Are you living in a computer simulation?

I'm not gonna read all that.

Anyways...I wanna be Neo if all that is true.....(all movies end with a happy ending)...

I'm sleepy...

i've known were in a matrix like world for a while
and that the Wachowski Brothers are trying to tell us that this is our fate, while making millions of dollars. but, the machines can't get to them cause, according to a computer program is looking at it, they haven't broken any rules... see, they have neo in the movies, "the one" we have no chance of that, all hte calculations would be precise! no "anamolly" that neo is. otherwise they'd just put us in a place with happy bunnys. but they have to factor in the problem of choice to make this world more believeable, and there was no remainder.... they're ****ing computers, they can add, subtract, multiply, and divde to the precise T. I have a theory.. people whose favorite color is green (like my father) have no idea what is going on people who like the color blue (like me) now that sumthing is wrong w/ this world. maybe i'm over analising this, but thats my 2 cents on this world

EDIT: srry about the qoute, i thought i clicked the edit button
Originally posted by thehunter1320
i've known were in a matrix like world for a while
and that the Wachowski Brothers are trying to tell us that this is our fate, while making millions of dollars. but, the machines can't get to them cause, according to a computer program is looking at it, they haven't broken any rules... see, they have neo in the movies, "the one" we have no chance of that, all hte calculations would be precise! no "anamolly" that neo is. otherwise they'd just put us in a place with happy bunnys. but they have to factor in the problem of choice to make this world more believeable, and there was no remainder.... they're ****ing computers, they can add, subtract, multiply, and divde to the precise T. I have a theory.. people whose favorite color is green (like my father) have no idea what is going on people who like the color blue (like me) now that sumthing is wrong w/ this world. maybe i'm over analising this, but thats my 2 cents on this world
The brick wall outside of my school has some nice bumpmapping.
Originally posted by nw909
The brick wall outside of my school has some nice bumpmapping.
Is it dx9?

If this was a computer simulation, i wonder what video card the computer running us has.
More than likely a ATI card due to the great AA.
That should be their slogan

"If this was a computer simulation, we would be powering it."
Yeah, all things in LIFE_01 seem to have very soft AA, AF is good too, except for the fact I needed an upgrade (GLASSES_3.0) to be able to use the high quality AF...
Originally posted by nw909
Yeah, all things in LIFE_01 seem to have very soft AA, AF is good too, except for the fact I needed an upgrade (GLASSES_3.0) to be able to use the high quality AF...
LOL! I'm confused now.....
Hey, sup guys,
I just noticed this thread, I was about to read the site's stuff, but it's too much.
Care to fill me in?
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Hey, sup guys,
I just noticed this thread, I was about to read the site's stuff, but it's too much.
Care to fill me in?
Basically what there trying to say is, your going to hell.
This is a serious conversation!

LIFE_01 is currently running at 1,203,402.23 FPS where I am, LIFE_01 has perfect graphics it seems, it has some bugs like when hitting "~" it doesn't do much, using guns in some area's can get you into a map called "JAIL_1.lmf" (LIFE_MAP_FILE), life overall is a good thing though.
If this is all true--My life is screwed, everything I accomplish;my friends , family etc...
I will found out a way to get out of this and kill whoever is doing this.

...Only if it were true;)
Look at it this way. There will come a point in the not too distant future when we will have enough computing power at our disposal to run a software version of a human mind, on our PC, in our home. As CPU speeds improve we will be able to run more and more simulations at once, like sim city or the sims. But how would you know if you were a simulated mind?
To be honest, i never read the story. I just made geeky comments with nw909.
Originally posted by nw909
LIFE_01 is currently running at 1,203,402.23 FPS where I am, LIFE_01 has perfect graphics it seems, it has some bugs like when hitting "~" it doesn't do much, using guns in some area's can get you into a map called "JAIL_1.lmf" (LIFE_MAP_FILE), life overall is a good thing though.
Sure the graphics are great and the controls are precise... but the gameplay is boring, the soundtrack leaves a lot to be desired, there are too many 'n00bs', and the whole permanent death thing needs to be rethought.
I always found this topic amusing ... take this situation for example:

