At how much fps would you consider the game being unplayable?

60+ fps = Perfect
50 fps = Avarage
30 fps = Ewww....... still playing it tho.
24 fps = if this continues through out the game im putting it in the trash.
Most of you are saying 30 fps is bearable, for me it isn't at all. I need at least 60 but I can manage with about 40-50..
I played Halo and it had some kind of lock to keep the game at 30fps. You could take it off, but that was the default setting, and it played perfect.
I just loaded CS last night after I reformatted and the default of 72 FPS or whatever looked choppy so I had to put it up at 100 for it to look good.

I can't play a game without its full settings, I've always had good hardware (until now, where you have to drop $500 on a new video card every time a new game comes out) and playing games without full AA or anything just isn't playable IMO.
guys, calm down. remember gabe has said many times and people who have playtested will confirm this: it runs smooth as silk on a 9800 on full settings. relax.
CB | Para said:
Hmmm, I don't think it's that funny seeing they're using the stolen build : [

Phew, I'm glad you mentioned that. otherwise I would've watched it. No stolen build footage for me thanks!
should i take a look at those videos? i have kept my distance from stolen game content since it was released.
Well there's nothing remotely spoiler-ish in there, but as it's been pointed out that it's from the beta, I can't condone watching it.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when the steam forum moderators see the footage...
Crusader said:
And especially because we all know that the frame rate you get is inversely proportional to how exciting that part of the game is :(

actually, its not inversely proportional, its just proportional :)

the higher the frame rate, the higher the excitement - inversly proportional would be the higher the frame rate, the lower the excitement, which is just stupid :P

couldnt resisist :) anyway, i think that infact the eye can tell above 30fps, i havnt really got anything to prove it but im sure i read it somewhere. something like 30fps makes a series of still images appear as a single moving object. >30fps, it just looks smoother, and your brain can tell the difference.

roll on hl2 :cheers:
In future you really should resist. Because you make no sense :P

What I was saying was, the more exciting the part of the game, the more enemies attacking you, the more explosions and cool stuff going on, the lower your framerate will be. Which is the annoying part about games.
about 20 FPS+ plus is alright for me, however the more frames the better as I do heavily rely on smooth frame rates to target enemies without juddering. I remember playing HalfLife on my old computer, which ran at 10fps if you were lucky
Crusader said:
Well there's nothing remotely spoiler-ish in there, but as it's been pointed out that it's from the beta, I can't condone watching it.

It'll be interesting to see what happens when the steam forum moderators see the footage...
You shouldn't condone linking it, either, since we don't allow beta footage as well. Consider this your only warning.
Crusader said:
It'll be interesting to see what happens when the steam forum moderators see the footage...

Well they delete the posts ;)
Ok, I wasn't aware linking to the steam forums wasn't allowed either, but since it seems moderators rather than trying to keep a continuity of good spirit rather than implementing rules when people are purposefully trying to make trouble, I shall have to make sure I never post anything I thought might be interesting ever again.
Crusader said:
Ok, I wasn't aware linking to the steam forums wasn't allowed either, but since it seems moderators rather than trying to keep a continuity of good spirit rather than implementing rules when people are purposefully trying to make trouble, I shall have to make sure I never post anything I thought might be interesting ever again.
I didn't say linking to the Steam forums wasn't allowed, but if someone makes a thread there that breaks the rules, it's rather obvious that linking to it here will also break the same rules. It's common sense.
ever notice in games when you look at the floor, no matter how bad your comp is, it plays smooth as hell? then you look up and it it gets worse and worse? i always found that funny.
guinny said:
ever notice in games when you look at the floor, no matter how bad your comp is, it plays smooth as hell? then you look up and it it gets worse and worse? i always found that funny.

because not much action is goin'on when you're staring at the floor instead of helping your team..
The brain only needs 24fps of information for it to compute wtf is going on. A solid 30fps will do the job and anyone wanting higher is merely a performance freak, because the difference between 30 and say, 70, will be negligable.
alan00000 said:
i spent over 3000$ to prepare for hl2 and upcomming games am i crazy or what :eek: :eek:

Yes you are considering I could build one better than yours for around $800

(Unless you went all out and got dual proccesors and 3gigs of RAM and the most expensive proccesor you could find, lol)
RoguePsi said:
The brain only needs 24fps of information for it to compute wtf is going on. A solid 30fps will do the job and anyone wanting higher is merely a performance freak, because the difference between 30 and say, 70, will be negligable.

