Are you "nice"?

The "Granny-o-meter"

  • I help old ladies over the road, and carry their shopping home as well.

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • I help old ladies over the road, that's charitable enough.

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • I help old ladies over the road if there's something in it for me.

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • I only help old ladies if people are watching, but why should I?

    Votes: 6 6.8%
  • I mug old ladies.

    Votes: 31 35.2%

  • Total voters


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Are you a nice person?

Are you a friendly, approachable, likeable person that everybody admires?

Perhaps you're the person who is loyal and friendly to all of your friends, family and acquaintances, but possibly just that little bit less welcoming to strangers?

Do you harbour negative feelings behind a mask of pleasant demeanour, but remain selfless even when you're down?

Are you grouchy, irritable and generally unpleasant when things aren't going your way? Or are you just a selfish swine who's only ambition is to achieve your own ends by shunning and earning the distaste of people around you?

Recently, I've noticed that I've become a very bitter and envious person, and as a result I've become quick to anger and normally end most days seething with really unpleasant emotions and thoughts. It's annoying, because the more I think about it, the more it really burns me and the cycle begins again!

It's not a good time and I find myself confiding in people less in favour of moping around, absorbing myself in work and video games, which in turn get the best of me when something goes wrong. Most unpleasant.

So, right now I'm anything but a "nice" person, I'm a bit of a bastard.

What are you? Use the 'Granny-o-meter' - and be honest!
I'm a social creature normally, but I can't pass up mugging an OAP.
What else are they good for, seriously? I mean ... I involuntarily pay their pension ... basically I'm just reclaiming what's mine. And a good clout round the head for stress relief, just for the hassle.
What else are they good for, seriously? I mean ... I involuntarily pay their pension ... basically I'm just reclaiming what's mine. And a good clout round the head for stress relief, just for the hassle.

Its been known to cure Alzheimer's!
"Perhaps you're the person who is loyal and friendly to all of your friends, family and acquaintances, but possibly just that little bit less welcoming to strangers?"

In fact, if I don't know you, don't bother talking to me. You won't get the response you were looking (hoping) for.
I'll still retain my happiness and friendliness even in times of trouble. (It's a family thing)
Never helped an old lady across the road, probably because she'd think I was mugging her.

But I think I'm quite nice, but I can get a bit of an attitude, just not when things don't go my way.
Why do old ladies need help crossing the road?
They've had more experience in roads than I have, therefore they should help me cross the road.
Most people I know have never seen me angry, unless it's something that happened in World of Warcraft, which I stopped playing.

I'm too nice, really. Only thing is, my face has a bit of a natural scowl to it or something, so sometimes I look stressed/serious/annoyed etc. to the average on-looker, when I'm really not. I'm trying to fix it at the moment.
Why did granny try to cross the road?

Because I shoved her in front of a car. There's your answer.

Nah, I'm a nice guy, not in the "doormat" sense, but a polite guy.
None of the above. I'd help her if all her things were falling all over the place, but otherwise no.
Yeah Im a nice guy, try to be as polite, selfless and tolerant as I can, if someone is really pissing me off i usually just walk away, but im certainly not a doormatt, Id stick up for myself and my friends. I dunno about helping an old person across the road because i dont really its nessarry, if one collapsed in the middle of the road i would go and help though.
I'm very polite to anyone who is older than me, polite to people who I don't know, and nice, I'd guess to my friends. People say that I'm too "soft", but I still whack people I consider "human trash".

And yeah, I'd help that lady across the street and carry her shopping; I've done it a few times, actually.
Though I avoid being a doormat, I do tend to do stuff for people I don't really have to do, so I guess I'm moderately nice.
just yesterday I helped some guy who's car tire was stuck in a hole in the road ..which was nice but the entire time I was thinking "****ing idiot, why cant he rock the car and get it out of the hole in the road himself? why are we pushing this car like morons?" ...but generally I'm nice and most people think of me that way ...but I also tend to blow up on stupidity so some people are naturally weary of me ..a jackass here at work made some asshole-ish comment to me and a turned right around and told him to stfu while poking a finger at his face from within a few inches of him ..he's been nice to me ever since ...there's nothing wrong with being nice so long as you're not a doormat
I'm a nice guy, but strangers often find me rude, not sure why.

