Ask the valve staff a question!


May 22, 2003
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I will be visiting the Valve Office in February in Bellvue, Washington. I'll try to make this short, I dont know alot of things to ask when I get there, so I'd like for you guys to ask some stuff to the Half-Life 2 staff or maybe even things to look for. Just let me know who the question is to or to everyone and I will try to get them answered as best I can. I will also try to take pictures of anything I can and learn all I can. Thanks for you help.

PS: Know one thing, I am 99% sure im going unless somethings happens at Valve but dont be worried they wont let me down.
I wanna know when we'll see the rest of the promised Bink videos, and if we'll ever see the benchmark.
Can you ask them if they gonna help the best hl2 mods to go retail (or help them in some other way)?

That would be kinda sweet.

Hmm... one more question.... nevermind.. ive lost it.

Edit: oh oh! i got it :)

I know theres have been some talk about HL2 to Linux but i really want to know. Will the HL2 client be released for Linux in the future? Thats the only thing holding me back from changing to Linux.

Oh and ask them about my little theory:
Counterstrike is on version 1.6, am i right in thinking your aiming CS2.0 to be on the source engine as CS2....

Erm, I may have more later. I can't really think now. No time...
Ask them if that gamewarp "delayed until Sept 24" rumor is true. I personaly think its bs.
MIWojo11 said:
Dates change Shuzer..

I know this, but, they confirmed making up the date. I'm just trying to help so overall pointless questions won't end up being asked, that's all
Ask them If the Multiplayer will be realy special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask them if there is any chance of us getting a specil edition disk (or download) with all the monsters / weapons that were cut from Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2
I'll sticky this for you for the next few days. If you want me to remove the none questions or silly stuff so its neater and easier to read through let me know.
Ask them if them about the game difficulty choices, like easy, normal, hard, or just one setting.
Are you still supporting the Sven Co-op team and how is that coming along?

Have you been able to change all the stuff you disliked about Half-Life and added all the stuff that you wanted to but couldn't because of technical limits and/or timelimits?

I believe even Valve wasn't totally satisfied with the Xen levels, but if a mod team were to redo these maps with Source, how would you like to see it different from the HL Xen?
When you get the tour, you should look for any dates that might be on the wall anywhere. :E
Are you still supporting the Sven Co-op team and how is that coming along?

As a SC moderator I should maybe use this opportunity to mention that SC, contrary to popular belief, does not have access to anything other than that which the general public has at this time, short of Valve's statement of intended support in the future.

Perhaps ask about the "little" things like blood and gibbing... the idea of a crowbar which is physically present in the game world (bullets and thrown projectiles like barrels bouncing off it?), friendly AI... knock yourself out and we'll keep our fingers crossed you see them!
see if you can get any info on the special edition of HL2. probably wont find out whats on it, but maybe see when they might release what it will contain. perhaps shortly after the new release date?
maybe you all should read the valve info only thread before you post here. I swear the first 5 posts were answered in it....
ask em if their team is making a "the making of half life 2" DVD or something that for the Collectors editon of HL2. I mean they've been delevoping it for 5 years (6 maybe?) so I'm sure there would be plenty of interesting stuff. "In the beginning...YEAR 1...ideas are thrown into the one is hurt" ya know, something like that...and at the end have a Half Life 3 teaser! Oh God I couldn't stand it!

I know there a book on the HL2 making but who want to read when you can hear it from Gabe himself eh?
What have you been working on while or finished that stoped the release of hl2 in sept
When will the game be finished?

that would be my 1st god damned question and if they didnt answer id kick them in the balls and ask them again.

they would get the picture eventualy or very sore nackers.
Are there any cool little features you've added since 9/30? I don't mean major overhauls or big secrets, just small things that weren't part of your original goal.

Do you think the game will be released before summer? Dont ask WHEN it will be released because they probably cant determine that.
Ask them if there would be subtitles available in the game...I know the answer will probably be no... :(
Actually, I'm pretty sure someone asked Gabe about subtitles in the Info from Valve thread, and the answer was yes.
Same questions i posted in the rick elise interview thread

1 - Will bump maps on models and world brushes react to dynamic lights such as the flashlight and muzzle flashes or are they only effected by static lighting?

