Astronaut: government has made contact with aliens but covered up for 60 years

Please, Stern.
The politics forum is close to dead. We've had enough of you in the lounge.
Please go back to where you belong!
These peoples are loonies. I mean, I'd LOVE to believe that we have had contact with aliens...but why would they come all the way out here JUST to say "hello!"?

because their race is dying, and they are husing humans to make hybrids.

watch the greys agenda.
because their race is dying, and they are husing humans to make hybrids.

watch the greys agenda.

So your saying that they have access to intersteller travel, but they cannot create artificial reproduction techniques that we have access to/are creating at the moment (cloning, artificial wombs, etc.)
So your saying that they have access to intersteller travel, but they cannot create artificial reproduction techniques that we have access to/are creating at the moment (cloning, artificial wombs, etc.)
Quite possible. Just because they would have advanced space travel technology doesn't mean that they would be advanced in other fields as well. Civilizations advance according to whatever resources are available to them imo, and it may be possible they could have lacked certain materials to artifically reproduce for whatever reason prior to traveling across the galaxy.

Remember that also according to one of Einstein's theories, (can't remember which one atm) the further one travels from their point of origin in space, the faster time progresses from that point. Maybe they just developed sub-space travel before their planet was destroyed or whatever and was only confined to the materials they had in their homeworld at that moment. :|
It is extremely ignorant to believe we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.

It's not, however, extremely ignorant to believe any intelligent life out there doesn't have the capacity to travel across the universe or even the milky way galaxy.
It's not, however, extremely ignorant to believe any intelligent life out there doesn't have the capacity to travel across the universe or even the milky way galaxy.
I have to agree here.
Sub-space travel would be an extremely difficult dicipline to master, requiring immense amounts of power (probably equal to at least 3/4 or 75% of our planet's total power production) and probably very few advanced civilizations out there that are even capable of such an undertaking due to resources.

Let's face it, such a technology to us would seem almost godlike.

Popular TV series like Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica make it seem way to easy.
Popular TV series like Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica make it seem way to easy.

Well you have to remember that most stories that involve some sort of faster than light travel (warp drive, sub space, wormholes etc.) start with the premise that our current theories about space-time are partly or altogether wrong.

And speaking about Battlestar Galactica, I have to say that I find the technology portrayed in that show pathetic. The only fields where they are more advanced than us are robotics, artificial intelligence and space travel. In some fields like medicine they seem even more backwards than we are, lol.
Yes.... well let me ask you something Mr. astronaut, assuming that you are correct and there is an advanced alien civilisation already here and they want to contact us. Well then they would, and the government couldn't do anything about it...

So if you think about it in the past 60 years if there really were aliens here, something would've happened already and it hasn't... So until proven wrong I'll keep thinking there are no "Roswell greys" in Earth orbit watching our every move.
I think they're smart enough to realise how their existence would utterly **** up our world.

Most right wing hicks are so appalled at the fact muslims exist.

We're not ready, but i am ready. is ready, except for Rakurai Tenjin.

Has anyone noticed girls, women generally don't have such a great appreciation of aliens? Disgraceful. They really don't give a shit about first contact.

When the aliens make first contact i will join them in travelling the galaxy.
It's true. Don't be jealous now. :p

Sure the US has quite a large number of idiots here, but that's only because it's such a large country. I'm sure if you compare the ratio of idiots from smaller developed countries, you'll find the number of idiots to be proportional, and as being that the US is the second most influential nation on the planet, (China is first nowadays tbh) I'm sure aliens would start searching there.

Besides, I've seen plenty of alien "movies" where London UK gets blown to smithereens too, so don't feel so bad jverne.

movies= It's just that. The entertainment industry. We all know aliens (especially the stereotypical "skinny frame/big head" aliens), were created by screenplay writers, poets, actors, etc., so why even argue over this?

It's not that I don't believe there are other sentient races out there, (only a fool would believe humans are the only sentient race in the entire universe) it's just that I don't believe the government is that good at cover-ups like the media wants to portray. (i.e. Illuminati, MJ-12, etc.)

