Are you happy ?

So ?

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Sep 9, 2003
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Simple question, tough answer.

I am, i've finnaly found someone to live my life with.
Yes. Because I don't have to think about Algebra II for the rest of the week. :)
Not momentarly happy, happy with your life, happy with how things are going..
Sprafa said:
Not momentarly happy, happy with your life, happy with how things are going..
Yes, I'm very happy with how things are going. No more AII for a week! After this week, I'll be happy again in a couple of months.
I'm the first to say no? Well, that just makes me even more unhappy. Misery loves company.
Laivasse said:
I'm the first to say no? Well, that just makes me even more unhappy. Misery loves company.

all the others are just too ashamed, I'm usually like you :)

I just caught a nice break from the last few months and it's all going well.
I am glad to hear you're glad man
I'm glad. April 20th > Year
If you'd asked me last week I’d have answered with a loud, resounding no. In fact, I've been in a state of total depression for two years or so that really kicked up in the last month. But I'm finally, finally starting to come out of it. I've never felt so good.
I'm in my own personal hell currently and I'm waiting on starting a new life AGAIN...

...but other then that...yea sort of.
Erm, sort of I guess. I'm really happy when I'm out with my mates, but when I'm sitting here on the PC I just keeping thinking "I'm wasting my time" :p Which then gets me down.
Marcopollo is now sad because people refer to themselves in third person
Live is goood, recently I aquired many new songs and ive never been happier, I don't know what i'd do without music I really don't. Maybe it's momentary happyness or whatever but Im feeling goooooood right noe! :D
2 weeks ago yes, I was with my girlfriend and having a laid back life.

Now it's exam season, I've just had to do a 6500 word essay, telephone interview, presentation tomorrow and I'm afraid I will develop a case of the mumps soon, after possibly being exposed by a kindly friend.

Kinda stressful.

But this time in a couple of months, if I've passed my exams, got a job, and not had the mumps (just had an MMR vaccine today - too late like if I do have it) and I meet my girlfriend soon, I'll be as happy as punch.

Otherwise :x
FarrowLeSparrow brings cheer to the thread... at least for one person.

If I'd have answered this question a few hours ago, it would have been a deffinate no.

But now, its most deffinately yes :D
not great - some things to sort out that i thought were nearly done and then.........

AGH!!! Some day soon maybe i can go back to the way i was a LONG time ago (it seems at least)
I hate my life at the mo. Alevels suck, i have no free time and no money. Wheneva i do something fun i feel bad for not doing enough work for college. I'm just not good at balancin things. :(
I'm some what happy, more happy than sad. life could be better
Generally yes. There's stuff I need to sort out at uni - exams and stuff - that I'm not looking forward to, but all in all things're pretty good.

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Steve happy. Steve like stuff.
Chi like Steve. Steve no like bummers. Steve outta luck :naughty:
I'm not so much happy, as thoroughly devoid of hope and utterly resentful of the human race and the empty pseudo-life I 'lead'. I'm told it could be worse. I say it probably will be.
fine but being sick for so long sucks,cant go to college,had to defer to next year which is shit,no job,bored off my arse tbh ;(
I'm happy now it's passed midnight

Happy Birthday to me!

I saw in the new year of my life by calculating the vibrational wavenumbers of various isotopomers of hydrogen chloride :bonce: but next thursday we're having a tarts and trannys bar crawl for my birthday, when I'm back at uni :D
Murray_H said:
I'm happy now it's passed midnight

Happy Birthday to me!

I saw in the new year of my life by calculating the vibrational wavenumbers of various isotopomers of hydrogen chloride :bonce: but next thursday we're having a tarts and trannys bar crawl for my birthday, when I'm back at uni :D
Happy birthday you filthy, gender-bending phyicist, you!
Or chemist. Whatever - you're a science stuent and you nick women's clothing.

NÜk said:
I'm not so much happy, as thoroughly devoid of hope and utterly resentful of the human race and the empty pseudo-life I 'lead'. I'm told it could be worse. I say it probably will be.

Amen, brutha, spread the love....spread its brains over the wall! :sniper: SPREAD IT OUT FLAT WITH A STEAMROLLER!!


I'm 40 words into a 2500 word essay on a topic which I'm clueless about, with few notes and no books. 3 days ago I went from 10pm to 10am doing exactly the same type of essay, and my body still hasn't recovered. Slept for 5 hours in the middle of the day today. Looking ahead in my life there is no forseeable end to this pattern.

That's just the immediate situation. My individual problems are so numerous that to list them would be an exercise in comedy, as much as self-pity. The only reprieve I get is when I slip into that kind of mentality where I think, "bah, balls to it, it's all shite anyway" and I manage to reach a plane of kind of cheerful apathy for a few seconds. And every time I read a thread about something like "China flexes muscles: armed conflict probable" or "Peak Oil: HUMANITY WILL DIEZ0RZZ11!", I start rubbing my hands because I really would welcome some form of armageddon.

But music (metal) is good. Band of the moment? Why, REVENGE, of course.
No, i never have been completely happy... one of my friends always is, im amazed how she does it. really. :(
Tha Bible said:
For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth wisdom increaseth sorrow.

^^^Clearly here is where we're going wrong.