Artic Silver 5


Don't toke Sour Diesel
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
:naughty: OKay, I just added some Artic Silver 5 thermal compound to my 2.8C. How long does it take until I see any changes? I followed directions from the Articsilver site the best I could, the compound doesn't have to be all over the CPU right, but just on the 'die'?

I know I didn't mess up my CPU yet because I get just about the same temps as before, except I noticed couple degree difference in idle temps- like 2-3 C degrees higher. Is that normal and/or indication of something?
well, you need to let it "burn in"...leave the comp on for 24-36 hours... afte that you *should* notive lower temps... did you clean the old stuff off well?
:naughty: Yeah I had to literally had to scrape off the other stuff with a plastic knife(Yes, directions said it was okay to use a plastic tool for scraping), I am assuming it was a thermal pad that had melted in(it was thick n tough), then I used acetone to clean the rest off.
I have a question also....Would it matter much if you did put artic silver 5 all over the cpu instead of just on the die?Like would you notice a degree or two differance if you covered the whole top of the cpu with artic 5.
:naughty: Yeah that is what I am wondering as well. But when I read the directions, it said to use a small amount such as 1/2 of a BB. It didn't say to spread the compound around just pop your heatsink on and wiggle it a little. Clearly just popping and wiggling the heatsink didn't spread the compound all over the CPU, but it is very important that there is compound on the die for sure.
Did you follow the instructions from Artic Silver's website? You are supposed to spread AS 5 around and form a very thin layer.
Whoops ^^. :o

Important Notes listed on the instructions.

Temperture Drop said:
Due to the unique shape and sizes of the particles in Arctic Silver's conductive matrix, it will take a up to 200 hours and several thermal cycles to achieve maximum particle to particle thermal conduction and for the heatsink to CPU interface to reach maximum conductivity. (This period will be longer in a system without a fan on the heatsink or with a low speed fan on the heatsink.) On systems measuring actual internal core temperatures via the CPU's internal diode, the measured temperature will often drop 2C to 5C over this "break-in" period. This break-in will occur during the normal use of the computer as long as the computer is turned off from time to time and the interface is allowed to cool to room temperature. Once the break-in is complete, the computer can be left on if desired.
With heatspreaders you generally just put a dab on there and then install the cooler.
With a bare core, you spread it paper thin.
Any more compound than that and it will perform worse with a higher temp.

It generally doesn't take too long before my temps drop and some effect sets in but it does take a few days for the compound to completely setup, so they say.
If you have a P4/A64 put about half a BBs worth of AS5 in the center of the CPU, put on the heatsink and if possible twist the heatsink clockwise and counterclockwise a few degrees a couple of times, then just fasten heatsink, this will give rid of any air bubbles or imperfections that may have occured, if your using an AMD or a P3 just put a tiny amound on the corner of the heatsink then with a credit card or with paper or something spread the AS5 evenly over the core, DO NOT USE YOUR FINGER as your skin emits humanly oil thus making the AS5 useless. After it is done after use turn off your computer when not using, this will make the AS5 cooler then when you turn it on when you are using it gets hot, then again when your not using it turn off your computer, do this for like 2 weeks, then you can leave it on for as long as you want, this will ''burn-in'' the AS5 good luck.
:dozey: Okay, it's been 2 full days and onto day three... I haven't noticed any beneficial change in my CPU's temps! My CPU idles at 40c when it used to idle around 30-35! Well it could be the summer heat, probably. But then again my load temps still been the same. Any ideas? Or maybe I did a poo job of an installation and I may need to do the Artic Silver application over?
load temperture are much more important than idle temperture. What is your load temperture with AS5?
Well, you may have put it on wrong... clean it off and try again!

I have a question also....Would it matter much if you did put artic silver 5 all over the cpu instead of just on the die?Like would you notice a degree or two differance if you covered the whole top of the cpu with artic 5.
Well, if you have an Athlon XP (or any other cpu that doesn't have a heat spreader) the HSF only touchs the die.... so the only part that heat is being transfered on is the die, so no, smearing it everywhere won't help.
SidewinderX143 said:
Well, if you have an Athlon XP (or any other cpu that doesn't have a heat spreader) the HSF only touchs the die.... so the only part that heat is being transfered on is the die, so no, smearing it everywhere won't help.
Not to mention you would be shorting the CPU and it would never work again. lol