1. Lets imagine somebody made a teleporter, which could transfer you by reconstructing your body atom-by-atom in another place. So you decide to teleport yourself to the moon. You step into the teleporter, it records all the atom postions in your body, beams the information to another teleporter on the moon which creates a 100% exact copy based on that information. So now you're on the moon, you feel like yourself, but are you the real YOU? No, not really. You have memories, but it's all an illusion since you are just a bunch of atoms grouped together in a way to make that illusion. The real YOU is still walking around on earth.

Now this is more interesting (and frieghtening?):

2. You get into a car accident and you die. Your brain activity stops. At this point you are nothing more then a bunch of atoms, right?

Then through wonderful medical techniques you're resuscitated and you're alive and kicking again. But are you the real YOU? As you can see this real-life example is very similar to the theoretical example above. If that's so, it means you really did die in the car accident, and the person who was resuscitated is actually a different guy!

I guess there is no other way to explain this paradox other than that there is something to reality that we don't know about.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Raiden, what does that have to do with anything?
So what if I refered to a movie?

Maybe it got to their heads. Just because they saw it at least 500 times,doesn't mean they should start saying so! Those people need a taste of reality. And need a girlfriend or a boyfriend(if one of those "predictors" are women). They just have too much time on their hands to ASSUME this.That's all.
no whoever made this thread must be a matrix-nut
to me it just shows that you can prove almost anything if you try hard enough(no matter how absurd)
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
you have to be middle drunk to disuss this im so drunk that i had to take off my spaebars on osiussing tonight,illtelete this tommoorow

Actually the topic of the thread is based on a Philosophy paper from Oxford University. The matrix analogy was used so that people could relate to the subject on a more personal level, let's face it, who's not seen the Matrix. Besides, the matrix actually covers this theory in great detail, especially the second one when Neo meets his maker.

I guess I shouldn't post these kinda topics on saturday nights :D
There was actually a issue of NEW SCIENTIST a while back that dealt with this issue...

and that it is actually exteremly viable that we are living in a Computer simulation, and that there are actually million's of scientists around the world trying to prove that we are either within one, or not...

the thing is if you proved that this was all a simulation, would people really want to know, would people really want to acknowledge it...

and the other question is, who is real and who are just programs...

and that person that you love, is she/he really real?

Really, if this was all proved to be a computer simulation, I wouldn't leave, because I wouldn't want to loose the person that I love...ever
Originally posted by bastard_loud
If this was a computersimulation, it would've been hacked by now.

Whos to say it hasn't? How would you know if it had or not? Since you're perspective is from inside the box you wouldn't realise. Who knows, All these natural disasters like volcanos and earthquakes, might all be someone making a map that hasnt been finnished:)

Interestingly, did anyone see that film "The 13th floor"? The idea behind that was pretty much this. They had created an artificial world on computers, without realising they themselves were in fact inside one.
There has always been this one idea i've had about using computer simulations to your advantage. Lets say we were able to create our own sort of matrix, like what we are talking about here the people inside would live there lives as we would, only they aren't actually real. Now lets assume that they are infact humans and they can advance technologically and explore the virtual universe that they are in. Now lets say the computer is powerful enough to speed the simulation up so that the people inside would advance from the stone age to our modern age in a matter of hours. You could use this simulation as a means of discovering new technologies for you, to find out how to properly advance our civilization.
My thoughts exactly Mullinator, imagine if you could run 1000 simulated Einstein minds simultaneously in the matter of hours, then study the results and findings. This technology will happen, its not a case of if, its a case of when.

This is the reason why Technology is advancing at a much quicker rate than ever before. Technology aiding the advance of even more advanced technology (Self-accelerating technologies) can only mean that we will achieve a level of Artificial intelligence that we could only have dreamed of in the 90's much sooner than we think.