Assasins Creed really sucks...


Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
How can this joke sell so well? The game is a joke. I played it a few hours with a friend and im bored already. After a few hours you notice pretty fast the you are doing the same thing over and over again.

Long travels with your hourse sucks. Do you get a speeding ticket for running around with your hourse? Nope, they try to kill you. Were the developers on drugs when they made that?
Yeah you do the same thing over and over, and that thing? assassinate!! How can you say its bad dude? It's one of the best experiences i've ever had when it comes to gaming.
Theres a war going on. You are sided with the Assassins and wearing their colours. You are an enemy on the battlegrounds, if you act conspicuous. It is an amazing game. I loved it. How far did you get, exactly?
He probably only got to Damascus. This game does start really REALLY slow. But it gets picked up after playing few hours in Acre.
Well, from the preview it seemed like someone wanted to play ZOMGNINJA in the middle, it sucks.
I bet these are the same people who circlejerk over Halo.

It's an open world game. Of course you don't have to ride the horse every time (unless you haven't reached a city yet). The main goal of the game is to assassinate (read: ASSASSINATE) several targets. What, did you think you'd be storming castles or fighting armies? Oh HELL no. Your job is to assassinate several key historical figures. Like Ace said, you are an Assassin and soldiers will recognize that outside of a city when a man in a white hooded robe is riding a blazing saddle through the land. ****.

Sorry, I don't normally do this but ****. The tiniest little things like this piss me the **** off.
I hear ya Willie. People expect to be spoon-fed every little motivation from every single NPC and enemy in every damn game. Sometimes you have to think for yourself, or even just *gasp* pay attention to the story sequences to understand something.
Hey guys, been readin for a while, never posted yet, but felt i had to comment on this one.

I just finished Assassin's creed a few days ago, and i can kinda see where some people are coming from with this is boring comments. I actually really liked AC, the climbing was amazing, the cities were huge a detailed, the stealiness was ever so cool, but it did kinda start to drag on after a while, just because every level was exactly the same thing over again, climb the view points, do the investigations, then go kill your current target. Then again, thats how they designed it, the whole point was to play on the assassin's side of the war, plus the end of the game was almost a surprise. yeah it was pretty annoying later on in the game, but by that point the damn well better know theres an assassin wandering around dressed like that, killin em all.
Aye, it definately dragged on, which kinda killed some of it, but it was still pretty amazing.
I'd probably rate it 8/10. But you see because it is so open you really have to be able to have fun just screwing around. I wouldn't depend on the missions to keep you entertained. That is at most half of the game you should experience. If you get bored just screwing around then this game is not for you.

I have not finished the game yet. Most of the time I'm running around the city looking for citizens to save and people for the missions (pickpocket/interrogation/informant/eavesdropping) and view points. Have a blast just wondering around and I find those things because they are along a path I choose to go. Not because I looked at the map and went directly there ignoring the freedom to do what I wanted. Also I do mostly fighting with some social stealth. Love killing guards and beating up thugs. It isn't a 'stealth' game. Once you kill, you escape. But not hitman style.

I think I have 2 more guys to assassinate.
Towards the end the side-missions got boring, but otherwise it was a great game
i beat it and have mixed feelings about it, however its still has the worst game play in any game ive ever bought
That in no way constitutes "mixed feelings". :|

Indeed. But one of the things that helped me keep playing was the amazing story. I mean, It was ****ing great! I hope the sequels are as good as that.
If they make a sequel (it's a trilogy I think) it should be a brilliant game, I think just a bit of tweaking could make this game brilliant
Man, I absolutely love this game!

The assassinations are not that repetitive at all, each has different areas, and ways of entry and exit, as well as a few surprises thrown in to keep it fresh.
If they make a sequel (it's a trilogy I think) it should be a brilliant game, I think just a bit of tweaking could make this game brilliant

I agree, I'll definitely go out n buy the next when it comes out, the biggest thing about this game for me was the story, its deep and involved. (even if the end took me a little research to fully understand lol) I think they just need to mix it up a bit in the next one, a la new types of side missions etc
And I hope everyone is
Stealing the doctor's Digipens to see the emails of vidic and the computer in the conference room. Hmm?
And I hope everyone is
Stealing the doctor's Digipens to see the emails of vidic and the computer in the conference room. Hmm?

comp in the conference room?? i never managed to get in there... hmmm...
If you don't like Assassin's Creed after sneakily eliminating your first target then don't bother.

I find the game to be rather exciting when you're stalking your mark, gathering intel and deciding where to strike.
Wait, so it's NOT actually taking place in the Middle East?

Just lost the remaining ONE point of awesome it just had.
My biggest complaint:

I'm literally not buying it because of the rubbish Sci-Fi story they tacked on. I don't understand why we can't just be characters of that era - instead we have to have godamn UFOs or Space Marines or some damn multi-colored giraffe-****ing space traveling super-star with laser guns and a plethora of idiotic looking benefactors who have a grand mission for you.

