Are you "nice"?

The "Granny-o-meter"

  • I help old ladies over the road, and carry their shopping home as well.

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • I help old ladies over the road, that's charitable enough.

    Votes: 32 36.4%
  • I help old ladies over the road if there's something in it for me.

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • I only help old ladies if people are watching, but why should I?

    Votes: 6 6.8%
  • I mug old ladies.

    Votes: 31 35.2%

  • Total voters
Its not often I see peopl who needs help, but if I do I usually help them unless they appear to have all the help they need (Once in my twenty years have I seen someone have problems without someone getting there to help them before me, and that one time I was walking right beside the person (who appeared to be paralyzed in all limbs except an arm) whose groceries fell out of the shopping bag).

As my disability affects my balance I fall down a lot, and I have never fallen without someone asking if I was okay. With the exception of those times no one else was around.
People see me as a nice person when they first meet me, then their opinion change for the worse. In other words, I make a great first impression, but after that the shit hits the fan (or the eye, in my case).
I am a nice guy, but for some reason, people distrust me and or find me creepy.....actually thats probably whats keeping me from becoming a doormat. life is good.
I'm a nice guy really. I only mug old ladies at xmas if im short of a few quid.
You're right about todays society, read an article in the paper quite a bit ago. A women lay unconcious in the gutter with it pissing it down with rain. God knows how many cars went past until someone finally stopped to help. Utterly ridiculous.

you can never tell if you're injured after an accident, usually due to shock

True dat, three examples. When my dad was a lad, who was mucking about in a scrap yard and fell over, he was dazed at first but opened his eyes and thought he was fine until he saw a huge metal pipe sticking through his leg.

When I was young, was playing football on the concrete, fell over the ball, slammed my head on the floor. Got straight back up again, only to find myself being towed away by my mates for some, I was 'wtf you doing'. Then I seemed to have been temporary blinded by the blood gushing down my head, 'I see'.

Years later, mucking about in some woods near my house, mate of mine fell down this huge hill, but climbed back up again, continued mucking about for another 2 hours. Went home, went to open the door and something hit him. His mum appeared and apparantly he said, 'mum, I beleive my arm broken very badly' before howling in utter pain.
heh that's what she wanted, possible head trauma PLUS a date with her he would be rescurer fact that's how I met wife, not really :E

you can never tell if you're injured after an accident, usually due to shock brother's friend described how he had dumped his bike after clipping a car ..he said he felt ok and tried to get up but kept on falling ..didnt realise why he kept falling down till he looked down at his compound fracture ..yup his thigh bone was sticking out of his leg

That just made me cringe...thanks. D:
gah Shift's post made me wince brother half drunk climbed a fence and impaled himself ..didnt know till he came home and my mom noticed his shirt was completely covered in blood ...he thought he had been stabbed cuz earlier that night he had been in a fight ...needless to say when I went to visit him in the hospital after they performed emergency exploratory surgery I pieced together what had really happened ..I still laugh at him to this day about it
A friend of mine rode his bike and fell. He thought he was alright until he was about to get his bike back. Then he realized his arm was broken straight off and was hanging at 90 degress.
A friend of mine rode his bike and fell. He thought he was alright until he was about to get his bike back. Then he realized his ask was broken straight off and was hanging at 90 degress.

An English teacher at my school says you can hardly feel broken ribs for few minutes, then they start hurting like hell (he does mountain-biking). I'm sure I've seen Derren Brown on Youtube sticking needs through peoples' skin while they don't feel a thing, I think he says it's all about not really having your attention on the wound, or not expecting it to hurt. Or something. Maybe it's a bit like that hypno-surgury thing they did on TV (different program), no aneasthetic or anything.

I... might help an old woman if no-one was watching.
When I fractured my arm (arm + fall + basketball = basketball shaped arm), it wasn't painful until I got to the hospital. It was more of that pins feeling you get in your foot and hotness.
heh that's what she wanted, possible head trauma PLUS a date with her he would be rescurer fact that's how I met wife, not really :E


She seemed fine, just a bit shaken up and a few grazes. I'm really curious to this day about what actually happened - she claimed she just randomly lost control of the car and it veered into the ditch. I don't see that as being very likely...
Still, she's very lucky she missed the lamppost and rolled down into a relatively harmless wooden fence. Road furniture is by far the biggest killer of bikers involved in accidents not involving any other vehicles, and I imagine it causes serious injury to people in cars too.

you can never tell if you're injured after an accident, usually due to shock brother's friend described how he had dumped his bike after clipping a car ..he said he felt ok and tried to get up but kept on falling ..didnt realise why he kept falling down till he looked down at his compound fracture ..yup his thigh bone was sticking out of his leg

