Aren't Invertabrate Sea-Creatures Cool?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I'm talking about Jellyfish and Squid and Starfish, does any one else think they are cool?

Jellyfish - Doesn't have a brain, doesn't have a heart, doesn't have most organs acually, yet it can kill humans - supposedly the smartest things on earth.

Squid - A giant squid and grow to like 50 feet and eat a small shark whole!

Starfish - You could cut one of it's arms off (With some of the center on it) and another starfish will grow, and the other one will grow it's arm back!

What Invertabrate sea-creature do you think is cool? Also comment on the ones I said.
A chark is a shark that grates its teeth as it swims, and the sound reverberates through the water like the sound of chalk scraping against a dry, dusty chalkboard, sideways.
Of that list, I would have to say the starfish is the coolest. You can make millions of starfish with just one!
Nudibranch - my favorite mostly because some of them are so delicate and come in insane colors. My friends and I dive for abalone off the north coast of California (sometimes road trips to the Sea of Cortez) and these are my favorites. Jellyfish are sketchy in the ocean. (Have you seen the jellyfish display at the Monterey Bay Aquarium? Awesome.) Starfish are like lichen that move - I don't find too much about them fascinating other than (as you mentioned) their regenerative capabilities. Cone shells fascinate me, but I haven't the balls to go find one.
My favorite are Cuttlefish. They're so awesome and intelligent.

Or wait, are Cuttlefish invertabrate sea-creatures as the thread is titled?
Mr. COWmaster said:
Anything with tenticles = total awesomeness. :)

Did you create your name to spite me?
Phylum mollusca class cephlapoda.
They all have jets! and tentacles! and radial symmetry!
The DemonWithin said:
Phylum mollusca class cephlapoda.
They all have jets! and tentacles! and radial symmetry!

Cuttlefish, woot!
Thats when you break out the pesticide.
Man, I remember being in Florida a few years ago, at this almost deserted cove...

It was full of animals. Dolphins were jumping, fishes were swimming, we even saw a manatee!
The creatures of the sea are so alien in appreance.
No. They are all freaky and scary and probably plotting against humanity as we speak. Invertebrates suck.
Arg! FBI on your soul! He said it! We are all doing to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie, to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!!!!!!!!!111oneone!!!11!!elevetyone!!!!1
Sea things scare the shit out of me, considering we've still not even charted all of the ocean...we don't even know whats way down there.

God I get the chills just thinking about it.
I hate jellyfish, I always have. Even when I was little. I didn't want to go in the ocean because they would sting me. But the turtle beach tourism center convinced my parents with their evil jellyfish propaganda , that there where no jellyfish in this part of the ocean at this season. LIES! I was stung within minutes! I am now plauged with the inability to trust people for the rest of my life. I will never forgive you turtle beach tourism center! Damn you...DAMN YOU TO HELL!

Though I must admit at the cincinnati aquarium there is a round room where your surrounded with jellyfish. It is pretty cool. They also have some cool overhead display tanks. Thats where I learned sharks are twice the man I am.

EDIT: Because my english teacher hated me.