As fog rolls into City 17...

Wow, very good work there!

And I imagine it would be hard to do with the model viewer :O

well, it was shots of the individual models that i composited in Photoshop, but to get them in the right angles even before opening Photoshop was a real bitch.
Wow man that 1600x1200 looks GREAT.

To bad my monitor only goes up to 1280x1024 :(
RTFMy said:
Wow man that 1600x1200 looks GREAT.

To bad my monitor only goes up to 1280x1024 :(

Lol, you can download irfanview to resize it for you. Google it.
Note, just out of shot is the uber-1337 CT team led by Adrien Shephard with his M60 to rescue Alyx.

Just Kidding, nice work man!
Nice, very nice, good creative work, instead of just applying some Photoshop filters.
could you possibly make a 1280x1024 version(so as to not lose image quality). I would like to use that as a desktop background.

thanks in advance.
eh, it's just some posed models pasted on a background with a 3D background cloud over it at about 50% opacity. (Or lightened brush?)
I bet the models took some time, but as far as photoshop
DrkBlueXG said:
eh, it's just some posed models pasted on a background with a 3D background cloud over it at about 50% opacity. (Or lightened brush?)
as far as photoshop


DrkBlueXG said:
eh, it's just some posed models pasted on a background with a 3D background cloud over it at about 50% opacity. (Or lightened brush?)
I bet the models took some time, but as far as photoshop
Are you trying to show us your photoshop elitness?

Good job Luketabor, it's my new background. :)
Chiefi said:
Are you trying to show us your photoshop elitness?

Good job Luketabor, it's my new background. :)
No, just the fact that it is merely just a little more than a couple filters on PS with the transparency set low. :thumbs: