Artistic Favor to Ask

  • Thread starter Thread starter DarkClaw
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Um... like I said, I suck with a pencil or with a mouse when it comes to anything artistic, which includes tracing. Tracing is easier, I'll admit that, but tracing the outline of the HEV suit is pretty hard along with drawing a helmet on it. (I already tried, causing my teacher telling me to try using paint instead, and I think I saw some disgust in his face too...)
alright, I need it for... my science class! Our teacher was talking about scientists developing exoskeletons and protective suits, and he assigned us a project that we have to make a presentation of a protective suit/exoskeleton. Yes, he said we could use suits we found in games and stuff if we modified it so we wouldn't get caught by law for stealing a copyright, but we would also need to change the name and blahblahblah. You get the point now I think. I have everything done, the poster, the info, and I've based the picture model of it on the HEV suit, since I'm a fan of the HL series. The only thing now is that I suck artistically completely when trying to make any kind of picture. (in other words, I can't draw by hand or by mouse or whatever thing you throw at me). So I came for help here...

Are you sure "modifying it" will really beat copyright laws? :P
Um, I hate to brake the party, but I still need that picture... for monday.

And yes, modifying it will not be against copyright law. Another funny law is that if you take a school bus, paint over the s and h to make it a cool bus, paint it all a different colour, and remove all but 4 seats (not including driver seat), you can drive that bus with a regular license, no whatever special license needed for normally driving a bus whatsoever! And you don't even need to wear you seatbelt (which usually occurs in a fine of 50-100$ for normal cars).
I'm probably not supposed to be double posting (considering it's not allowed on most forums I've seen), but I've finally figured out what I need and how to exactly say it. I need a wire frame model (model for you, picture for me because I have no program for viewing models) of the HEV suit from the front, rear, and both sides. This should be possible using SDK Source, which has a model viewer (I think). The reason this time that I can't do it is that I don't have HL2 (I do but... well, I'm not a rich person and I know some things about torrents...) so I can't use SDK Source. Could someone please do it for me? And yes, I know I'm a bad person for double posting. I wouldn't let me edit my last post for some reason, so I had to...
I don't have HL2 (I do but... well, I'm not a rich person and I know some things about torrents...)

Erm yeah, I wouldn't really expect anyone to give you any more help than what you've already been given now... :dozey:
you have some nerve, do it yourself

..surprised anyone helped this fool
Yes this fool has some nerve for humbly requesting help on an art project when there were plenty of people willing to help, and tried to. And because it was his fault that Pesh turned the thread into a joke. Some nerve for reminding folks that he still needs help, what a fool he is. Yeah, I can't believe anyone would help this fool. He's not even paying them?!


No, Stern, notice how in his OP he thanks whoever helps him in advance, and tries his best not to sound pushy or demanding. He also says please.

Having some nerve in his recent post would make it sound something like this.

"Argh, I should have known was full of idiots that would turn this thread into a joke. I still need the picture guys, can't any of you just do it!? How hard can it be."

I don't think he could have acted any more humble in his requests. Things seemed to be getting out of control so he tried reminding the people that he still needed the picture. He even felt bad about breaking the fun tone.
humbly requesting? he complained Krynn's contribution wasnt good enough/perfect then had the gall to demand someone finish it because he needed it for monday

quit trolling vageta
I'm not trolling, I'm defending the OP because you called him a fool.

He complained? Ugly choice of words Stern. Let's read again.

"Krynn, your is really nice. It's exactly what I need. Maybe if you just polished it up a little bit... (Damn, I feel like I'm a very picky asshole boss...) and by polish up I mean make it more symmetrical."

Notice the part in quotes. He realises exactly how he sounds, Stern. Hence, he's not a "fool" as you so rudely called him. "Had the gall to demand", seriously Stern, he didn't demand a single thing.

"Could someone please do it for me?"

Just because you think he's lazy doesn't mean you can call him a fool right in his thread, and act like he's being a huge jerk about asking for help.

Explain to me how you think he's being a jerk about it instead of being humble. Your Krynn point fails as I've just expressed. Krynn gave it a try and the OP complimented it, but it wasn't exactly right, so he gave the exact things he wanted fixed. And he said that he didn't want to feel like a picky asshole.
I'm not trolling, I'm defending the OP because you called him a fool.

He complained? Ugly choice of words Stern. Let's read again.

"Krynn, your is really nice. It's exactly what I need. Maybe if you just polished it up a little bit... (Damn, I feel like I'm a very picky asshole boss...) and by polish up I mean make it more symmetrical."

Notice the part in quotes. He realises exactly how he sounds, Stern. Hence, he's not a "fool" as you so rudely called him. "Had the gall to demand", seriously Stern, he didn't demand a single thing.

"Could someone please do it for me?"