Also, I don't think any UFO sightings were real. Why aren't there any cases of sightings prior to 1948? Coincidence? No. Popular media.

yeah right...i think it is a proven fact that at least 52% of Americans are stupid mindless drones. I don't see how can you argue that.
Plus the government and the populace is ideologically on the conservative side (both parties).

The aliens could just go to, you know...Europe or Sweden :p
I think they would be greeted way more nicely.

About the movie stuff...wasn't it obvious i was being sarcastic.

Quite possible. Just because they would have advanced space travel technology doesn't mean that they would be advanced in other fields as well. Civilizations advance according to whatever resources are available to them imo, and it may be possible they could have lacked certain materials to artifically reproduce for whatever reason prior to traveling across the galaxy.

Remember that also according to one of Einstein's theories, (can't remember which one atm) the further one travels from their point of origin in space, the faster time progresses from that point. Maybe they just developed sub-space travel before their planet was destroyed or whatever and was only confined to the materials they had in their homeworld at that moment. :|

it doesn't make too much sense. a race that would be actually testing interstellar travel, wouldn't you think it would have mastered sub space and colonize their surroundings? and thus have plentiful resources and means.

isn't that special relativity? i think that in the small scale of sub-space travel it doesn't really have a pronounced effect.
Vaguely on the subject, but I've recently been reading The State of the Art, in which aliens come to earth and lol at how we'd completely shit a brick if we found out we were being orbited by all-powerful but godless anarcho-collectivists.
It is extremely ignorant to believe we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.

Do you know the meaning of the word ignorant?

Why is it ignorant? What is it ignorant of? Is there some evidence that suggests intelligent life does exist somewhere else?
you know what really pisses me is when some scientists find some extremophile bacterium living somewhere under the earths crust and goes...oh looky here if theres life here it can be on other inhospitable planets. you see....i think life to evolve needs to first grown and flourish in a hospitable environment and after some time it spreads to different places. life would never came to be 1 mile beneath the earth, frozen of sulphuric lakes or some other shitty place.

it's like saying polar bears just instantaneously appeared at the north pole. ffs NO!
I find it quite dissapointing that our solar system couldn't have been brimming with life.
It's no fun if they aren't intelligent.

Or orks. I'll take both.
you know what really pisses me is when some scientists find some extremophile bacterium living somewhere under the earths crust and goes...oh looky here if theres life here it can be on other inhospitable planets. you see....i think life to evolve needs to first grown and flourish in a hospitable environment and after some time it spreads to different places. life would never came to be 1 mile beneath the earth, frozen of sulphuric lakes or some other shitty place.

it's like saying polar bears just instantaneously appeared at the north pole. ffs NO!

I also find it funny how scientists continue to assume that for life to evolve anywhere in the Universe, conditions similar to Earth are necessary. We've only studied one planet with life, this one. So going from only one example that assumtion doesn't seem very scientific to me.
Another thing you need to take into consideration is that the planets that we look at, that are deemed unhabitable are wrong, because yeh maybe to our knowledge they are, put creatures, even inteligent life could very well be adapted to what we see as hostile envoiroments.

And on a comment up above, huge amounts of power would be needed for FTL travel, but there are blueprints for hydrogen engines, that basically power themselves by taking immense amounts of hygrogen that saturate space, but the technology is not there yet to make hydrogen combusion engines or coverting Hydrogen into energy in insane amounts.
Another thing you need to take into consideration is that the planets that we look at, that are deemed unhabitable are wrong, because yeh maybe to our knowledge they are, put creatures, even inteligent life could very well be adapted to what we see as hostile envoiroments.

i wouldn't be so sure about that.

for instance...i think there is probably no way practical way that a advanced civilization would evolve in a water environment. since the rules of chemistry apply everywhere in this universe, making materials essential for a civilization, is near impossible to do in a water environment.
i also have a feeling that other life out there is based on carbon, since the only other practical element that binds with 4 bonds is silicone. and i think carbon is way more efficient due to it's low mass and good ability to form complex molecules.
and i also think most life out there would have to go trough a similar evolution process as we on earth did. and i mean by that our bipedal structure and brain structure.
thus i find the Grey alien structure quite credible, since it does point out the traits most practical in a world where manual labor is less needed. but then again interstellar traveling aliens would be probably artificial (as in not organic).