Are you racist?

Are you racist, either consciously or unconsciously?

  • I am consciously racist.

    Votes: 9 10.7%
  • I am unconsciously racist, but I keep myself in line.

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • I am not racist.

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
Damn right. Gypsies are scum.

A bunch moved into a school playing field down the road from my parents - their caravans tearing up the grass in deep furrows. For months they were there, the school, locals and the police unable to legally move them (!!!). During this time there were burglaries all over town, areas were vandalised, and people intimidated. When they eventually buggered off all that was left was a sea of rubbish and massive patches of dead grass - which cost the school £1000's.

It's not the first time this has happened either. Last time some locals got so riled they firebombed a few caravans. While not the answer, I can understand why people go to such lengths when the government sits by a watches assholes like this wreck decent towns.
There were a load of gippos round my flat in the first year, they lived on barges up the river, and made a lot of money burgling student flats...
yes i an racist because i hate those pesky little blue smurfs. I hate them because of their racial attributes like having a blue skin and being very small.
My biggest hobby is jumping up and down on them when i see em in the forrest. :p :p
Murray_H stole my joke!

So yeah, putting aside things like invisible unknowable conditioning, I'm pretty sure I'm not racist.
Anti-Gypsies is the only acceptable form of discrimination in Modern British Society IMO and it's sickening. We withdraw funding for places for Gypsies to stay, forcing them to stay in carparks, then we call them evil for making a mess. Hell if we made travellers sites in most towns there wouldn't be a problem. I was waiting with my Dad once in a pub for his freind to arrive, and there was a 'No-Gypsies' sign on the wall, my Dads freind came in shouted out not in my ****ing local and ripped it down to a mixed reaction from the people there.
The gypsies near my uni were responsible for almost all of the muggings/rapes/burglaries concerning the students.

I don't hate all gypsies, but I've yet to meet any of them that didn't really live up to the stereotype.
Maybe I have a few prejudges against certain groups such as arabs, but that's something in my unconscious, and not something I can control directly myself.
I'm not a racist but I can come off as one sometimes. Racist jokes can be funny if you just take the stick out of your ass :p
I don't hate all gypsies, but I've yet to meet any of them that didn't really live up to the stereotype.

Same here. The first time a group of them came into the shop where I work the boss told me to keep an eye on them. I got really offended and indignant ('how dare you judge them blah blah blah'), but sure enough, five minutes later we caught them with their pockets bulging with stolen food. Every single time gypsies come into the shop either they steal something, or they try to start a fight with whoever is on the till.

Of course, i'm sure they're not all like that (maybe the ones who do the rounds here are a particularly bad group), but given the fact that I have never met a gypsy who hasnt either tried to steal from me, or physically harm me, I think I can be forgiven for being at least a little wary.
Well, the ones with the travelling fair seemed alright, but I heard stories of people getting mugged out in the caravan area.
Anti-Gypsies is the only acceptable form of discrimination in Modern British Society IMO and it's sickening. We withdraw funding for places for Gypsies to stay, forcing them to stay in carparks, then we call them evil for making a mess. Hell if we made travellers sites in most towns there wouldn't be a problem. I was waiting with my Dad once in a pub for his freind to arrive, and there was a 'No-Gypsies' sign on the wall, my Dads freind came in shouted out not in my ****ing local and ripped it down to a mixed reaction from the people there.

Sounds like you have never had the experience of Gypsies then. Last time i had them living near me they were also the reason we had so many burgalries & assaults.

Maybe if your dad had them live near you, he wouldn't go rip down that sign, oh and btw when did your dad have the right to rip down this sign, obviously only cares for himself, not what other think.

Sorry but i get really angry when i hear shit like this, people doing what they like & not giving 2 shits about other peoples views.
Umm... why are you speaking about gypsies as if they're a race? Isn't it just a lifestyle, and aren't most of them romanians?
Well, traditionally it is a slavic ethnic group, but in broader terms it's travelling people (like Nomads in caravans).
That's what most people are talking about, the travelling people.
Well, traditionally it is a slavic ethnic group, but in broader terms it's travelling people (like Nomads in caravans).
That's what most people are talking about, the travelling people.

Yeah, as I said.. a lifestyle.
Yeah, as I said.. a lifestyle.

And a lifestyle that can only clash with modern society. I don't care if it's tradition, you can't travel around the country and park up where ever you feel like. You certainly can't steal everything that isn't nailed down and harass people either.

If this was a few localised incidents things would be different, but it's not. I've lived in many places in the uk and gypsies have caused problems in them all. Most people I know share similar experiences. Only the other day a few gypsie kids were running through the supermarket, opening packets of food and throwing stuff about. Lovable rogues my arse.
Did you know they were gypsy kids by the way they dressed, or what?
Pretty much. The way they talked, dressed. The adults 'supervising' them (i.e. not doing a bloody thing) looked like every gyspy i've seen over the years.

