Argh! Animal Cruelty! //rant


Dec 7, 2004
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I just saw two videos of the most atrocious display of animal cruelty I have ever seen in my life. The first was a kid who takes his kitten and stuffs him into a bird cage, takes it outside to his backyard and douses the cat in lighter fluid and burns the cat alive. The second was a woman in high heels who breaks a kittens rear legs by stepping on them, then sticks her heel into the cat’s throat and finally crushes the kitten to death.

I can’t even think of specific words to describe these people. For the latter video, there are people watching this, WATCHING. If I was there I would have done the most damage that could physically be done (death if possible) to that woman before her camera man jumped me. I don’t care if I get arrested, I’ll go to court for assault, the judge will ask what was going on prior to the incident and I’ll explain the situation and watch as the hearts of the jurors melt away. It makes me sick that people could torture a defenseless animal to death.

Animals know no evil, if you shout at a dog, kick him outside, and don’t feed him for three days; he’ll still curl up by your feet while you watch TV. They don’t hold a grudge and they don’t plot against you, or commit acts with the intention of hurting you. It disgusts me to know end to see this, and I will pray everyday for the most horrible death imaginable for these people.

Christ, they both even held the kittens and pet them moments before they killed them. They are not people; they are filth and deserve more justice than I can deliver, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t take absolute pleasure in trying.

I refuse to posts these videos because these people deserve eternal suffering not attention.
That bunny's neck HAS to be sore by now... You sick f*ck
Saw the Japanese lady high heels one.

Yes, people do sick things. It's nothing new, and in fact even worse things are done to human beings.

Horrible incidents but it'll never stop. This isn't some sort of post trying to condone it or anything- if caught they deserve punishment for their crime (it is a crime) most definately. But it's just ironic to me that cute animal suffering is more appaling to people than human tragedy. I'm a little desensitized, but I still empathize with both situations.

When you see someone behead someone because they're another religion. Or drag someone across town until the body comes apart because they're a different race, the animals stuff just doesn't really bug you as much is what I'm trying to say.
OvA said:
That bunny's neck HAS to be sore by now... You sick f*ck
The cows ass has to be sore too.. sick b*tch :D

Back on topic... These people are fvcked and deserve the exact same treatment 1000000000000000000000x then death, then to hell for all eternity.
yea these people are real sick ****'s. Its really disgusting and unbelievable actually. Why they would do that is beyond me...
Words fail me...

I'd need Absinthe here to describe what I'd have done to either of those people if I had been there when those videos were filmed.

*huggles chester* could people do such things? I wouldn't hit that lady...but I would call the cops. If it were a guy I would definately punch him right in the face till he wouldn't get up. Absolutely horrible.
Man. That's awful :( I didn't know there were videos out there catering to peoples joys of watching death that involved animals. I knew it was there for watching humans die, which is disgusting and sick, but animals too? Truely awful.
bvasgm said:

*Huggles his own.*

I think there is some kind of fundamental malfunction going on in a human being if they can't empathise with the pain and suffering of an animal. It strikes me that if you are unable to do that with a suffering animal, you're probably unable to do it for people too. That's exactly the sort of person you don't want in an angry mob, or witnessing someone get beat up.

Also like to note that people tend to automatically think 'ah yeah animals, but people are more important'. There are only a few reasons to think this:
-religious teachings
-the fact that we're smarter/more capable=we're 'better' (a very un-PC way of thinking if you think that way about other humans...)
-self-preservation; we need their meat, so it's us or 'of course humans are important; I'M a human'

Of these three, I only find the last one half reasonable, and even that doesn't apply to house pets. I realise society would probably fall apart if we didn't hype up the value of human life, but it's food for thought.