I'll help an old lady across the road if I gets a little sugar afterwards! The old ones know how to work it.
Im usually a nice guy unless im in a bad mood...which happens a ton :(
Im incredibly nice to everyone BUT old ladies. They piss me off.
I help old ladies over the road if there's something in it for me.

Best answer yet.

Me and my friend helped an old lady change a tire once. She said thank you and drove away. **** old people :flame:
I'm polite and courteous, except at work, if you put your drink down and look away from it for a secound, I'll take it and throw it away.
did you expect to be paid? was she at the side of the road or you helped out a neigbour?

what ever happened to help people? a news report recently said that a woman who was thrown out of her car and over an overpass onto the highway below lied there for about 10 minutes while drivers DROVE around her while she was still alive ...this is the society we live in, where people are more concerned about themselves to help another human being
a news report recently said that a woman who was thrown out of her car and over an overpass onto the highway below lied there for about 10 minutes while drivers DROVE around her while she was still alive ...this is the society we live in, where people are more concerned about themselves to help another human being

What? You're surprised?

On topic, I would help an old lady or stranger only if they asked me too, I never volunteer...
what ever happened to help people? a news report recently said that a woman who was thrown out of her car and over an overpass onto the highway below lied there for about 10 minutes while drivers DROVE around her while she was still alive ...this is the society we live in, where people are more concerned about themselves to help another human being

Tell me about it. About a year ago I fainted on a busy sidewalk. When I awoke, my glasses were broken and my wallet gone. A woman was leaning over me saying, "I saw you fall from across the street. Many people stepped on your glasses and one man stole your wallet before I could get over here." I'm deeply indebted to her, but not to much of anyone else.
Both of those stories are quite shocking.
What? You're surprised?

no I'm not surprised ..because:

On topic, I would help an old lady or stranger only if they asked me too, I never volunteer...

last winter an old man crossing the street during a snowstorm fell and couldnt back up because the streets were slick with ice ..I was about 7 or 8th car stopped at the light ..the light turns green, the first car drives AROUND the old man still in on the floor ..the other cars behind stand there and WAIT for the man to get up ..I pulled up to the front of the line blocked everyone from crossing the intersection and got out of my car to help than man up, he was grateful the people stuckl at the light were not ..people shot me dirty looks but no one dared say anything because they kknew they should have helped him

but I'm no saint ..a few years back I was at a light waiting to turn left once it turned green ..well being in a manual transmission car at the time I tended to rock the car back and forth ..well I pulled up a bit and I guess the car right next to me thought the light had changed and he stepped on the gas and shot through the red light ..and was slammed by another car heading the other way ...the light turned green I made my turn and took off ..I could have stayed because I witnessed the accident but ..meh
Ive never been in a situation like that yet, so I dont know how id react.
last winter an old man crossing the street during a snowstorm fell and couldnt back up because the streets were slick with ice ..I was about 7 or 8th car stopped at the light ..the light turns green, the first car drives AROUND the old man still in on the floor ..the other cars behind stand there and WAIT for the man to get up ..I pulled up to the front of the line blocked everyone from crossing the intersection and got out of my car to help than man up, he was grateful the people stuckl at the light were not ..people shot me dirty looks but no one dared say anything because they kknew they should have helped him

People are bastards like that. It reminds me of when I had my bike accident a couple of months back - bike slammed into the kerb quite spectacularly and I slid down the road.
Laying on my up...queue of cars sitting behind me, people just staring. After I'd managed to pick the bike up and get out of the road they just kept on driving. I was waving at everyone for some help because it wasn't exactly roadworthy anymore, about 20 cars passed straight by staring at me until this really nice guy in a van stopped to help and offered to take me and the bike home.
Just goes to show you can't count on anyone for anything in this world.