They were from (I assumed) a bunch of gypsies that were squatting in a field a few miles away - a few of them moved into a ladies house that my boss knows. She was on holiday and came back to find them sitting in her lounge. The police weren't allowed to kick them out - squatters rights apparently (I mean seriously, WTF?). The local locksmith was asked to change the locks and add some bolts when the gypsies next left the building to go and do whatever it is they do, but refused. He'd known fellow locksmiths who'd been beaten sensless for trying something similar.


I don't think it makes me racist to detest the way many (the vast majority imo) of these people choose to live.
I hate mexicans, jews, asians and blacks
So I'm gunna go w/ option A
You know,two kinds of people I really hate are people who are prejudiced against other people's races....and the dutch.
Why should this be reduced to a flamwar? It should remain a serious discussion.

Mexicans: Most of them sit around in class pissing off the teacher
Blacks: Look at prison ratios.
Asians: Most of them have irritating personalities that rub me wrong (Laugh, humor, etc)
Jews: Lol. C'mon. Even mel gibson doesn't like em.

I'd never hate any individual person because they were of a certain race. I just hate the races as a whole.
Asians have irritating personalities? I have a few asian friends and none of them are like that. D:

Except maybe javert... :p
Most asians are white washed and completely kewl; i'm speaking more of native asians
And again, its a generalization i'd never apply to the individual
Why should this be reduced to a flamwar? It should remain a serious discussion.

Mexicans: Most of them sit around in class pissing off the teacher
Blacks: Look at prison ratios.
Asians: Most of them have irritating personalities that rub me wrong (Laugh, humor, etc)
Jews: Lol. C'mon. Even mel gibson doesn't like em.

I'd never hate any individual person because they were of a certain race. I just hate the races as a whole.
Well, borgasm did give you the finger...

The thing about your generalizations is that they're based on anecdotal evidence. Sure, you know a bunch of Mexicans and Asians who are irritating, but that's not even one millionth of the total of their respective populations.

It's just like how I might try burning some CDs, but the first two I try to burn end up as coasters, so I irrationally declare that all CD-Rs are worthless and don't work.

And the thing you must understand about the amount of blacks who are incarcerated is the background they're coming from. A very large number of them live in horrible, horrible neighborhoods, and might often have to commit crimes to keep from starving to death. It also seems to be a pervasive way of life; The more crime that occurs in the ghettoes, the more "revenge crime" occurs as well, and this simply escalates until somebody dies or goes to jail. There are far fewer white people living in those areas because white people have been living in the suburbs for decades upon decades, and black people have only come out of widespread oppression in the past fifty years. And even nowadays, you find racism in all walks of life.

And I lol'd at the Jews comment, which I hope was a joke.
The thing about your generalizations is that they're based on anecdotal evidence. Sure, you know a bunch of Mexicans and Asians who are irritating, but that's not even one millionth of the total of their respective populations.
I tend to build my opinions based on the samples i've encountered; it's human nature. And ya, the evidence is crap, which is why i wouldn't use it to judge any individual from that race.

A very large number of them live in horrible, horrible neighborhoods, and might often have to commit crimes to keep from starving to death.
I understand the root problem and sympathize with them. But as a race they still commit a lotta crime; hence not liking the race.

It's really nothing serious and has no effect on my relationships w/ other people. It's just how i feel about those races.
Whats a gypsy?

Arnt they those magical people who can read your palm and tell your future?

But seriously... I probably know the stereotype, but not by the name gypsy.
Why should this be reduced to a flamwar? It should remain a serious discussion.

Mexicans: Most of them sit around in class pissing off the teacher
Blacks: Look at prison ratios.
Asians: Most of them have irritating personalities that rub me wrong (Laugh, humor, etc)
Jews: Lol. C'mon. Even mel gibson doesn't like em.

I'd never hate any individual person because they were of a certain race. I just hate the races as a whole.

LOL ;)
When someone in my class is able to piss of the teacher than he's the Cool kid.
Black people Prison ratios...i allready explained it once
Asians, Oh come'on don't pick on the small ones...BTW I think the ladies are Really Sexy :naughty:
Jews??? Don't stigma a culture on the actions of some scared and uptight people
Oh BTW you forgot Arab people...maybe you can say something about them to...just to complete the list.

I tend to build my opinions based on the samples i've encountered; it's human nature. And ya, the evidence is crap, which is why i wouldn't use it to judge any individual from that race.
Aren't you saying the contrary as in your previous post????
I'd never hate any individual person because they were of a certain race. I just hate the races as a whole.
You DO judge a race on individuals. Stop seeing people as part of a race but as individuals and part of humanity

Really you make me laugh,...I bet you hate everybody because they confront you with yourself and it's easier to hate someone else so you don't need to change yourself...

You make me laugh

And do pitty you....