Assuming that Valve will unlock HL2 at midnight on the 15th....

What about HL2 in shops? If it is to be released 16.11 it will be in shops worldwide, say 14-15.11?
Do you think vavle could unlock Hl2 at a reasonable time for everyone?
Its likely to be Aussie time.

Valve stated steam would be unlocked as soon as its available in stores.

Since Auss will get to the 16th first and its stores will opwn first then steam should go live with Hl2 at the same time.

meaning sometime during the night of the 15th in the west.
Its likely to be Aussie time.

Valve stated steam would be unlocked as soon as its available in stores.

Since Auss will get to the 16th first and its stores will opwn first then steam should go live with Hl2 at the same time.

meaning sometime during the night of the 15th in the west.
That actually makes a lot of sense.
they will probably release it tuesday at around 3 pm , not monday night , coz they know they will have more people playing it at 3 then midnight
Silent_night said:
they will probably release it tuesday at around 3 pm , not monday night , coz they know they will have more people playing it at 3 then midnight

Most of the people that got it through steam are more die-hard fans :P So no matter what time its put it, they will most likely be there. midnnight valve time is 9pm my time ne woo.
Dougy said:
Its likely to be Aussie time.

Valve stated steam would be unlocked as soon as its available in stores.

Since Auss will get to the 16th first and its stores will opwn first then steam should go live with Hl2 at the same time.

meaning sometime during the night of the 15th in the west.

Australia is what? 9 or 10 hours ahead of the UK? So if shops open in Australia at 9:00am on the 16th, it will be 2-3am Tuesday morning in the UK. That's my bet.

Having said that, someone somewhere in the World will probably break the street date, and we'll have it on Saturday the 13th! :)
OMG! 1 kn0w u h4x1 i m n07 g01ng 70 sch00l 16-> until il finished it
Almost every big game has been released a 2 or 3 days before the actual release date somewhere in the world.

And this time because of steam, hundreds of thousands of people will be able to play it the second some lucky shmuck logs on with their retail version.

Steam is cool nannas.
Taking a couple of days off, so I'm gonna be waiting till the game is unlocked. I probably couldn't sleep a wink even if I tried to.
Dougy said:
Valve stated steam would be unlocked as soon as its available in stores.
Hi Dougy,

I search everywhere but couldnt find where Valve said that.
Do you have a link to that statement for me please ?

yes, i will be getting up nice and early.. around 7... Have some coffee etc..then play play play mother!!
So have anyone mailed Valve and asked for a time? I mean it seems rather pointless in speculating and making plans if you don't know the time.
And I guess it's rather pointless mailing them to since Valves replies are confusing and nonsatisfaying(s?).
Stef said:
Hi Dougy,

I search everywhere but couldnt find where Valve said that.
Do you have a link to that statement for me please ?


Its been confirmend (dont have a link on hand) valve want to release the game right now, but they are forced to wait untill it is released in stores, otherwise massive amounts of people will buy it through steam instead of waiting for retail, thus losing money for the publisher vivendi.
eiric said:
So have anyone mailed Valve and asked for a time? I mean it seems rather pointless in speculating and making plans if you don't know the time.
And I guess it's rather pointless mailing them to since Valves replies are confusing and nonsatisfaying(s?).
A few people, including me, have emailed people at valve to ask about this, but no reply yet. It could be that VU have asked them not to, but who knows.

We just need to get everyone to hack Gabe's steam account(how hard could it be?), you just know that one's got HL2 unlocked ;)
I'm guessing it will be unlocked as soon as someone inputs a valid retail cd key, as there are a lot of people ahead of Valve (time zones) it will most likely be released earlier than 12AM. So if you go to sleep and wake up at 6/8am (I don't know which) you'll probably wake up and notice steam has blown up and you'll have to wait hours before it lets you activate. Remember what happened with the CS:S release, steam crashed after 1 minute :/
Wraithen said:
A few people, including me, have emailed people at valve to ask about this, but no reply yet. It could be that VU have asked them not to, but who knows.

We just need to get everyone to hack Gabe's steam account(how hard could it be?), you just know that one's got HL2 unlocked ;)

Ok, they don't really need to answer, but come on. If the game is not released on the 16th (covering all timezones and so on) they will be in deep deep... brown stuff. So as I see it, why not just give us a date.
urseus said:
Its been confirmend (dont have a link on hand) valve want to release the game right now, but they are forced to wait untill it is released in stores, otherwise massive amounts of people will buy it through steam instead of waiting for retail, thus losing money for the publisher vivendi.
Thanks for your answer.
But, I heard too much rumors and never see any official statement.
Until I see something official, I dont buy this.

I think that everyone will have to wait until Valve turn on the switch on november 16.
I'd like to be wrong but I think i'm not. ;(

I mailed Gabe a week ago and ask him for the exact time but got no answer.

(Sorry if my english is not very good)
Wraithen said:
I've been unemployed for a few months now. Looks like I'll be finally getting a job next week. Why dear God why?!?!?!?!?!

Me to lol. All they are waiting for is a character reference and then i start which i think will be before HL2 comes out :(
Set your PC to wake you up with HL2 "Rise and Shine Mr. Freeman, Rise and Shine. No one is more deserving....." Damn I get chills just from writing that.
Alig said:
Me to lol. All they are waiting for is a character reference and then i start which i think will be before HL2 comes out :(

Right now I have all the time in the world, but no money to buy the game. Pretty soon I'll have the money, but no where near as much time. The universe sucks.
im hoping i have the day off work on the tuesday 16th. if not i will tell them "can i switch days because busy on 16th HL2 day!"
So when during the interview should I ask them about having the 16th off?