At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

Originally posted by Kamakiri
OMG. It's HL2 for crying out loud. EVERYONE is going to buy this game. EVERYONE knows about this game. They don't need marketing and all that shit to boost sales. The name will sell considering the whole CS most played online game ever created and all. Every gamer knows HL.

not every gamer likes FPS :dozey:
I'm pretty sure Valve is calling the shots on the release date or at least negotiated a solid release date before announcing September 30 to the gaming press. I mean, it's not like Vivendi would have been the only company willing to publish Half-Life 2 so Valve had plenty of leverage to build some autonomy into the contract.
Originally posted by mrchimp
Pagy: thats proberly true for console games which are mainstream and are just bought randomly by the masses because they saw a TV advert where it looked good, the same as movies, but PC gameing is different, for a start when your buying a pc game as a present there's no knowing if it will work on the person's pc who you are buying it for, unless you are like you or me which not many people are.

Most of the people who are going to be the owner of HL2 will buy it themselves.

true, but its still a somewhat mainstream product, and VU is a very maintstream company
What is this? did everyone get a BA degree? it's all guesses, not even speculation.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
What is this? did everyone get a BA degree? it's all guesses, not even speculation.

its not just guesses, its educated guesses

i'm going into college for business management, and have had 4 years of it so far, so though none of us are positive, im sure we're getting pretty well-on guesses
Originally posted by Pagy
It's not about how many sales they make. It's about market share. When they sell relative to others' in the market.
Selling more "total" isn't always better than selling more "during the buying boom"
People buy more at christmas, and if no one buys your competitor's products during christmas, then you are at a huge advantage.

again, this is all speculation. I'm just throwing in "what ifs" and "maybes"

and yeah, thats pretty much right-on

EDIT 2: Decided to add: when they sell at a "buying boom" theres more money being imputed into the economy, so they more... basically, they can diverse from their competitors to themselves, so in turn, its even possible less copies sold can make more at the right times then more at the normal times

EDIT: sorry about the double post, cant delete it :P
It costs them money to delay. They collect intrest on money they take in. Time is money. Also if they tried to delay a game that they are getting paid to publish they would need to get ready to have their ass sued. ALL sales go up in holiday season even sales of games that have been out for a very long time. I know for a fact some kid will be getting HL1 for Christmass just because some mom doesn't know its older then dirt.

All this talk is just silly. The one and only thing that will delay HL2 is if it is not finished or is too buggy to release.
Originally posted by Anwar
It costs them money to delay. They collect intrest on money they take in. Time is money. Also if they tried to delay a game that they are getting paid to publish they would need to get ready to have their ass sued. ALL sales go up in holiday season even sales of games that have been out for a very long time. I know for a fact some kid will be getting HL1 for Christmass just because some mom doesn't know its older then dirt.

All this talk is just silly. The one and only thing that will delay HL2 is if it is not finished or is too buggy to release.
Sales naturally increasing is what is fueling my angle.

with the increase in xmas sales plus the release boom (all of us buying it ourselves the second we can), may impact marketing schemes.

I agree though, it is silly. Goes to show you what lengths we'll all go to get our minds off of playing the game :)
It doesnt cost alot to delay, and as long as their product is better they will take in most of the sales (and I beleive thier confident in Half-Life 2, wouldnt you be?)

They couldnt be sued if they have it under contract.

However, you are most likely right, but none of this matters. I'm pretty confident they'd get it by the sept. 30th release date now -- they've pretty much said so

Originally posted by Pagy
Sales naturally increasing is what is fueling my angle.

with the increase in xmas sales plus the release boom (all of us buying it ourselves the second we can), may impact marketing schemes.

I agree though, it is silly. Goes to show you what lengths we'll all go to get our minds off of playing the game :)

its better than sitting around and waiting impatiently, right?
woah, great news!

and btw, I am bk from my holiday. I was hopeing I would come back to this. And steam is comeing outa beta. Great news everywhere!

welcome back, must be nice coming back to such awesome news

uhh look at the last post in the comments

"I recently visited valve, and know gabe, and umm... bellieve me... there is no way they can have a finalized version even to RTM by sept 30th... sertain...hush aspects... arnt finished yet... and boy are you people gonna be surprised what it is...

and pushing a game out before its completly done is the stupidest idea ever heard, how many games you know that completly BOMBed because one minor detaiul was left out or it glitched at an important event...

-Mike D, Bellevue, WA "

Who the hell is this guy?
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers:

OH YEAH!!@*@*&@*#@*&@#&

heheh, yup excellent wonderfull news. I just hope that Mike.D guys full of shit!

Lets say he isnt. What "aspect" isnt done?

I would say sound because of all the placeholders.

Or purhaps AI. Not because of the combine. I love that AI. But because all the different enemies and allies in HL2 there will need to be alot of different AI types.

Or maybe....... etc

who knows. But at least we know that valve thinks it can make it!

