Arizona School Suspends 13-Year-Old Boy for Drawing Gun

Hmm, I didn't think other people were in on it. I thought it was only me + Stiggy. I feel betrayed.

I think there was another thread where it was mentioned that you were moving in with him, and then a bunch of us decided we were also.

The only time I ever got suspended, was because I stole the ball from a ball mouse.


lol wut?
The only time I ever got suspended, was because I stole the ball from a ball mouse.


We used to roll those across the room when the teacher was lecturing. When her back was turned, of course.
in school I once made a litle battle based in the greeks whit clay, whit soldiers whit the lances pierced in the body's and deadbodyes whit a lot of blood painted in the ground,a litle river practically tinted in full blood whit some bodies floating

problably they would have put me in a cage in the silent of the lambs style

now wonder what will be next

kid1: dam I am bored
kid2: I got some gum, want some?
teacher: oh my god he have a gun! AAAAAH!
*kids start screaming*
kid2: what the...?
police officer: oh my god stay there and dont move
kid2: but..!
police: I say dont MOVE!*pulls out hadgun and shoot kid*
teacher: oh my GOD! thanks is over
police:*looks at kid's body* those dam videogames
in school I once made a litle battle based in the greeks whit clay, whit soldiers whit the lances pierced in the body's and deadbodyes whit a lot of blood painted in the ground,a litle river practically tinted in full blood whit some bodies floating

problably they would have put me in a cage in the silent of the lambs style

now wonder what will be next

kid1: dam I am bored
kid2: I got some gum, want some?
teacher: oh my god he have a gun! AAAAAH!
*kids start screaming*
kid2: what the...?
police officer: oh my god stay there and dont move
kid2: but..!
police: I say dont MOVE!*pulls out hadgun and shoot kid*
teacher: oh my GOD! thanks is over
police:*looks at kid's body* those dam videogames

Pretty much. This country is so ****ing paranoid, and it gets worse ever month.
Of course, what Fox doesn't tell you is that the kid actually declared his doodle to be 'an anatomically accurate portrayal of the prophet Muhammad'. When he later pleaded that it was really 'a gun', the teachers didn't really understand how the drawing represented either and thereafter simply suspended him for stirring up racial tensions.

A month from now, he will become obsessed with his father's gun collection after his Art teacher suggests that he should draw from reference. Then he goes on a killing spree, and Bioshock is banned from all US retailers for the heinous crime of being the first video game title the knee-jerk reactionists can pick out of thin air.

And I implode and choke on my own pessimism.
Yeah, this was before laser mice really came into their own. We were fascinated by the balls in the mice and stole em. Heh. I tore mine apart.

Yeah but... why would you get suspended for it? I did the same thing and had about 8 mouseballs at my house, and all I got when caught the last time was a detention.
Holy crap I used to draw graphic stickmen massacres. :D
Any time we had tests that you wrote the answers on the actual test form (not scantrons), I'd go to town and draw stickfigure wars all over the place. They'd be hanging from letters, getting impaled on 1's, airbombing sentences...

Looking back I'm surprised none of my teachers ever cared, not because it was violent, just because it made a mess of the paper.
Yeah but... why would you get suspended for it? I did the same thing and had about 8 mouseballs at my house, and all I got when caught the last time was a detention.

I don't know... stealing school property is frowned upon. I only took one too.
Speaking of what we once made in school, when I was sitting standard grades the creation of choice was a piece of paper folded as a four-flight dart, with a little blu-tak in the bottom and a drawing pin stuck through it.

Lethal, but they flew brilliantly and stuck in walls. That's the sort of shit that should get kids suspended.
I got several parent-teacher conferences for drawing guns, guns shooting stick figuress, pretending to be shooting (not taking it seriously) people in class with my finger when they would say some joke to me.

Glad i'm gone from there :|
Yeah, this was before laser mice really came into their own. We were fascinated by the balls in the mice and stole em. Heh. I tore mine apart.

Mechanical - Optical - Laser

I never had any problems with drawing weaponry. Hell I made a CS 1.5 map of the damn school and no one cared.
It's weird, back in my day the only thing that ever got me suspended was punching some twat in the head.
Drawing something that barely resembles a firearm?? cmon
What's wrong with you guys? He drew a gun! That's just one step below BRINGING a gun! He has the mental motivation to bring a gun to school and do harm to others. It was only a matter of time before he thought brining a real one in would be cool to show his friends, and to show that bully what's up. You guys don't understand what it's like in these schools, these days!

Ok, can't keep a straight face anymore. :p
they could make one hell of a South Park episode out of this
I've drawn pictures of headcrab zombies, Nod mechs and striders all over my school journal, and even when a teacher saw it she only asked me to rub it all out. :P
I draw friggin nukes on my textbook.

I guess im the osama bin doodle
hah hah it doesent even look like a gun! i used to draw pictures of guns when i was 15 and i used to draw internal diagrams, and i showed it to my art teacher and he said i had talent! that fox story is bull.