Art 1 homework


Jul 27, 2007
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this is a homeowrk assignment i had to do for art 1. We had to have an unhelathy food (ho ho) a healthy food (orange) and a drink (pepsi). I thought it was really dumb, and i didnt really go all out with shading an everything because my teacher said to leave it mostly an outline and to leave the guidlines. Im pretty pleased with how it turned out but the can is a bit fat and the window seems kind of out of place, but it adds balance. It was mostly done in Onepoint perspective.

**** yeah son, ho hos!

Perspective on the can seems funny, but elsewise good job.
Not bad. Makes me want a ho ho. But yeah, the perspective is off on both the can and the stool. Also, where mah shadows at yo?
I'm guessing by "ho ho" you mean that swirly cake/christmas log?
Naturally Xendance, but there is still the possibility of eating out a ho... ho.
yeah, the can is off. and i would hav added shadows but my teacher said not to have any and to have very little sading if any.

i turned it in and my teacher said shes probably gunna make me retrace it because there's a grease stain or something on it. which is abso****inlutally rediculous. i dont even know where that little spot came from. I worked so much harder on this than the other people in my class too. it sucks.
yeah, the can is off. and i would hav added shadows but my teacher said not to have any and to have very little sading if any.

i turned it in and my teacher said shes probably gunna make me retrace it because there's a grease stain or something on it. which is abso****inlutally rediculous. i dont even know where that little spot came from. I worked so much harder on this than the other people in my class too. it sucks.

Were you eating a ho-ho? :D
nah, i just like em. in fact i havent had one in like a year
Aside from the fact that perspective is terrible, why do you have text on your drawing?
I'm assuming hes got text in it because there is a pepsi can, and pepsi cans usually have some text on them.
boats n hoes!! Sorry I thought of that when I heard of ho hos...

This is a good start so keep it up!!
I'm assuming hes got text in it because there is a pepsi can, and pepsi cans usually have some text on them.

One of the first things you learn at art school is not to put text on drawings.
ok, my teacher told us to put text in for pop cans! I wouldn't do text if she hadn't. and i did one that had vertical text so itd be easier. btw, my teacher is insane. also, she said to make the drawing from a downlooking perspective. I did this all in one night, so I couldnt really accurately judge the proper perspective of the can. I had to turn it in the next day. although, I may end up tracing it because my teacher said she would grade me down due to the small stain you can see on the bottom of the window, so maybe ill change the perspective of the can.
One of the first things you learn at art school is not to put text on drawings.
rly i was never told that at school ever even my 3 years doing art and design at college
Holy shit, are American teachers all goddamn crazy? I continually hear these absurd stories from people living in the US about teachers, lecturers and professors who punish people for completely arbitrary reasons that aren't their fault at all.
Aside from the fact that perspective is terrible, why do you have text on your drawing?
Yeesh, he's beginning, give him a break. I've also never heard of this no text rule.

You do need to work on perspective, have you been setting up actual displays? You should, try gesturing more, a lot of art teachers don't teach the importance of gesturing, which is stupid of them. Gesturing will help you learn proportions and perspective much easier, because it's loose, less detailed and that way you can fix it much easier. So try gesturing a bit, loose drawing, don't worry about detail when gesturing, don't look at your paper a whole ton, keep switching your eyes back and forth.
thanks, yeah, i did have a can but I didnt actually set up the can on a stool, which is really why its so inproportionate. I have a lot to learn but Ive done some really cool things in my art 1. right now im working on a picture similar to this one we're talking about. Its of a plant in a pot on a stool with a stuffed animal/beenie baby on the stool next to the plant. I really put a lot of effort into the wood grain and it looks really cool, so if I get the chance to take a picture of it, I'll post it here.