Arm trauma (now with colour! And video!)

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score

Still not finished.
One of the few times I can be nice to Pi, when he shows me his cool and most importantly, meaningful tattoos.
Tattoo of my kids' initials, dates and times of birth.
Pretty badass! When will you be getting it finished?
Thats... actually pretty god damned awesome. I think tatoos are stupid in general, but that one is actually rather intelligent and clever. And it looks cool.

Good Job Pi!
Thanks, guys. I'm getting it finished on the 20th, and I'm looking forward to getting it done, so that I can never, ever have my wrist tattooed again.
What did you go with for the third?
I remember you telling me about this one in chat.
The blocks of 2 and 3 lines between the circles denote the age gaps. It was almost impossible to come up with a system to represent the actual years.
I was thinking they were Mayan numbers or something.

Your tattoos are now accordingly less awesome, Pi.
I disagree. The less something can be associated with the movie 2012, the more awesome it is.
When are you getting the end part finished? Did that shit hurt, etc.
It's booked in for the 20th - the existing one has to heal before I can have any more done on it.
And yes, it hurt like hell. The linework isn't too bad, but the filling and colouring is *really* painful. Also, the part that isn't yet finished on my wrist is excruciatingly painful. I'm not looking forward to having it done, but needs must.
That is pretty awesome. I also still absolutely love the Solar System one.
Nice, but the great con of tattoos is that you get tired of them after a few years and can't get rid of them.
Expert, are you?

I've had several tattoos for several years, and I'm not tired of any of them. My tattoos are all designed by me, and all have meaning. I'm not going to get tired of them, nor regret them.
Eh, no. I have quite a high tolerance for pain. So I drank my tea and chatted with the artist in a very British way.
Appearances to uphold and all that. He was crying on the inside.
Now if your kids give you any shit, you can show them this and they'll shut right up.

"Daddy had his arm mutilated by tattoo needles for hours on end, nearly passing out, just for you little rugrats and THIS is how you treat him?"

You done good, Pi.
That's really nice Pi.
Im thinking about getting my sisters name somwhere. Not sure about font or place yet.
i really think tattoos are ugly, any a skin mark or something. i like piercings alot more.
Yeah becouse putting metal rings all over your face makes so much sense...
In the video, what is the white goo all over the tattooist's glove?
i really think tattoos are ugly, any a skin mark or something. i like piercings alot more.

Good piercing < Good tattoo

Piercings are pretty much unattractive no matter what for me though.
In all honesty, I was feeling quite sick by the end of it. Not fun, but I'm nothing if not committed.

Not sure what's up with the sound on this.
Lol I seriously thought that was the Gluon Gun from HL1

In the video, what is the white goo all over the tattooist's glove?

Vaseline. He keeps it on the glove so he can just get a little bit and put it on the bit he's immediately doing.