Are you male or female?


  • Total voters
<RJMC> said:
I was joking

90% of my posts are jokes (really)

and I know someone who is a real girl but I am not care about this

Meh, I know, but I'm feeling arguementative today.
Why do guys feel the need to choose the "female" option?! I'm rather concerned :rolleyes:
There are no women on the internet, there can'e be!

Yeah, I'm a guy...need some stuff to fill this post with...

It'll own your mother****ing cat.
bliink said:
Why do guys feel the need to choose the "female" option?! I'm rather concerned :rolleyes:

They have problems.....
Wait, there can only be one Pesmerga and one Short Recoil. How can there be 4 people with that option?
Sulkdodds said:
Wait, there can only be one Pesmerga and one Short Recoil. How can there be 4 people with that option?

and none of them actually are pesmerga or short recoil :rolleyes:
Sulkdodds said:
Wait, there can only be one Pesmerga and one Short Recoil. How can there be 4 people with that option?
And those four are bam23, DreadLord1337, Ikerous and joule.
chu said:
I am the supreme being. I have all genetalia.


EDIT: Oh yeah, almost forgot, i'm a boy.

Yes, I forgot that I was a mamalian.

/me recalls my new word

/me waits for /me to work
So far, no one has seen my genitals and survived.

Do you dare to take the quest to find out CrazyHarij's real gender?

Joule will be able to verify RJMCs gender and for the record, although confused, joule is completly male, although he likes people to think otherwise.

I'm glad there are women on the intarnets, makes me feel like less of geek somehow. :P
*Uses x-ray vision on CrazyHarij*


Skaadi said:
*sigh* that really shows how much you know.......*claps hands*

I must be a 14 year old porn star, bravo
I like the girls that use teh intrawerb.

hehe, j/k skaadi... don't castrate me...
CrazyHarij said:
So far, no one has seen my genitals and survived.

Do you dare to take the quest to find out CrazyHarij's real gender?
Not even ComradeBadger? WOW....
Que-Ever said:
We all bloody well know that comrade badger isn't alive :rolleyes:

Anyway, taken from another thread:

CrazyHarij said:
How can you know? Girls are masters at hiding the truth.

So Doesn't that mean CrazyHarij is a Girl?
If you're gay and you know it clap your hands...

What? You really expected me to clap my hands?

Btw, omg male
The_Monkey said:
And those four are bam23, DreadLord1337, Ikerous and joule.

Pes told me to vote for him, he said this was an election, sorry.
DreadLord1337 said:
Pes told me to vote for him, he said this was an election, sorry.
I have an election right now.
LittleB said:
Girls on our website?! liek, OMG! bewbies!! <3
DUDE! /spiffy up

Where are they? Time to work my intraweb mojo.
I don't know... even my Avatar is shaking her/his head in either disgust or mutual confusion.
Why, i do not believe you are old enough Sir! Ask again in 7 years, thankyou. :D
I'll do it I'll do it! /me enters blissfully
