Area portals advanced?


Aug 28, 2003
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I get the general idea behind area portals and have followed the tutorial on snarkpit and another source... but i cant tell if there working.. is ther a way to check.. i also saw a weird thing in the compile when i first used one.. is there an advanced tut on exaclty how to use them to save fps.
I also have a question on texturing, im texturing the inside of my level, but when i texture the ceiling of my bathrom, i want it only in my bathroom.. but its doing the whole ceiling on that floor? how do i stop this?
Sounds like you've only got one brush to make all of your ceilings. You'll have to cut this brush up using the clip tool.
If you have devmode enabled then mat_wireframe 1 should help show if your area portals are helping to hide geometry.

+showbudget and cl_showfps 2 are also helpfull. I think there is a command that shows areaportals too but I can't recall it.
use the texture tool for your texture problem. turn it to apply mode and only click the side of the brush you want the different texture. hopefully i answered what you were asking.
genocide604 said:
I get the general idea behind area portals and have followed the tutorial on snarkpit and another source... but i cant tell if there working.. is ther a way to check.. i also saw a weird thing in the compile when i first used one.. is there an advanced tut on exaclty how to use them to save fps.
If you want to see if the portals are working, set them to always be closed and not open (disconnect any doors you might have connected to any) then you'll only see the portal your currently in. Once you move to another portal it'll appear and the other you were in will dissapear (you'll just see the skybox instead) Once you know their setup right and hiding enough of the map, then fix them back up to how you had them with the doors or always open for the openair uses. Then use the dev console commands to check other stuff.
Sounds like you've only got one brush to make all of your ceilings. You'll have to cut this brush up using the clip tool.

Yes i made it a two floor building with one brush in the middle.. and the clipping tool is the only thing i cant figure out.. when i click on the clipping tool, it only lets me draw one line?? how does it work, the tut's havent been helping at all?

-once i get the just, im good.. but i just dont get how to seperate my celing into smaller rectangles, so i can texture them seperately? ;(
The line you saw is the "scissor line" the part highlighted in white will stay, the one in red will be gone.

Reclick the clip tool to invert the white/red

a third clip will make it so it only split the brush in two parts.
I dont want anything gone, i just want a seperate ceiling for each room.. how do you just make a line?

like four cut lines through the ceiling i can texture all four seperately? cause right now its all one ceiling and 6 rooms need diff ceilings..
slect brush you wanna split

select cliping tool

now you can draw the line, do it where you wanna split

now you have one part higlight in red one in white

select cliping tool again

now the red and white is inverted

select cliping tool again

now both part are white, click enter

edit: Well, it would be easier to resize the brush to one room and shift-click (clone) it over.

et voila viola!

no?, icq 114869710 msn [email protected] :smoking:

edit:Well, easier, just resize the brush to fit one room, then shift-click-drag(clone) it to next room in top view.
Well, easier, just resize the brush to fit one room, then shift-click-drag(clone) it to next room in top view.

yeah i thought of that, but i thought this magic clipping tool would be easier.. thanks the way you explained it i got it right away :p

im just gonna resize. :D