At&t + Dsl


Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings all,

Sorry to have dropped off the radar.

I have AT&T and have been having Phone & DSL issues for months. With service cutting out for days on end with no one telling me why when I called AT&T Tech Support. Then last week a large ad in the local paper telling everyone that AT&T was having problems replacing some old & outdated/damaged hardware and so people were having problems for quite a while. Such as myself. I know I hardly ever post to begin with, but I hope to be on a little more now.

I have a lot of catching up to do. I hope everyone here is doing well.

Good to see you back MRG, been missing your writings / reviews. Thought we'd lost one of the few good new(er) members. Welcome back!
Good to see you back MRG, been missing your writings / reviews. Thought we'd lost one of the few good new(er) members. Welcome back!
QFT and glad to have you back! :) Send me a Steam add and join the community will you?

Thank you very much for the warm welcome back.

I have a few other games that I am working on reviews for, but since I have been down for so long, they are old now & prob have alot of reviews already submitted. Such as Alien Shooter: Vengence (Actually a hell of a lot of fun) and Lost Planet: Extreme condition to name a couple.

Anyways, thanks again!

Glad to see you're back. Your presence in the hardware section was missed.
I know I have alot of problems with them here in Missouri. ><
WHO the hell are you?

Naw, I'm kidding. Welcome back.
Hey, buddy.

Get another 250 posts and signup for the ZombieCon.
Hey, buddy.

Get another 250 posts and signup for the ZombieCon.

See?? lol.. like I said, I have alot of catching up to do, because I have no clue as to what you just said.

Anyways, hello!

Hey, buddy.

Get another 250 posts and signup for the ZombieCon.

Ok, I just read up on this and it sounds very interesting.

Sadly, by the time I reach 500 posts, it'll all be over. I'll be the last pure human alive while everyone else is shuffling around with their brains half eaten...

However... only 249 more posts to go, so it's all downhill from here...

Glad to see you're still around :cheers:
I vaguely remember you.
Hi anyway. I remember you in general games section