Argh! Animal Cruelty! //rant

I agree. It would disturb me to see someone senselessly killing insects for entertainment value, like the sensation of someone subtly twisting my cock. It's just a waste, somehow - you're removing something from the world that didn't need to be removed.

Having said that, as a kid I used to do it to ants, but then I stopped out of guilt. I still would do it to wasps, but that's because I hate them - it's not just entertainment value, it's because I consider them vicious little bastards and a personal threat. After a couple of nightmarish experiences with caterpillars I now hate those too. But I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to kill them unless maybe they were on my hair...silky arses, pulsating...little maggot faces, furry- OH GOD MAKE IT STOP

Back to killing bigger animals though - I don't buy the whole 'they don't have the same capacity for suffering' thing either. A human baby may not be the smartest thing on the face of the planet, but it doesn't make us look any more kindly on mistreatment of infants - quite the opposite. Exactly how do you compare one species' capacity for suffering to that of another species anyway, short of telepathy? Many who own house pets know that when they get badly injured they actually become depressed. Simple as they may be, animals are plenty capable of suffering in their own way. They're not just happy little sacks of meat. With people who have no empathy whatsoever with animals, I think of them similarly to the way I think about wasps.
So... it's more if you kill them for entertainment value, or senselessly. That's animal cruelty. So... needless cruelty, viciousness. I believe that the whole same capacity for suffering thing is so much bullshit - if they can't feel the pain, then at least you should be feeling the pain. Empathy. You need it or you're not human.
Jintor said:
So... it's more if you kill them for entertainment value, or senselessly. That's animal cruelty. So... needless cruelty, viciousness. I believe that the whole same capacity for suffering thing is so much bullshit - if they can't feel the pain, then at least you should be feeling the pain. Empathy. You need it or you're not human.

That's not true. Empathy for animals is a cultural thing.
I would like it if someone could find these people and upload videos of them getting lit aflame and having their legs broken/ throats caved in.
Animal cruelty is the worst thing I've ever seen. It's just ****ing...... god, I don't even know. It makes my blood boil like nothing else. I'm guilty of squashing ants beneath my shoes, but I would never ever try and harm a mammal or other, non-evil/non-threatening animal, and if I did, it would be purely out of self-defense.
I only feel justified about killing ants if they're invading my personal space.
I hate people that do things like that. The sick ****ers deserve the same punishment. Id take that bitches high heels and jam then through her throat. Id light that ****in kid on fire in a cage. Also, if anyone rememeber that video of those poachers skinning animals alive, yes i'd skin them alive.