Assassin's Creed 2 hinted at, revealed next week

Eh? Combat is so easy doesn't matter if you use keyboard or controller.

That was one of the issues I had. Everything in AC is easy - it's gaming with training wheels. With a decent combat system and free running that required a touch of timing and skill the game would have been so much better.

Ubisoft fail to make the distinction between dumbed down and accessible.
Italian Renaissance. Florence and Venice. What a nice historical setting!
I wonder how they'll convince Desmond to get back in the thing or maybe Lucy will stab old Templar dude after learning all that there is to know, might be her whole plan.
The game needs mods. There is so much to add, so much that could easily be transformed.

That gameworld, detail, and atmosphere was unbe-freaking-lievable, and wasted on a parkour game with bits of action and bad cutscenes.
After replaying, I'm pretty much convinced that the Hashishin aren't, as Warren puts it, backwater savages. The new logo, in a way, resembles the inverted V that symbolizes the assassin order, leading me to believe, that they will indeed succeed in blasting Desmond out. Or commandeer the Animus.
A propos the ending - the big fat Templar with a goatee and a bald head should make a reappearance.