as much as we hate hackers and alike, they are our only hope for...

A True Canadian said:
or one well-placed EMP blast and well...
Well, just a thought, but if there was a well-placed EMP blast, it would probably be attached to a well placed nuclear detonation, and we'd all be ****ed anyway.
Phisionary said:
Well, just a thought, but if there was a well-placed EMP blast, it would probably be attached to a well placed nuclear detonation, and we'd all be ****ed anyway.
Not if we duck and cover!!! :thumbs:
Kommie said:
Not if we duck and cover!!! :thumbs:
That's right kids! In the event of a thermonuclear holocaust, just tuck your head under your chest, grip your neck tightly, and everything'll be just fine!
Kommie said:
Not if we duck and cover!!! :thumbs:
ROFL! has anyone seen 'the iron giant'?? damn good flick for a kids movie. they have a scene with a mock 50's info flick on nuclear weapons and duck and cover. had something just like that.. hahahah :LOL:
jverne said:
more and more systems for communication spying (internet, phones,...) are being researched!

lets see:
-the USA is experimenting with chips that are placed inside your body enabling them to see our every move (position-GPS,...)
-CIA in collaboration with the NSA is constructing a sistem to tap on IRC channels
-China has got a live SMS and cellphone spying sistem
-...please add more...can't remember...

my point is that hackers are the freedom of the future, they'll help us "read a magazine while shitting, without being spyed on" by hacking into the system or something ! the world is slowly becoming like HL2 where the combine tracked your every move!

i'm moving to africa or maybe i'll join the penguins on antartica if they aren't already wired!! :LOL: ;(

Stalin would probably be in paradise if he'd be alive today!

there is one key feature that you're forgetting: these systems are only as good as the people monitoring them. as long as you fly under their radar, you should be fine: announcing conspiracy theories about hacking being our salvation is NOT flying under that radar. accusing them of trying to bug all of us is NOT flying under that radar. comparing the governments of the world- especially the ones that aren't communist- to stalin- thats a big bad bloody no-no.

think: how many people do you know of that would be happy to have a computer chip implanted in them? i know people who would go so far as to have it implanted and then pry it out with a corckscrew on a pocket knife. i won't deny being one of them ;). with resistance like that, you'd have to have some type of terrorist attack to make the people more 'open to suggestion'.and given that the military is composed of people.... JUST LIKE US..... i don't think they will let that happen, no matter who's career is on the line for it.