Arrested after 20 days of non-stop gaming

you know, if you pronounce "MMORPGS" "morpguhs" you want to play them that much less.
lets make sadam husein play eq then take it away from him. torture is fun
When I was 14 I was really into videogames, and my friend had just gotten a brand new N64. So for my fifteenth birthday he and I and another friend, we went and rented like 6 games for it, and loaded up with 5 huge bags of chips, and like 5 2-liter bottles of soda, and we played for 21 hours straight. That's right, we started at 3 pm on saturday and kept on playing all the way till noon on sunday. We were originally aiming for 24 hours, which I could've done, but around noon both my friends got so tired they couldn't really properly control the games anymore. Man, it was fun as hell. Nowadays I usually don't spend more then 3 hours or so at a time on games.
My friend just bought a PS2 so we went out and got GTAIII. We played from 7PM to 5AM...
Man the first time (day straight) playing GTA3 was probably one of the coolest gaming experiences i've had. That and when i beat Final Fantasy 1 when i was little.

I never was able to kill that damned reader rabbit :(
Frank said:
Guess my name!!


I think i was reading about a kid at a lan cafe playing cs, and when he lost in the last round by like, 1 kill, he pulled out a gun and shot the guy that beat him and himself.

Thats so retarded.
MINDA said:

I think i was reading about a kid at a lan cafe playing cs, and when he lost in the last round by like, 1 kill, he pulled out a gun and shot the guy that beat him and himself.

Thats so retarded.

No, it's Nicolas
and secondly: Hahahahahaha, I love it when people overreact, except if they get pissed at me!
Exactly. You wouldn't love it if the guy he shot was you.
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
fun fact: After about three days of staying awake, the seratonin levels in your brain drop so drastically that you endure brain damage for every minute you remain awake.

surely this can't be true, i'm an insomniac, and have stayed awake for about a fortnight, with nosleep what so ever.. and i haven't recieved any brain damage?!?

i hope ;(