Are you in good physical shape?


Apr 12, 2006
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I wonder how many of you are fit. I'm somewhat fit, as I do cardio 5 times a week and lift 4 times. My body isn't great, but it's getting there. How about youz guys?
I am. I don't have a 6-pack, but I don't have any gut either. I lift and run alot.
The only "work-outs" I do are taking really slow walks in the woods near my house. So yeah, not really.
Nah. Naturally I'm a pretty skinny guy but I'm not very active anymore so I got a bit of a gut on me. I could probably lose it pretty easily if I put in the effort...

I get a bit of a workout on the drums, but I'm still sitting on my arse :)
*looks at picture*
"holy ****"

I'm a combination of toning and general skinnyness :D
i'm a tiny bit soft around the edges, but i'm fit, reasonably muscular and have great condition and lung capacity.

image comparison.
last year
now (image isnt the best but its the only one i had around)

i've been really fat for the greater part of my life and have spent the latest year losing this shit. i havent done any weight training for the last months since i borrowed the weights from someone, so my arms and legs arent what they used to be :| but still i feel great physically, been doing lots of swimming this summer :)
I'm pretty skinny. 5'10, almost 16, and weigh about 144. I bike a lot. When I do bike I usually go at least ~15 miles sometimes ~30. I've done over 60 however with ease.

I was lifting until Soccer started. I hurt my ankle when we were messing around before our second practice yesterday. Still did the full 2 hour practice. In fact on our second run I still managed to pull out a lead in front of everyone else. Although today I decided not to go to practice.. my ankle needs its rest. I got 2 practices tomorrow anyway.

I'm rather skinny. No 6 pack or nothin but probably by the time Soccer season ends.

I gained quite a bit of weight when I stopped playing Soccer when going into 7th grade. I actually Weighed about 150 in the 8th grade and then December 9th grade I weighed about 170. That month I decided to stop drinking Soda and eating Mc Donalads. I lost about ~10 pounds from that. Then in May, of my 9th grade school year, I decided to start taking long walks. I lost a good 15 ~ 20 pounds doing that every day for about two weeks(3 1/2 to 5 1/2 miles). During July\August I started biking and started gaining some leg muscle and lost 5 - 10 pounds of fat.

Going into my 10th grade year I easily kept the weight off. Now during this summer, going into the 11th grade, I've been lifting weights and getting ready for soccer again. I do still have some loose skin though.

Wow ur puny.
a present from an apple


I don't work out, I smoke, not particularly physically active, and I ingest a lot of things that I'm guessing aren't doing wonders for my health. That said, I don't overeat, I'm fairly lean, I could hold my own in a fight, I'm at the very least hygenic, and I'm not dying of anything at the moment.
I cycle a lot and eat a fairly balanced diet. I wouldn't say I'm in great shape, but it aint bad.
I've really started to lose the gut and althought I'm not pretty muscular atm, I'm thinner, and a small gut is still there, but it's going and I've started going to the gym more so, ye.
Slowly, but surely, I'll get there. Losing the small gut I got and working out at the gym.
Gotta six pack and I can boob dance (they're not fat). But I lack an ass and muscular legs :(

I'm no Short Recoil/Terminator, but I can do 30 pull-ups!
No, I have a bit of a stomache but I'm not overweight or anything.
didn't exercise much this summer, but getting back to the gym and begin running next week. after about 8mo of not lifting i lost a lot of strength.
well, I was about 50 kg starting this year, but now i'm 58 kg and i've been going to the gym regularly... so I think that's saying something :)
I have a 6 pack and I'm really lean... not as big as I would like to be though.
I've got full blown AIDS =(


But other than that minor inconvienence, I need to start working out again, stopped last year around this time.
^ lolage.

I'm comfortable with my body for the moment. I get exercise when I deem it necessary. (And yes I've excercised before I just don't do it all the time :p)

EDIT: Also, these forums seem to start to go emo. "Are you in good physical shape?" "Need help with girl" "Do you like girls jeans?" :p
I'm somewhat overweight. I have a metabolism slower than an old snail. Been working actively to try to change that. And I have an eating disorder, so been working to change that too.

I'll go cry now.
EDIT: Also, these forums seem to start to go emo. "Are you in good physical shape?" "Need help with girl" "Do you like girls jeans?" :p
Emo? Ha! Half the topics end with everyone declaring how much they <3 eachother.
Well I cant say I'm in great shape, but not that bad either. I'm kind of thin and not too muscular. I've tried to gain some weight, but no matter how much I eat I still stay thin!
Well I cant say I'm in great shape, but not that bad either. I'm kind of thin and not too muscular. I've tried to gain some weight, but no matter how much I eat I still stay thin!
Quantum physics says all of that food is phasing out of this dimension when you eat it and going to alternate fat you. So eat up :D
I still have a bit of fat but I'm a lot thinner than I was say...five months ago. I'm eating less, and healthier stuff, but I'm still not doing a lot of excersize. Oh well.
I'm well built and strong, but i'm not fit in that I can't run up a flight of stairs or further than 200m without getting really out of breath.
6'4", 170 lbs.

I have a home gym, work out hard every other day, occasionally I'll lift weights if I'm bored with the gym, but the gym usually serves my purpose nicely.
When I started working out in March I was 155 lbs, so I've been making progress.

I'm no Terminator, but I am fairly cut, and I have a 6 pack.
6'4", 170 lbs.

I have a home gym, work out hard every other day, occasionally I'll lift weights if I'm bored with the gym, but the gym usually serves my purpose nicely.
When I started working out in March I was 155 lbs, so I've been making progress.

I'm no Terminator, but I am fairly cut, and I have a visible 6 pack.

Correction :)
Correction :)

Heh, I disagree with the whole "everyone has a 6 pack, you just can't see it" thing... Before I started working out my stomach was flat, completely and totally flat. No flab, no muscle, nothing.

Really skinny people, like I was, don't have six packs.
Heh, I disagree with the whole "everyone has a 6 pack, you just can't see it" thing... Before I started working out my stomach was flat, completely and totally flat. No flab, no muscle, nothing.

Really skinny people, like I was, don't have six packs.

It was there, you just didn't have much definition. The anatomy of the rectus abdominis is exactly what we praise the six pack to be. It's mostly achieved by low body fat percentages.
No, not at all. I am going to start going to the gym soon, and I do walks every now and again, but thats about all. I'm buying a bike this weekend because I don't particually want to go for long runs around this area much and I'd prefer to be a bike, but I'll find some place for running. I want to be fairly fit for after I'm 18 so that when I go to the Army basic training I'll atleast be abit ready for all that stuff. I got 2 years anyway.
I'm a lil' overweight, but not by very much according to most sites

Other then that, I eat pretty healthy