Are you offended by christmas?

Are you offended by Christmas

  • yes

    Votes: 11 9.8%
  • no

    Votes: 101 90.2%

  • Total voters
I prefer Happy Holidays I don't like christmas especially made up fantasy of baby jesus birthday, and why baby jesus? he is 2000 years old corpse!!!
Jesus loves you.
Now stfu.

Just kidding ^_^

He hates you.
Razor said:
Christmas doesn't have to be about Jesus, Christmas is a day where we all come together to give and receive presents and to spend time with members of our family that we haven't seen for a while. Christmas is about celebrating family and friendship. Anyone who is offended by that needs to take a look at themselves.

wow what a stupid statement. it isn't called Christmas for no reason
Personally I'm not offended by Christmas, I just hate the holiday season because it forces me to remember how messed up my family is and how nobody talks to each other anymore. So, Christmas is kind of depressing for me, and I'm glad it's over. :D
qckbeam said:
I don't actually think it's offensive. I was being sarcastic.
*shakes head*

qck qck qck...Don't you know it's hard to detect sarcasm through text. :|
qckbeam said:
Well...if I kick out Neutrino...then I guess I'll have room! :D
You been cheating on me!?!?!?! :O

Yes, greatly. If offends my religion of ITism, we celebrate the birth of the microprocessor, not jesus.
Cheating, threesomes, eating mice... this is turning into a soap opera
Am I offended by Christmas? Pshhh I'm lucky if I don't get offended by the time labor day rolls around.
Farrowlesparrow said:
If only...I'd say this might make Trisha.

HAHA thats a good 1, Trisha, now where are the Chavs lol. Seriously i have no problem with Christmas at all. The PC (Political Correctness) of some local councils in England is ridiculous, some of em are banning people putting up big christmas displays as they cause too much light and sound pollution and it's custom in England for celebs or important people to turn on the Christmas lights in our towns and Cities but now these words aren't PC enough so the council now calls em Winter lights. PC = ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH + WORLD GOING MAD.
I think there are way to many people who are up tight about this holiday kind of crap. i mean here where I live (in pittsburgh) we actually afew years back changed our christmas tree light up cerimony down town from just plan christmas lite up, to light up night because to many people bitched about how they dont celebrate christmas and feel left out. Also people bitched and complained and around here they arent "christmas trees" any more they are "holiday trees" which is bull shit. I mean Im not jewish or anything and I would feel like a complete asshole if I put up a fuss about how I felt left out and wanted manuras to be called "holiday candle holders" I mean seriously everyone should just leave eachother alone and go back to when people had better things to do than complain about OTHER peoples holidays. I mean holy **** people nowa-days make me sick.
Christmas is a socially prevalent term for this time of year over here in England. Our society is very secular these days and Christmas has so little to do with religion that it's borderline irrelevant to it.
To use a different phrase instead actually brings *more* attention to the religious side of the occasion.
insertcoins said:
xmas is a pagan holiday anyway which is a good thing

Well, that's not entirely true. Christmas itself, the part focusing on the birth of christ(for the religious) is indeed, a christian celebration. However... it is true that the holiday was bundled together with alllll the other pagal festivals and celebrations of the roman empire, since the time of year was of merrymaking.

In the sense that its stripped of any religious symbolism outside the name, then yes, I am offended with how our generations treats this holiday.