Area-51 Hunt

falconwind said:
Area-51 is the most famous, well-known secret military research installation in the world.
you were aiming for the immense irony in that, correct? :)
Has anyone ever been "shot on site?"

But I guess we'd never know if anyone was...would we....?
Sai said:
does anyone know what kind of research they really do in area 51, i mean it can't be aliens can it?

I dont think its anything to do with aliens,, thats just a clever ploy to throw people off (afterall it seems to be what alot of people want to believe, and it plays on that aspect of thought) , to confuse, most likely,, Id guess their researching some crazy technologies :rolling: .its like OMFG,,! ive never seen that before.. must be an Alien! :rolleyes: .. its embeded itself into society that way. If it was me in their position, and i didnt want no one to know what ive been working on, and people where too nosey, id throw them off with something that clouded their minds, and complicated the issue.

they keep it secret cause their paranoid that if it got out, neibouring world country's would get scared , and for security reasons why would they want to tell the rest of the world what they have :rolleyes:, *human condition*,not everyone wants to share ;) competition etc.

its like annoucing youve created a working free energy device, first of all hardly anyone believes you, and its not in your best intrests, because people are gonna leech off of you if its true., and you may end up getting the idea stolen, or modified if you dont have it patented of course , most of society will try to prove you wrong because something like that would threaten the Jobs of Modern scientist's and people who work in the oil industry.,,, but like thats going to stop people who have authority to stop patent's for there intrests alone :x .
I'd be careful on what people say in this, I was discussing breaking into the place next year sometime, next day I get an email originating from level 7 security (7 being high or low, i dunno) at the FBI HQ in DC. They are watching...And if they are watching this, I still am planning on breaking in.

I think all they do there is experiment with new types or propulsion systems for the military judging by the amount of runways and stuff they have. I wanna know what this is though:

It doesn't look like it could have any real purpose.
I think all they do there is experiment with new types or propulsion systems for the military judging by the amount of runways and stuff they have. I wanna know what this is though:

It doesn't look like it could have any real purpose.

could be an old part of the base they dont use anymore. Its the surface, so I can imagine alot of the base isnt used if it all goes on underground. Someone needs to develope and very powerful Satalite (typo?) that can develope high definition infra red, and some device that pings the earth with a signal, so it penetrates the surface of the base, and gives a rough picture of whats underground. Underground Sonar/ Radar I guess
Nellis Air Force Base DOES test experimental aircraft, such as the SR-71 and stuff. If the government does have aliens, they're there.

I know more about this than the rest of you combined (except Mecha) and you're all very naive about this. Most of the internet Area-51 sites are just paranoid conspiracy theorists ranting about alien takeovers.

There probably are some things related to xenos at that base, and I personally think that there was a crash in Roswell, but the Camo Dudes are NOT failed experiments or any of that crap.
clarky003 said:
Someone needs to develope and very powerful Satalite (typo?) that can develope high definition infra red, and some device that pings the earth with a signal, so it penetrates the surface of the base, and gives a rough picture of whats underground. Underground Sonar/ Radar I guess
It's called ground-penetrating radar, and its pretty much useless for something like this. Its not going to work from a satellite certainly, and theres no way in hell to detect an entire facility with it, even if you were granted free access to the area above it.
I haven't found the site with the Globexplorer yet, but I did find these wierd circular green thing Northwest of Las Vegas.
Ok guys now that we found Area51, let's go find:

Dugway Proving Grounds
The Extra-Terrestrial Installation in Dulce, New Mexico
Edwards Air Force Base
Green River Complex
Tolicha Peak

And so many other crazy ones that probably don't exist
Sedako said:
I haven't found the site with the Globexplorer yet, but I did find these wierd circular green thing Northwest of Las Vegas.
I did, just need a place to host image...... please help, it matches the photos at all the sites
Direwolf said:
It's called ground-penetrating radar, and its pretty much useless for something like this. Its not going to work from a satellite certainly, and theres no way in hell to detect an entire facility with it, even if you were granted free access to the area above it.

?, last I heard it was perfectly legal to fly a saltelite over the base. infact all they would have to do at the base at the time the satelite passed over head for photo's, would be making sure everything was underground.
CyberSh33p said:
you were aiming for the immense irony in that, correct? :)

:thumbs: indeed, you know me so well, cybersh33p... if that IS you real online name! :hmph:

Actually, Area 51 reminds me on this secret base up in the Northwest Terrortories that... we... :| um... :O
i've got to go now...
i heard some where that everyone that works at Area 51 Are known as John Does Or Jane Does. Pretty Creepy if you ask me. Dont they use those names for people who have no alias?
Estevan said:
i heard some where that everyone that works at Area 51 Are known as John Does Or Jane Does. Pretty Creepy if you ask me. Dont they use those names for people who have no alias?

They use those names for dead people who haven't been identified yet.
AcousticToad said:
I'd be careful on what people say in this, I was discussing breaking into the place next year sometime, next day I get an email originating from level 7 security (7 being high or low, i dunno) at the FBI HQ in DC. They are watching...And if they are watching this, I still am planning on breaking in.

I think all they do there is experiment with new types or propulsion systems for the military judging by the amount of runways and stuff they have. I wanna know what this is though:

It doesn't look like it could have any real purpose.

Sure they are watching, Someones job in the pentagon is prob to sit at computers all day using special software created by the milieary to searchvia a custom Google-like engine for any links involving the words area51,conspiracy, ext...

BTW its already known that the US underground run military has a program which syncs human voice and can track down any phone call in the united states with the words bomb, president,area 51, ext... Well actually I am a bit skeptical of this but I won't leave the idea as impossible.

But personally, I'll admit, I have had the fantasies to pursue the creation of a super armored vehicle to penetrate Area51 and use cloaking technology to escape alive lol.. But I',m sure they would have tanks, aircraft on your ass real quick.
Still think that the best thing to do would be to gather up a few hundred thousand people and walk there.

Or wait, even better...
/me goes of to persuade China to invade America.
Yeah, it's frightenin that it's possible that every move we make is recorded and tracked into a huge database.

It's even more scary that we can't stop it.
And this my friends is why we need a good, honest, Russian World Goverment!

/me is a pinko commie.
...well ...I can think of better things to do with my time.... but whatever
Varg|Hund said:
Still think that the best thing to do would be to gather up a few hundred thousand people and walk there.

Or wait, even better...
* Varg|Hund goes of to persuade China to invade America.

Doesn't matter if you walk there, but if you pass the line there's gonna be camo dudes, helocopters and all that shooting at your ass.