Nasty...I hope I never end up in that situation. I'm sure I will some day, considering that I basically live on my bike and I have a hyperactive throttle hand, but I've never broken any bones so far and I hope to keep it that way.
Does it depend on the nature of the accident? It all happened so fast - one moment I was on the bike as it swayed from side to side like Barney after a keg of Duff, the next I was lying on the ground. The only way I could even figure out WTF happened and why I was thrown from the bike was by piecing it together later on.
And I felt up straight away. I was more pissed off and frustrated than anything...thank god it was an insurance bike (I had it because someone knocked my bike over when it was parked), fully comp so I didn't have to pay a penny. I suspect the damage caused cost over ?1000 to repair.
To be honest I've had far worse injuries from the numerous pushbike accidents I had - basically because noone ever taught me how to ride, I just bought a bike because I couldn't afford a motorcycle and took it on the road. I had two wobbling into kerb accidents, one losing balance while yelling at idiotic car driver and sliding down the road at 20mph accident, one 360 degree tumble when I yanked the front brake and the grand-daddy of them all - maladjusted front brake jammed fully on when I went over a bump and I flew over the handlebars at speed, landed head-first. Got away with mild concussion and a headache, but apparently I would no longer be alive if it wasn't for my helmet, which was cracked in 16 different places.
Shows the benefits of leathers though - sliding down the road at 20mph in sports clothes hurts like a mother****er, double that speed in my gear and I didn't even feel it. It also raises questions about the lack of cyclist training...looking back on it, I can't believe how completely unfit I was to be on the road. Brave or stupid is what I can't figure out.
I voted the 2nd one. But for some reason I'm generally not at the right place or right time to get asked to do things like 'help an old lady across the road'. And not many old ladies in my neighborhood either. But I am pretty nice and help people in other ways. And if I know you or if you knew a friend of mine (a connection of some kind) then I'd be willing to do more.
Why do old ladies need help crossing the road?
They've had more experience in roads than I have, therefore they should help me cross the road.
Haha Of course!
I'm very cold-hearted. I'm not rude or nasty without cause though.

But if you cross me I will have you handled.
I like to consider myself a decent person. A lot of the time, I tend to help people without even conciously making the decision to.

-Angry Lawyer
Actually, I'm not a complete bastard at work, yesterday one of the tens if not hundreds of drinks I through away that people weren't finished with belonged to a women (middleaged) who told me I through away her half full reef, normally I just ignore them and run away into the crowd, but I got my supervisor to poor her another one.
Actually, I'm not a complete bastard at work, yesterday one of the tens if not hundreds of drinks I through away that people weren't finished with belonged to a women (middleaged) who told me I through away her half full reef, normally I just ignore them and run away into the crowd, but I got my supervisor to poor her another one.

Bourgeoise capitalist scum! Putting efficiency before customer satisfaction...
I'm a reluctant part cog in the capital accumulating machine.
I'm a nice guy but I act like an asshole.

Strangely I can relate.

On the subject of helping the elderly cross the streets I've had to do it once. I swear it was the most awkward five minutes of my life. Didn't help that after getting past a major road at peak hour that there happened to be three more smaller roads that she needed assistance with.

Strangely I can relate.

Yeah... me too :/
It's like I want to be a good person but keep saying stupid or annoying or immature or hurtful stuff, either because I don't think first or I just can't think of anything better to say.
I'd help her across the road, but carrying shopping home is a bit much for me unless they asked for my help.
Does it count as good if I chose "I mug old ladies", but convince you that old people are actually vessels for Satan's minions?

I'm hard to describe as a person. If someone hasn't done me anything, I'm reluctant to engage in slander about them, but if they're assholes, no problem. I almost try my utmost never to offend people because I'm overly sensitive to it myself, or maybe it's just how I am. Generally, I don't help people unless they ask for it, which is pretty strange, since it would be impossible for myself to do the same, were I in their situation. This causes me to bottle any problems/issues I might have up. I would rather put on a mask than be in conflict with others. But outbursts do happen, but I never take it out on the person. I tend to be very negative when I feel that something isn't working, at school for example, but I keep it to myself and my friends. At least I try to. I generally keep to myself to an extreme degree.

Man, if a psychiatrist ever tried drilling into my head, he/she would be eaten by Johnny. Just one tap on the skull and he'll be at their eyes... He always goes for the eyes... :-/
Does it count as good if I chose "I mug old ladies", but convince you that old people are actually vessels for Satan's minions?

I'm hard to describe as a person.

I got to there.

Nobody understands me.