Are you in our BF2 [] clan?

Are you gonna join our clan?[]

  • Yes i am in the Clan

    Votes: 37 54.4%
  • No, i am getting BF2, but dont want to join.

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • I'm gonna upgrade pc, so count me in!

    Votes: 9 13.2%
  • My PC isnt good enough for the game :(

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • No i hate that game, not buying it.

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Ban KoreBolteR

    Votes: 11 16.2%

  • Total voters
If i had a better comp.....

and i voted ban KoreBolteR
KoreBolteR said:
why wouldnt you be accepted?

anyone on this forum is welcome :dozey: \:D/

I dont know, my hairs not short enough?

/me shrugs
Ritz said:
I dont know, my hairs not short enough?

* Ritz shrugs

haha if that were the case I wouldn't be allowed in.
you (and all hl2.netters) are welcome.
where's the: "im not in the clan, but want to be" option? I got a private msg, and said i wanted to be in it, but don't think i was included. OUTRAGE! AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!!! ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!
I'll be in when i get it and fix my comp.....
Ritz you are all ready in, this is open for all in peps. so no worrys.
I wont be available to play this game until the 5th of July at the earliest.
Im guessing when the game is up and running if people are idiots, dont team play etc etc they should be kicked off.
I want to play.
Name Solaris
xfire solaris152000
role chopper pilot
Icarusintel said:
is xfire a requirement or something?

Its going to be how everyone chats and finds games..
Ritz said:
Im guessing when the game is up and running if people are idiots, dont team play etc etc they should be kicked off.
yup, or at the very least I won't play with em ;)

if I can get a good 6 member squad who work really well together, have a good attitude and play often, Im going to be in heaven :)
Mr. Redundant said:
yup, or at the very least I won't play with em ;)

if I can get a good 6 member squad who work really well together, have a good attitude and play often, Im going to be in heaven :)

My thoughts precisely :D

Damn exams... I'm not gona be able to play for more than like 30 mins at a time a day :(

After I'm finished with em I'll be back into this game with avengence though :D
Dood this game is sik, watching movie 12 is fooking awsome
less than a month people
i hope valve learn from this - peole were crying out for something like this and valve could have had a multiplayer war game set in the hl universe and ruled the world damnit!
I'll be in, if only as cannon fodder.
Only when i build my computer, the parts are lying across the floor.
Only when i buy it.

But i want to join.
ailevation said:
:) I would join, if you let me?

No problem, this is still open to all peps.

Just post in a XFIRE/Clan Organization , your info, just se post above for more info.

And welcome to our huge clan :thumbs:

woot 800 posts
I dont have XFire yet. I'll get it sometime tonight after i finish my art folio
TheSomeone said:
Too many people...
you forget we have different timezones, so obviously we won't all be on the same server. we intend to get together using Xfire, play when we can and see what/who works together as squads.
the more the merrier.
Mr. Redundant said:
you forget we have different timezones, so obviously we won't all be on the same server. we intend to get together using Xfire, play when we can and see what/who works together as squads.
the more the merrier.

Exactly. And the good thing is: it's easy to quickly fill low-populated servers.
Alright then. I'm in.

Xfire: emmdoubleew

Is there any way someone can compile a clan buddy list I can just load so I don't have to manually enter everyone's name?