Which is ammazingly great!
:cheers: :cheese: :cheers: :cheese: :cheers: :cheese:
Originally posted by MrWhite
It doesnt cost alot to delay, and as long as their product is better they will take in most of the sales (and I beleive thier confident in Half-Life 2, wouldnt you be?)

They couldnt be sued if they have it under contract.

However, you are most likely right, but none of this matters. I'm pretty confident they'd get it by the sept. 30th release date now -- they've pretty much said so

its better than sitting around and waiting impatiently, right?

Hey hey, the real problem here is CS:CZ... if it wasn't for hl2 being released so soon to CZ then there would be no delay problems at all! If I were VU, I would scrap CS:CZ and invest some money and rebuild it under the source engine... they could even include a multiplayer/singleplayer of CS 2 that could even boost sells beyond that of CS:CZ.
If this mike fella is to be believed I think he's hinting at the multiplayer bit being unfinsihed since he talks about it being a "hush" aspect of the game.
I just find it odd that someone that lives in Washignton and is mature enough to know Gabe and to have visited valve would say "sertain" in formal looking post.
Ok, so they still claim Sept 30th... but they haven't said anything about multiplayer yet. This is the kind of thing they would announce at a big event... but there are no big events between now and Sept 30th! Are there?
mojo, thats so bloody true lol. I dont know why I didnt think of that.

I bet thats it if anything. Aww well. Valve said they based the engine on multiplayer in an interview once. So they wont have to worry about the technical side. And i doubt the multiplay is gona be hard to ballance or anything. So I think they will manage it. If* thats the case!. :)
I am now going to celibrate the 30th as Halflife day and the 13th is my birthday whoohoo now i have something else to remeber it by.
I have a cousin that knows a guy dating a girl who is the granddaughter of a roommate of a friend of a guy that dated a woman from the same class as an ex-employee at a software store that has connections with a friend of an employee at Vavle that states that Half Life 2 will be delayed. This is a reliable source also so I believe him completely :D
If HL2 is out Sept 30th , GREAT, but until it has Gone Gold, I am no longer going to worry about it as whenever it is released it is going to be the best game ever.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Ok, so they still claim Sept 30th... but they haven't said anything about multiplayer yet. This is the kind of thing they would announce at a big event... but there are no big events between now and Sept 30th! Are there?

Speaking at ECTS this morning, Coomber stated "it'll be tight, but Half-Life 2 is still on for a September 30th ship". Sadly Valve’s presentation at ECTS was the same as the one shown at E3 earlier this year. Look forward to a few more of the E3 videos coming through Steam soon.

Hmmmm ECTS... that sounds like a big event to me....
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Hmmmm ECTS... that sounds like a big event to me....

Well yeah, except for the fact that they're done with their presentation and didn't say anything about multiplayer!
Originally posted by ApocalypseNow
Hey hey, the real problem here is CS:CZ... if it wasn't for hl2 being released so soon to CZ then there would be no delay problems at all! If I were VU, I would scrap CS:CZ and invest some money and rebuild it under the source engine... they could even include a multiplayer/singleplayer of CS 2 that could even boost sells beyond that of CS:CZ.

quite intelligent thinking mate

Originally posted by Anthraxxx


drugs'll do that to you.
Originally posted by nw909
drugs'll do that to you.

ROFL HAHAHAH!!! I can't stop laughing!!! HAHAHA!!! I gtg, my eyes are all bloodshot and I need some eye drops.... HAHAH hee hee hee


Originally posted by The hotdog man
I am now going to celibrate the 30th as Halflife day and the 13th is my birthday whoohoo now i have something else to remeber it by.

My birthday is on the 28....just 2 days before....w00t!!
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
ROFL HAHAHAH!!! I can't stop laughing!!! HAHAHA!!! I gtg, my eyes are all bloodshot and I need some eye drops.... HAHAH hee hee hee

It would be really hilarious when on 29th November they announce the delay till 2005, I would pay big bucks to see some of your faces!! hahahah
I would be like, meh its a lie.

becuase its been in dev for 5 years, they wouldn't delay it 2 more.
I must make sure I have enough weed when HL2 comes out, nothing like Half-Life when your stoned :)
You know, before I got busted and am now on probation I would have agreed with you... weed is okay, but being a pothead is asking to be caught, i gave it up mostly

but your right you are much more concentrated
Originally posted by TAZ
I have a cousin that knows a guy dating a girl who is the granddaughter of a roommate of a friend of a guy that dated a woman from the same class as an ex-employee at a software store that has connections with a friend of an employee at Vavle that states that Half Life 2 will be delayed. This is a reliable source also so I believe him completely :D

ouch.. TAZ, my head hurts after reading that :P :laugh:

there are a few pple that have made some good points about Valve, VU, CS:CZ and marketing strategies that could cause HL2 to be delayed.. but its safe to say that these pple and myself are not overhyped about the game and won't be hugely disappointed as some pple will be because they take stuff that pple from Valve or VU or <insert HL2 related person> too seriously..

i've always said to take the release date with a grain of salt.. i haven't changed from that.. im happy to say either way, i won't be disappointed like some pple :P