

May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Could use another artist on the team, give me a shout on IRC or email me. The game is space combat, we have an internal build, you'd be doing starfields and stuff, maybe some model textures if you like. :cheers:
lol maybe you should add a link to your mod homepage so people can see weather its worth their while. as for textures i just bought 3 cds from so if u want any textures i can send them to you on msn my msn is [email protected] i have human skin eyes etc creatures fantasy stuff an aged and stressed walls and shit.
Onions said:
Could use another artist on the team, give me a shout on IRC or email me. The game is space combat, we have an internal build, you'd be doing starfields and stuff, maybe some model textures if you like. :cheers:
lol. thats all you write and you expect to get members! i would bet all my money that this mod will fail.
you can tell my mod will fail just by reading that? most people get to know me first :D
anyway, it's a deal, give me your address and i'll mail a contract. out of interest, what else exactly do you think i should have said? anyone not too full of themselves and vaguely interested in space combat would ask rather than expect a page full of "this mod is leet! omg!", and thats the kind of person i require.
the reason i can tell is because you clearly have little experience in modding else you would know that you need to write more than 2 lines and include the website to get people interested.

but all that said, your from scotland so i like you :). you dont meet many people on the internet who are from scotland as i am :D.
this forum has always followed the same formula. guy posts claiming his mod will own all others, community criticises, nobody (mostly) is actually looking to help. my intention, along with what i mentioned above, was to avoid all that. and look where it got me :D
apologies for the end of my previous post
Erm, Onions is the last person you should be telling has little modding experience. If anything, he has more than the majority of the Help Wanted boards. He actually has skill, as opposed to the people making mods, but can only contribute to it through "PR"

So, Onions might not be very good at advertising for jobs. But he does know what he's doing. He can actually code, which is like 50% of a proper mod, which is more than nearly every mod mentioned on these boards.

Any mod made by Onions gets the Angry Lawyer stamp of approval. If you're an artist, have a look, because if any mod is likely to see the light of day, it's this one.

-Angry Lawyer
I am a crap artist, but i would try...
If you are interested in having a n00b artist on your team leme know...
Kebean PFC, your more than welcome to try, give me an email (address in sig) or drop by #halflife2.resonance on

Angry Lawyer, thanks for the kind words, hope i can live up to them :D
I would have thought people would realise how terrible the Help wanted section of is :p Oh well, tbh. I have no clue about Onions mod, I think it was Pi who was modelling a space ship once and it looked pritty bad, dunno if that has anything to do with your mod. Tbh, i can't remember seeing anything from quite a lot of a hl2 staf/ex staff but yet they get credability, I must have missed something...

Oh and your post was terrible, you don't need to write anything about your mod that you didn't already write you just need to write it better and it would come across a lot more proffesional rather than a random noob looking for help :p

Thats my opinion on this whole matter anyway :D
well maybe Onions does have modding experience but the point is still his first post it came across that he had no experience - just a noob wanting help :p
The words 'Onions' and 'noob' don't belong in the same sentence, unless it's phrased like 'Onions things [insert name] is a noob'. Trust, he's got some brain power.

-Angry Lawyer