Article: Why doesn't Evolution get rid of ugly people?

Heh, I wasn't asking the question, that's just the name of the article.
some people are only alive because its illegal to kill them.
Because ugly people need love too. But they gotta pay.
What a ridiculous article. Maybe because ugliness isn't a gene?

And even if it was, it's not like all ugly people never mate. Stupid article. (Written by a woman, of course)

Joking on that last bit.
Silly article, as if humans are Mr Potato Heads or Lego built up out of components that are randomly picked when two humans mate. That daddy has a big manly nose doesn't mean that the daughter will get his big manly nose as well.
we need some one to laugh at. but seriously, its genetics, its more messed up then politics.
It sort of makes sense till you figure out that it's speculation based on questionable evidence.
Some people's definition of "ugly" is another's definition of "beautiful".

Seriously, have you ever had a friend that found a girl jaw droppingly hot for you to only think "what a god damn dog"?
Some people's definition of "ugly" is another's definition of "beautiful".

Seriously, have you ever had a friend that found a girl jaw droppingly hot for you to only think "what a god damn dog"?

The opposite, your friend complaining about his "ugly" girlfriend, is far more irritating.
some people are only alive because its illegal to kill them.

That's an excellent point!

The thing is that in modern human society, evolution doesn't work like it should. It's not true evolution.
ugly isn't purely a genetic factor.

a lot of what we consider ugly/pretty comes down to that person's ability to take care of their appearance. You might have been born with awesome genes, but if you sit at home all day, never exercise, and eat shitty foods, you are going to look like an ugly fat slob.
i rofl'd hard at this thread

ugly isn't purely a genetic factor.

a lot of what we consider ugly/pretty comes down to that person's ability to take care of their appearance. You might have been born with awesome genes, but if you sit at home all day, never exercise, and eat shitty foods, you are going to look like an ugly fat slob.

qft brother :upstare:
The thing is that in modern human society, evolution doesn't work like it should. It's not true evolution.

There is no way that evolution "should" work. That's like saying that gravity isn't working like it's supposed to when you are on the moon. Evoltuion is just a physical phenomenon. Life tends to produce like offsping. It doesn't matter if you think it is natural or un-natural. That's an arbitrary definition.

And for you Hitlers out there that advocate Social Darwinism; if anything, having what you consider to be weaker individuals in the gene pool only broadens the available selction of genes, making the species more hardy overall. If resources become scarce in the future and there is a crunch, most of those "weaker" genes might be lost but some of them might contain immunities or hidden strengths. If societies that help the less fortunate were so bad, then by your logic they should have all died off and lost the helpful genes. And yet the best nations for quality of life in the world today are the socialist Scandinavian states.
someone who is ugly in your eyes is beutiful 2 sum2 else
so that fact is wrong there r no ugly people