I agree with the OP that animals have no concept of evil and some will continue to express their faithfulness to even a very cruel owner. As such I prefer some animals to some humans, and yeah, such videos sadden me. But why watch them? They don't sicken me because they don't surprise me. Think of the most despicable things your imagination will allow - and someone has done it, somewhere, often repeatedly. Realise that, and you never have to look up video of some guy with his cock in a blender, or whatever, ever again.
Why were you watching them, anyway?
I know...I don't care what kind of animal it is, except if it's a bear or another human or something that's trying to hurt you or someone you love, or an evil person that has committed horrible crimes, nothing deserves torture like that, and it's just sickening and infuriating to watch or hear about it.
My God, sometimes I WISH I was there for the filmings so I COULD beat the living crap out of those people, instead of sitting here helpless.
even reading your description of the videos made me feel sick...i like animals! That kinda treatment of a human would stir the same reaction in me - Wrong=Wrong!
Its so sad when people torture and kill cute creatures but it's all gravy to go smashing ants and beetles into the ground :x for no reason other than that they don't fit your description of cute.

I couldn't agree more. :p
For murdering animals do you get equal sentences to that if your murdered a human?

Did they get charged?
Funny thing is, is some people actually laugh at videos like these.

I don't know why ...
People who hurt animals should have honey and fire ants injected up their asses while someone stabs them to death with a pair of golf shoes, there is no ****ing reason to hurt an animal

unless it involves shooting a cow/pig, them be good eats
I just can't believe what some people are willing to do to each other, or animals for that matter.

We should have a Kitten Killers Death Penalty. The execution style? Death by Stelato.
Reaktor4 said:
I wouldnt think twice about killing some **** who did that.

Exactly. There should be a 'defense of others' thing for that.
I'm actually doing a report on animal cruelty for my english class.

Qonfused said:
I'm actually doing a report on animal cruelty for my english class.

You can quote people from this thread and the teacher will be impressed because it will be like you went out and interviewed people for their opinions :D
vegeta897 said:
You can quote people from this thread and the teacher will be impressed because it will be like you went out and interviewed people for their opinions :D

Wewt! :D

Good idea, actually.
VirusType2 said:
Its so sad when people torture and kill cute creatures but it's all gravy to go smashing ants and beetles into the ground :x for no reason other than that they don't fit your description of cute.

I couldn't agree more. :p

Ants and beetles have very tiny brains. It's like stepping on grass.
I thought ants had a hive mind.

Must be thinking of something else.
Jintor said:
I thought ants had a hive mind.

Must be thinking of something else.

They do, as do bees. All ants except for one in a nest are all female. *The More You Know*
danimal i love it when your avatar is jumping in sync with the music i'm playing :D

people do way worse shit to eachother every day. some bozo tortures a small furry animal and it's suddenly a huge thing?
CrazyHarij said:
danimal i love it when your avatar is jumping in sync with the music i'm playing :D
I've gone through almost all my AFX and I can't find one sone that matches up for more than 2 seconds.:(
VirusType2 said:
Its so sad when people torture and kill cute creatures but it's all gravy to go smashing ants and beetles into the ground :x for no reason other than that they don't fit your description of cute.

I couldn't agree more. :p

I'm a mass murderer, I must have killed thousands if not millions of ants (I have destroyed at least 3 entire colonies that I know of, on top of random stepping and crushing them for the last 16 years)
I hate it when people kill ants too, my first actual fight was in like 6th grade when a butterfly landed on my shirt when we were eating lunch outside and the guy across from me reached over and squashed him on me.

It wasn't that I got butterfly on me; it was that he just killed it to be amusing. The fight was all of 20 seconds, but we really were trying to hurt each other, even though neither did successfully.

The thing is though; TYPICALLY humans aren’t tortured for the sake of a shock video. Plus you never know what kind of a person is being tortured or for what reason, you see people being dragged in Iraq till they die, or burned alive, you don't know if they raped some girl or stole someone's car. On the other hand if they were tortured for being homosexual or worshipping a ‘forbidden’ God or something, then they knew what they were doing when they did it.

What I do know about those kittens is they never had an evil thought or committed an evil act intentionally in their brutally short lives, and they most absolutely were killed for the sake of entertainment, which is wrong and sick on multiple levels.