't give a flying **** about it because I don't intend to buy it on ps3. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
And since when is "changed or unchaged consoled version" is a deciding factor for buying games?
I can never tell if you really can't figure out the meaning of sentences or if you deliberately try to misunderstand. Oh, well never mind.
gamepad lol
"mouse support" FTW
I play games because they are fun.

So does everyone else here, it just so happens that the features of the game that tend add longevity and more fun to the game for PC gamers arent included. Why shouldnt they be disheartened?
Just got an email from the gameshop where I ordered it that it's too late to cancel it now, but that I can return it when I get it. Which should be tomorrow since, gonna be hard to not open it and think "fuck it, can't be that bad right?".
Take it to tells, Dave and Nancy. Nobody cares 'bout yer love games.

p.s. The co-op in Modern Warfare 2 actually looks prettay awesome. The only real loss for me in this new system is the lack of lean, which I continue to make use of in Modern Warfare, particularly on hardcore.

The real loss for me is that its only two players, not four
Were people wrong to do the same with Spore?

Rated it 0 just for you.