Are you overweight? If so, what are you going to do about it?

I'm a bit overweight, I could loose a few pounds.

5'11" 185lbs.
KoreBolteR said:
do you think obesity is genetic?

u mostly see these obese kids with larger parents...

No, it's the life-style. If the parents eat big, the children will follow.
six foot even, 135-140 lbs. is this overweight? under?
Que-Ever said:
six foot even, 135-140 lbs. is this overweight? under?

Underweight. (very slightly) But can be dangerous if you have muscle, because that means you don't have enough fat.
I'm probably 4 pounds overweight. And I want really big muscles so I can tear off the door if I'm too lazy to use the handle :(
TheSomeone said:
Underweight. (very slightly) But can be dangerous if you have muscle, because that means you don't have enough fat.
ok, I'm a little weakling, so it's all good.
I have a beer gut but i dont really look overweight..i plan on having a six-pack by summer ;)
i'm not, even though i eat a lot of junkfood i work out every other day and i'm slim and muscular, so i'm pretty happy with my body
Beerdude26 said:
I'm probably 4 pounds overweight. And I want really big muscles so I can tear off the door if I'm too lazy to use the handle :(

i'd like to see that happen.. <_<
I'm about spot on my target weight, I only vary due to water loss/intake really. I also feel good generally.
I used to be a bit pudgy, but I just rode my bike a lot and ate less, and now I'm built like a brick wall.