Artwork Through Liero Level Design


Aug 2, 2003
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Hey everyone. I used to frequent this place and am now trying to slowly assimilate myself back into the groove of things. I don't know how many of you have heard of a game called Liero, but it is an amazing 2d game that came out many years ago. A newer updated version called Lieroxtreme keeps the feel of the old game alive with some much needed improvements. Anyhow, this isn't a plug for the game itself but rather for my latest art creation. This is a side scrolling level that I finally finished today. It is called htown2020 and is a blast to play. Although this might not be your standard art submission to these forums, I am proud of how it turned out and thought I would share it with everyone. Without further adieu, I present:


Entire Map Shot (take into account that this game is old school and the player has to move a good distance to get from one side to the other)

Here is what the map actually looks like in play:


One thing that can't be seen by just viewing the main image is the layering system the game uses for the levels. I had to make a front image, background image, and collision map to tell the game what parts of the level can be destroyed, what parts are solid, and what parts are air. Things that can be destroyed utilize the background image to tell them what the map looks like in that area after it has seen heavy destruction (ie: seeing girders after blowing up a wall or seeing exposed pipes after the players blow open the crater to reach the underground area. I tried to add a lot of detail to this so hopefully it shows. For anyone who is an avid artist who wants to take a crack at making their own map, here is what all 3 of the files needed to compile a map look like:

"Front" Image - What shows when you first load the map, certain parts can be destroyed as designated by the materials map, which then instructs the "Back" Image to show through in those spots.

"Back" Image - The extra details and goodies that are revealed to the players after they blow up/dig through certain spots. This is also what is shown for the backdrop in any area that is designated as air. The major areas on the map that you can notice a change from the front and back images are the walls/floors of the buildings and the underground tunnels.

"Materials" Image - The collision map for the compiler. White = Can be destroyed, Grey = Cannot be destroyed, Black = Air (Show back image here)

For anyone who is still reading this thread which has become way too long (my bad) - The link to download lieroxtreme is . If you haven't heard of liero, it's basically like the "Worms" series on crack, and without turns (all live action). It's free, you can play split screen with a friend on the same computer, or on seperate computers via lan or internet. This is a killer game to break up the same old same old at lan parties (soldat anyone?) or playing against friends during your lunch break.

I am still making some minor bug fixes so I won't upload the actual map file till a bit later. Hope you enjoy my twisted version of what Houston might look like in 13 years (unlucky).
I have to say that's really ****ing cool, not to mention original. :thumbs:

I love Liero.
Lol, we used to have huge liero lan parties in my physics class on Fridays. (and the professor pwned us all because he had such a nice computer...we lagged, he fragged.)

Great looking map. I'm going to the Houston Space Center on sunday.
I used to play Liero a few years ago with a few mates, great game :)