I just want to be a cold blooded Assassin, **** the creed, **** the space-time traveling and most of all **** obligatory grandiose "save the world" plotlines.

Thanks for that one, Ubisoft, seriously.

A spoiler warning would be nice on your post as well, Combine.
Hmm, well I have played it a few hours and I'm not bored yet.

Exploring the enviroment collecting flags.
Killing Guards to clear out areas
Saving Citizens
Collecting intel to develope the storyline
Nice cutscenes which have already opened a lot of questions that I want answers to.
Nice character development and although its generaly typically it doesn't feel so.
The obvious one, assassinating people in unique situations driven by story and a scene to outline the persons characteristics you are about to kill and who you are killing.
My biggest complaint:

I'm literally not buying it because of the rubbish Sci-Fi story they tacked on. I don't understand why we can't just be characters of that era - instead we have to have godamn UFOs or Space Marines or some damn multi-colored giraffe-****ing space traveling super-star with laser guns and a plethora of idiotic looking benefactors who have a grand mission for you.

I just want to be a cold blooded Assassin, **** the creed, **** the space-time traveling and most of all **** obligatory grandiose "save the world" plotlines.

Thanks for that one, Ubisoft, seriously.

A spoiler warning would be nice on your post as well, Combine.

Hmmm... no offense dude but you need to buy the game. The scifi part of the game is very small. Infact I think the only reason the scifi part is added so you can jump memorys and don't have to run to every single objective which could get tedious. Instead it in a sense teleports you to the next memory sometimes even adding to the story as you notice you may have missed something but giving you answers later.
Hmmm... no offense dude but you need to buy the game. The scifi part of the game is very small. Infact I think the only reason the scifi part is added so you can jump memorys and don't have to run to every single objective which could get tedious. Instead it in a sense teleports you to the next memory sometimes even adding to the story as you notice you may have missed something but giving you answers later.

But the fact that it exists at all offends me. It sucks me right out of the plot.

I'm hugely neurotic like that.
I've almost assassinated my second target on memory 3 and I'm having great fun. Love gathering bits of intel on my target, saving random citizens and just owning gaurds.

The kills are awesome, sure they get repetitive but some of the fights can get challenging.
Love fighting the Templar Knights.

Gets an 8/10 from me.
There is no 'save the world' sci fi plot. In fact, it's more of a 'Do wahtever the god damn scientists tell you to do' plotline. You can also sneak around the facility after the second or third memory block.
I have played it twice for a total of maybe 2 hours because Mass Effect is just that much more engrossing. I will go back to it when I get through Mass Effect (and Super Mario Galaxy).
But the fact that it exists at all offends me. It sucks me right out of the plot.

I'm hugely neurotic like that.

It can't suck you out of the plot if it's part of the plot. If you haven't played it, don't judge it, no matter how neurotic you are.
It can't suck you out of the plot if it's part of the plot. If you haven't played it, don't judge it, no matter how neurotic you are.

I can't help it, I really did lose almost all interest. I know I'm horrendously ignorant (read: nobody is going to chage my mind), but forum posts aren't going to change that. I'll probably pick it up when it's not $60 anymore.

I just don't have that kind of cashflow as a college student atm :( , Though I am vaguely intersted in Creed.
I'd say you're better off waiting anyways.

The combat just gets tedious unless you're entertained by the same kill animations over and over (they are fun to see for the first couple hours).

The combat is way too easy which throws off the whole stealth aspect for me.

The AI is flaky and gets pissed about nothing at all at sometimes and others they let the dumbest things slide such as killing a guard in front of another guard as long as you pray.

The sci-fi bits really feel tacked on and clunky to control:
The "Assassins" of the future assault this company HEAD-ON with small numbers and obviously get slaughtered. WTF kind of retarded 'assassins' are they? Didn't we just play through a game where we were SUPPOSED to be stealthy through the whole thing (except for that shitty end segment where you just slaughter a hundred plus people on a nice linear path)? This was just a big WTF moment for me.

Then there's the unbearable side mission repetition if you're like me and do EVERYTHING but collect hundreds of those worthless flags.

There's tons of little things that drag the game down for me besides just those major issues, but I've already made massive posts in the other Assassin's Creed thread about this stuff.

The plot was just too obvious to me as well and it never really interested me. I would've been a lot happier if they cut out the sci-fi aspect and wrote a plot around the time period you spend 95% of your playtime in.

Before anybody asks:

YES - I did every side mission before assassinating my targets
YES - I had all conversations with Julia or whoever that chick is
YES - I stole the pens to get into their email accounts
YES - I read the stuff on the conference room computer

This one is a rental unless you REALLY like free-running (holding RT, A and forward).