Just because you think he's lazy doesn't mean you can call him a fool right in his thread, and act like he's being a huge jerk about asking for help.

yet again you make a mountain out of a mole hill, you wouldnt even had bothered had it been anyone else ..anyways I have no desire to debate idiotic points, I really dont care what you think either way ..and apologising for being a "very picky asshole boss" doesnt excuse the fact that you're acting like a "very picky asshole boss" ..if so I'll remember that little line of logic the next time I want to murder someone

"hey if I apologise in advance it will be ok"
+1 stern, quit trolling skull dudds

Besides, this guy is no better than the people asking us to fix their pirated hl2 copy for them
Yeah Stern, that's just what I thought you'd do. It's too bad that you seem incapable of arguing anything with me just because it's me. Isn't it just so convenient how you can play that card when you're backed into a corner. You don't care what I think? Then why'd you reply to me the first time. You don't like arguing idiotic points? You're the one who brought the point up, and replied to me, which is called arguing.

And also, him feeling like a picky asshole boss doesn't make him a picky asshole boss, either. That's up to the judgement of readers. And I think your judgement is poor, so I tried to explain how I disagreed, though I probably should have known it would get nowhere. And I like your mountain out of a mole hill comment. Couldn't this statement apply to any argument? It will only escalate until it reaches a resolution, which is apparantly impossible with you.

To the OP: I don't think you did anything wrong or acted poorly in this thread.

lol, skull dudds.

I really don't see how defending someone from a person who calls him a fool is trolling. Wouldn't the insulter be the troll? Or neither, that's cool too.

"Besides, this guy is no better than the people asking us to fix their pirated hl2 copy for them" :O You aren't serious are you?
give it a rest vageta, I really have no beef with you, besides the consistant little annoyances however admitted to hating me which doesnt bother me in the least but it does temper your attitude towards anything I post ..n'est pas?

btw thanks Crush :)
Perhaps you should do your own homework DarkClaw?
Or be less picky when getting other people to do it...
give it a rest vageta, I really have no beef with you, besides the consistant little annoyances however admitted to hating me which doesnt bother me in the least but it does temper your attitude towards anything I post ..n'est pas?
I just don't see how that automatically nullifies my entire post and you can't muster any sort of reply to it. It's funny how that occured after I proved your points wrong, and not after my first reply to you. Why was that?
you proved my points wrong :laugh:

dont mistake apathy for defeat, I couldnt be bothered because this issue isnt worth debating over
"Besides, this guy is no better than the people asking us to fix their pirated hl2 copy for them" :O You aren't serious are you?

He means this

The reason this time that I can't do it is that I don't have HL2 (I do but... well, I'm not a rich person and I know some things about torrents...) so I can't use SDK Source. Could someone please do it for me? And yes, I know I'm a bad person for double posting. I wouldn't let me edit my last post for some reason, so I had to...
you proved my points wrong :laugh:
Ahahaha yeah funny hahaha :D:D :D:D:D That's easy to say isn't it.

I understand that you don't like arguing with a formidible opponent ;) Stop calling me vageta, though. If you really didn't care you'd have stopped posting a while ago.

Remus I assumed he was referring to that, but I can't see how that's similar at all.
Um... he was just some dude... with like problems... and gonorrhea...
Alright, I've got a completely different question now, because my older brother came home from college with a copy of CS and DOD source (a valid copy too) that he got as a gift from a friend of his. Now, I can use SDK Source to get what I need. I'm having trouble though, because I can't make it start up, it says that Steam.dll cannot be found. I've reinstalled Steam, reinstalled SDK Source, and deleted the clientthingy.blob and restarted Steam (I don't remember exact name of that file). It still says it can't find Steam.dll. This is definitely the wrong topic for this, but considering this topic is already started, well... if I can't find a solution, then I will need someone to do it for me, and if it ends up it's the last day for the project (next sunday my time), I'll take Krynn's, because his is the best up to now.

Edit: Forgot to mention something. If you can't fix my Source SDK, you can either: Get me an HL2 model viewer that can do wireframe models (that doesn't require Steam, I hate Steam enough now because of this), or if you have SDK Source/Model Viewer you can make me a wireframe model of back and front of HEV, and maybe side-to-side (and if possible, that helmet, but no pressure if you can't), or if you don't have SDK Source/Model Viewer, you can do like Krynn's picture.

Edit Edit: Stop fighting guys, it's not really helping, and if you don't want to help, you don't have to. I'm not forcing anybody, I'm just asking.
LMFAO. Gotta be the dumbest looking thing I ever saw. Lovely.
vegeta897 said:
I understand that you don't like arguing with a formidible opponent

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

whatever you say /wipes tear from eye
Once again, semantics destroy the universe.
Hey, I made Source SDK work once! But now, I can't make it work again...
Lol at how any time vegeta and stern post in the same thread, it turns into a argument.
Wtf, a legitimate "fixed" post!?

The world is ending.