Human eye won't notice the differance above 60 fps. 30 is ok but it looks slow.
RoguePsi said:
The brain only needs 24fps of information for it to compute wtf is going on. A solid 30fps will do the job and anyone wanting higher is merely a performance freak, because the difference between 30 and say, 70, will be negligable.
what the heck is wrong with your eye? I can DEFINATELY tell the difference between 30 and 70fps (same with everyone else I know). There was a program that actually helps you test how much fps you can tell untill it didnt matter anymore. I got up to about 83fps and then I couldnt tell the difference after that. 30 fps is solid for movies obviously (Your claim about the 24 fps is true only for movies since movies use motion blurring). But for fast fps game like HL, you would need 50+ fps for a good smooth performance and 70+ for maximum performance.
I swear people need to start reading the whole thread before they post stuff...

Ok, I'm a hypocrite I guess, but it really is turning me cuckoo! :P
im going to have to include cs in my argument.. so no "omg cs is lame and i am too cool to play it" please.

Note: i always use 150hz to play.

I started off playing cs at a constant 60fps .. and i thought well and good.. it looks pretty decent etcetc.

a couple of years later i disabled vsync and i get 100fps constant in cs (more if i type a variable in a console to lock the max fps settings) and i noticed a biiiig difference.. i was thinking to myself "i have been playing with 60fps all this time ? .. eww"

so maybe i also have super human capabilities.. but i notice a difference.

for me under 60fps is playable but VERY irritating for me, no matter what doctor says otherwise etc.

/me pays up 2c
alan00000 said:
if you dont have cpu over 3.0 gig and a ati card 9800 or above and 1 gig of ram you will not run the game the way its meant to be ran just like gabe said

Pentium 4 3.2 GHZ, 1024 RAm ATI Radeon 9800 128 megs w00t! DirectX 9b yaya! i have a good performence pc!!
Originally Posted by alan00000
if you dont have cpu over 3.0 gig and a ati card 9800 or above and 1 gig of ram you will not run the game the way its meant to be ran just like gabe said

Just a minute, lets rewind here: was that a joke?

He's never said anything vaguely like that, not at all. *shakes head*
Dr. Freeman said:
u should prepare for a letdown.. :p

I get between 70-130 in the leak even though it is missing alot of it's advanced features it won't change much
nc17 said:
I get between 70-130 in the leak even though it is missing alot of it's advanced features it won't change much

What kind of machine do you own? You are from the future, aren't you? Tell us how powerful computers are in 2055
i used to aim for about 30-40 before finding ways to boost frame rates, but since i got the ultra bugged and pathetically inefficient Deus Ex 2: Invisible War i learned a lot of patience and a lot of flexibility. its the first time i ever completed a game from start to finish at 10-20 fps. for HL2 it would need to be at least 30 before i decided to end my suffering and down a yard of Toilet Duck.

FPS depends on the engine. Since the HL engine is pretty crappy, anything near 30 fps or below gets choppy. In a game like, COD, 30 fps looks like 100 fps in HL. 30 fps in HalfLife2 would probably be smooth as glass, but don't expect to get that on high settings or anything.
nc17 said:
I get between 70-130 in the leak even though it is missing alot of it's advanced features it won't change much

I wouldn't trust the leak, sometimes you get like a million(160), and it can still go as low as 20 in some places
5-15 fps... I'm pretty used that games on my PC gets low fps. :P
30 FPS is the minimum I look for. I usually lock it at 30fps max anyways, well unless my system gets like 80 which it won't!!

fps_max 30 is my friend :)

I hate the jumpiness when you go from 80 to 30... gives me such a headache.
alan00000 said:
if you dont have cpu over 3.0 gig and a ati card 9800 or above and 1 gig of ram you will not run the game the way its meant to be ran just like gabe said

I guess that sucks if you bought the 9600XT with the HL2 coupon. Why promo a game on a product that won't do it justice?