Referring to the question posted in the thread title...yes and no?
wow even when it could have been a serious injury no one helped?

no you cant count on people although sometimes they'll surprise you ...a few years back some idiot woman was walking her great dane unleashed ..well my dog was tied up in front of my house he freaks out at the dog, the dog comes running up and is staring at my dog from a few inches looking like they're going to go at it dog is chained the other dog is not ..they're growling, and are about to fight .. I jump in the middle to grab my dog (ya stupid) while the lady looks on in horror ..I yell because we are trapped on my front porch and cant back up or move forward ..I yelled at the dog so loudly that 2 jocks (weight lifters) who live down the street came running along with a roofer working on their house ..they were going to help ..I kicked the great dane square in the chest, the dog yelped and slunk back off my porch, I threw my dog in the house and then tore into the woman yelling at her to have her dog leashed ...sometimes under the right circumstances people will help ..however it's usually the minority unless it's special circumstances ..the day this really pretty girl got clipped by a van no shit had about 10 men hanging around was really weird to see half of them with cell phones calling 911 and the other half seeing if she was ok, by holding her up, rubbing her leg (no seriously, even though she was clipped on the shoulder one of the guys was rubbing her ankle for some odd reason) ..oh and I was one of the guys with a cell phone in his hand :)
wow even when it could have been a serious injury no one helped?

Fortunately I didn't hit any cars and didn't land awkwardly, so I was completely uninjured apart from a slightly sprained arm and a couple of little bruises where, ironically, the clips holding the armour in place in my trousers dug into my leg.
Wish I could say the same for the bike, it was utterly wrecked.
I can imagine it looked pretty serious though...I basically rolled on the power a bit too quickly out of a corner in the wet, resulting in the whole rear of the bike sliding around wildly in each direction and the bike leaning from side to side ever closer to the ground until the footpeg dug in and catapulted me into the middle of the road at ~40mph.

no you cant count on people although sometimes they'll surprise you ...a few years back some idiot woman was walking her great dane unleashed ..well my dog was tied up in front of my house he freaks out at the dog, the dog comes running up and is staring at my dog from a few inches looking like they're going to go at it dog is chained the other dog is not ..they're growling, and are about to fight .. I jump in the middle to grab my dog (ya stupid) while the lady looks on in horror ..I yell because we are trapped on my front porch and cant back up or move forward ..I yelled at the dog so loudly that 2 jocks (weight lifters) who live down the street came running along with a roofer working on their house ..they were going to help ..I kicked the great dane square in the chest, the dog yelped and slunk back off my porch, I threw my dog in the house and then tore into the woman yelling at her to have her dog leashed ...sometimes under the right circumstances people will help ..however it's usually the minority unless it's special circumstances ..the day this really pretty girl got clipped by a van no shit had about 10 men hanging around was really weird to see half of them with cell phones calling 911 and the other half seeing if she was ok, by holding her up, rubbing her leg (no seriously, even though she was clipped on the shoulder) ..oh and I was one of the guys with a cell phone in his hand :)


Oh yeah, that happens. I was walking home from a club one night when I heard an enormous crash across the road, went to investigate and this 18 year old hottie had somehow managed to drive her car into a ditch, narrowly avoiding a lamppost.
By the time they put her in the ambulance there were over half a dozen people there, all guys. This is in a residential area past midnight. I'm pretty sure most of them didn't hang around so long out of sheer concern.
I should have asked for her number. :)
heh that's what she wanted, possible head trauma PLUS a date with her he would be rescurer fact that's how I met wife, not really :E

repIV said:
Fortunately I didn't hit any cars and didn't land awkwardly, so I was completely uninjured apart from a slightly sprained arm and a couple of little bruises where, ironically, the clips holding the armour in place in my trousers dug into my leg.

you can never tell if you're injured after an accident, usually due to shock brother's friend described how he had dumped his bike after clipping a car ..he said he felt ok and tried to get up but kept on falling ..didnt realise why he kept falling down till he looked down at his compound fracture ..yup his thigh bone was sticking out of his leg
I'd push her into a car then check her purse for cash. >=D
I think I see looks of concern in the eyes of mothers when I pass by them when they've got their kids with them.