Army of Poo

Didn't notice any difference either, I'd expect that it would increase your armor while decreasing your stamina (i.e. not being able to run as fast).
Exactly my thoughts.

Oh yes, definitely. Just completed it, probably took me 6-8 hours. And there's an obvious "sequel-ending".
Yeah. Looking forward to it too.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it all the way through. Nice and memorable maps combined with really fun and challenging firefights. The Aggro-system worked fine especially towards the more tougher enemies and bosses.
Totally. Firefights were challenging as Hell and fun even on the easiest dificulty. I'm not seeing much difference on the Contractor mode except for slightly hardier enemies. The Aggro system was great too, but it kinda gets in your hair when you don't pay attention.

For co-op (also with online co-op) I'd really suggest this. :)

EDIT: I might record some footage tomorrow if I have time. That is if anyone wants it.
The game looked great just because I really love co-op. I think i'll still give it a rent.
Army of Two isn't that bad, been playing it for the last few days. There isn't much too it, just imagine Gears of War with gun upgrades...
Look two posts up buddy. :)

The Professional difficulty is REALLY starting to piss me off on this.
If any of you guys are really wanting to play this for the Destructible enviroments, just get Stranglehold instead. fun game, fun game.

Ugh, I hated Stranglehold, all you do the whole game is dive around in there's only 7 levels and no coop
wow. really? i seriously liked it. . but then again i paid barely anything for it. and i had no expectations for it whatsoever going in. but i digress.

Ontopic: if any of you guys do podcast, the newest penny arcade cast was about Army of Two. they make some good (funny) points.