2 - Will each model have to have a collision model made for it manualy or are collisions in hl2 per-poly? if you do have to manualy create collission models how will this be done?

3 - Will bump maps be usable on player models and if so will they react dynamicly as the model's/light sources move?

4 - Would it be possible within source to have player models with real-time reflective shaders for the eyes that as the model moves farther away from the camera turn into cube-maps (sort of like a lod system)?

5 - Is it possible to have 3d models rendered in source's vgui menu system?

6 - Would it be possible to have rag dolls that interact with each other in multiplayer games but are totally client-side?

7 - How will HDRR (High dynamic range rendering) work work in hl2? will it be definable/adjustable per map or will it just be a part of source's lighting system?

8 - Will fluid be simulated in 3d as it was in hl1 or will it just be flat with shaders to simulate the visuals? if it is not simulated in 3d how dificult would it be to impliment 3d fluid simulation into the source engine?

9 - How complex is the terrain material painting tool in the hl2 build of hammer? will we be able to paint many different materials onto each terrain brush?

10 - Will character model shadows react to lighting realisticly or will they just be projected in a pre-determined direction?

11 - We know that source supports 2048x2048 textures but what is the average resolution of skins used on charactor and first person weapon models?

12 - Will the "SPEAK" command return in HL2 and if so will there be any new phrases and will there be a new voice?
Shuzer said:
I wanna know when we'll see the rest of the promised Bink videos, and if we'll ever see the benchmark.
check my most recent post in the valve info thread:

The release of the benchmark has been postponed. We will announce a new release date for it soon.

I think the most important thing to find out is when the game wil be released. I'm sick of hearing the characters have so many polygons and the lighting is fantasmico el goodo wowzors.

Suggested wording to find "a" release date or at least find an answer explaining what is happening and why it won't be out anytime soon.

1. Excluding game testing, could you put a percentage on how complete the game is? 60%? 99%?

2. Gabe have you met my sister Buxoma Blondy?
*later whilst Buxoma is on her knees*
Please Mr Newell when will HL2 be released?

3. <Persuade>Tell me when Half-Life 2 will be released<Persuade>

4. *Wielding a sledge hammer* Now Gabe, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. When will HL2 be released?

5. 4I u r teh suck!111 looalsol11

? ok..

er questions for devteam:
1.Have you ever been to Tallin/Estland (It looks a bit like the coast levels..)
2. Which eastern (old!=) European landmarks/scapes inspired you for HL2?

that's all folks.. (had to force myself not to as the W-question..) :dork:
<bitterness> Oh yeah and ask them if they can give me a new cd-key for steam. Mine has been stolen thanks to their ingeniousness.. Might be faster than waiting for their steamsupport-mail-monkeys..

Don't do a large interview.

Take a lot of pics!
But not just lil' details, we would like to see the Valve HQ!
I agree, take lots of pics! Take a pic outside of their building so we can egg.... see what it looks like. Take as many pics as you can and are aloud to take.
I want hallways, I want people sitting, and standing. Anything that you can take a picture of without risking running out of film is good : ) unless that seems impolite while they are talking to you. . .

Have a good time :)
Good questions, my camera holds 120+ or 160+ I cant remember which so its definetly enough and its a real nice camera so they will be real nice. Also i'll have to ask them about that supposive delay, I hope its not true.
Ask someone if the physics will still be in effect when an enemie is dieing, ex: a combine gets shot in the chest, clutched the wound, slowly goes to his knees etc, and I shoot him in the arm will it fly back will his body twist?
Six Three said:
Ask someone if the physics will still be in effect when an enemie is dieing, ex: a combine gets shot in the chest, clutched the wound, slowly goes to his knees etc, and I shoot him in the arm will it fly back will his body twist?

in the ask rick ellis thread ive asked basicly the same thing.

EG. if a combine is shot in the leg will it just be a coded "limp" effect or will the physics engine determine what happens to him.

in all the games ive seen the physics only start when the enemy has died.