ARG! 9800 np


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
i just spent 300 bucks on a radeon 9800 non pro form my ti-4600, and I am getting ZERO preformance increases!, I mean, the HDR demos are cool, but on all my current games, the only difference I can tell is that the 9800 is quieter, and that it has ARTIFACTS in HW2, and Im not even overclocking!

I think something is seriously wrong here

Also, radeon disabled my MIDI device!

my specs
p4 1.9ghz
768 mb RDRAM
soundblaster live! value
OMEGA catylyst 3.7 drivers
did u completely clear out ur nvidia drivers?
Do you have all new driver? :

DirectX 9.0b
Newest Ati Drivers
two words "CPU" and "bottle neck", that card will be able to run games at higher rez tho with no performance loss, plus you will get a much higher 3DMARK03 score (as thats is almost entirely GPU dependent), if you don't then i suggest you get a new motherboard, as for the artifacts thing i have no idea whats going on there??
Originally posted by soman
Does your motherboard support 8 agp?

doesnt really matter.

Edit: Washuu You can only have a 4 lines sign, please change it.
My mobo does not have 8x AGP, I have all the latest drivers, I have Dx9.0b, Im getting artifacts in aquamark3d, and homeworld 2, I posted recentley on whether I should get a new processor, or a new video card, and everyone said that I should get the new video card.

I really lke the new dx9 features in my new card, and my 3dmark2003 scores are MUCH higher, but my 2001 scores are about the same (+/- 50 pts.)

and Im getting about 20 frames with normal settings on aquamark3d.
Omega drivers can't be the reason, they are very good modified drivers. The person that does them doesn't release a new version til its perfect.
It could be the problem, just try it. If not maybe the card is just defected.

Also, open your case and touch your card when its under load. If its scorching to the touch taht could be a problem.
whats your mobo? .. and do you have the latest cat drivers ? 3.7... just try them man..

do you have AA and AF on?

how old is your monitor?

and the aquamark3d benchmark IS CRAP.. you can see my specs below... and i get a 17,000 score...

i get a 5828 in 03 thou..

do you have fastwrite enabled? ..

and how many case fans do you have?
The only thing taht mattered right there, was if he has cat 3.7's, which he does.
His monitor wouldnt mtter performance wise. Even with AA and AS it shouldnt hit performance that much.
monitor is very crappy EV700 monitor, I just re-installed the original 3.7 drivers, no difference.

I realized why it was running so slow in HW2, it was because I had it on a higher rez than with my ti4600, and I was running it with truform, i switched rez, turned truform off, and it runs about as smoothly as the ti4600 did, but Im still getting the annoying artifacts in HW2, no more artifacts in Aqua3d.

I have fastwrite enabled, at 4x AGP

I have one case fan, and Im not to adept to open up my case and check things out right now, I will do that later today
Jesus!!! ONE fan???? Im thinking heat is the problem here. Also, unless you have a dell or something its not a project to open up the case and touch the card.
The 9800np isnt benchmark friendly for some reason. I flashed mine to with the pro bios and i still get 13k scores in 2k1. My specs are in my sig, so i know its not a problem there. HOWEVER... while my benchmarks are terrible, I play BF1942 at 1280x1024 with 6xAA and 16xAF and i get 50+ FPS. Games run GREAT on it, but the benchmarks never seem to do all that well.
Originally posted by Quotidian---

and the aquamark3d benchmark IS CRAP.. you can see my specs below... and i get a 17,000 score...

i get a 5828 in 03 thou..

What the hell?! I got a little bit under 16,000 with an Athlon 2400+ XP & a GeForce4 ti4200 128mb w/8xAGP. As for the 3DM03 I get only 1500.

Are you shorting the card out?
Ive done this b4 on my GF2 where a CCL inverter was shorting out the case slightly, the video card gave me horrible artifacts on specific textures. Took the CCL out and everything was fine.

CCL=Cold Cathode Light