Are you guys going to try to finish HL2 quickly when you get to play it?

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As for me I will take it slow and enjoy all the stuffs around in HL2, the graphics, details and playing around with the manipulator :D
Same, I usually don't rush games first time playing and beating it, the second time I usually go faster because I will know what everything does,etc.
no way. you do not rush through a Gem like hl2. you take it slow and soak in all its beauty, try to notice all nice little things in the game that make it more enjoyable.
I probably will end up playing it as much as possible. Best to get it out of the way so I can concentrate on my university assignments, heh. :p
I'm exploring every single thing in the game, and comsuming the eye-candy :D Anyways, if HL1 has lasted me a good 3 years now, I think HL2 should last me a long time too :p
You know there will be loads of people who will rush through and finish it in 10 hours or something stupid, and come here and make a thread 'FINISHED!' i will shake my fist at them!
I dont think you should aim to either finish quick or take your time. Just do what comes naturally and the experience is more fun, more real.
I will have to slap myself not to rush through the game. On the other hand I'll be too busy ****ing around with the manipulator..
I never rush games.
Well i mostly play things like Rome TW and CIv 2 and 3 only a few fps like q3 so i like to get imersed in a game
personally I take my time also exploring the first time, and Ican do that a long time, but unfortunatly most here are so leet, they will play it the furst time in a few days and the second in a day, so it might be a dissapointement to a lot of people, oh yeah and the gamespot guy said that the kengt for experirnced users is between 12 and 15 hours, so thats even shorter than the mags said.
Nooo i hope no 1 rushes through it , im going to take my time and work things out.
-ZerØ said:
isint called the zero-gravity gun?..not manipulator

If you wanna be picky its called the ' Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator'. so whatever you want...most people stick with manipulator.
i am going to go very slowly through the game.. explore every nook and cranny before i am forced to moved forward.