Atheist Signature


Jul 7, 2003
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Does anyone know who has the signature with the one about we're all aethiests, but this guy just belives in one less god that the other guy or something?
anyone know what im on about? i'd like this quote from the sig.
What? I don't think anyone has a sig like that on these forums.
'ello Maxx. Don't think I've seen that sig... the beta 4 weapon sounds rock btw :)
Hmm, its maybe just someone who posts in the general hl2 discussion section then, its definatly these boards.

Heh, thanks, i'm still trying to get Charlie to sort the hand gren sounds, they're currently not mine.
It's something like "You say I am an athiest, but I purport you too are an athiest. I just believe in one less God than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all other gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours". Not 100% on that though.
Yeah thats the one thanks, i need the quote for that if someone has it please
I thought Athiests dont believe in any gods... so how can one atheist believe in one less god than another? Im confused.
The way I see that quote, It isn't a declaration of one's atheism, more of a witty retort to people who look down on other faiths, declaring their own the only true faith (and thus calling people who don't follow this one faith atheists, as they do not beleive in the true god/s). I think that's what the author was trying to get across, at least. An attack against bigotry in short.
heh, thats the smart thing aobut this quote, the guy is saying he's an athiest, but also, that his freind is one too, even though he belives in god, he does not believe in all gods therefore, he is technically an anthiest, its just that he believes in one.
In all, we are all athiests based on the meaning of the word :)

Edit: yeah what kage said :)
Got it.10char

I contend that we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
oh that's a good statement, I'll have to remember that
KagePrototype said:
The way I see that quote, It isn't a declaration of one's atheism, more of a witty retort to people who look down on other faiths, declaring their own the only true faith (and thus calling people who don't follow this one faith atheists, as they do not beleive in the true god/s). I think that's what the author was trying to get across, at least. An attack against bigotry in short.
So if you believe your faith to hold true and not everyone elses than your a bigot. That's pretty retarded logic. You can believe something and still tolerate others with different beliefs. This doesn't mean you have to "accept" what they believe as true. I believe in the God known as Jehovah (so as not to confuse), and I believe no other God to exist. I have nothing against an atheist or person who believes in a different God, but by your definition I'm a bigot. People have different faiths and believe different things so why should they not feel they are right?? If they don't consider there faith the "right" one then wtf is the point of believing it. For Christians for example the Bible clearly claims there is only one true God. Should they just ignore this??
That's a great quote. I'm definitely writing that one down.
I think it's my sig that he's talking about...
SIGbastard said:
So if you believe your faith to hold true and not everyone elses than your a bigot. That's pretty retarded logic. You can believe something and still tolerate others with different beliefs. This doesn't mean you have to "accept" what they believe as true. I believe in the God known as Jehovah (so as not to confuse), and I believe no other God to exist. I have nothing against an atheist or person who believes in a different God, but by your definition I'm a bigot. People have different faiths and believe different things so why should they not feel they are right?? If they don't consider there faith the "right" one then wtf is the point of believing it. For Christians for example the Bible clearly claims there is only one true God. Should they just ignore this??


A bigot is someone who is intolerable towards ideals that do not match their own. You've just repeated what I tried to put across basically; you can believe in one thing, but you should tolerate another person's faith instead of looking down on it.

The way I see that quote, It isn't a declaration of one's atheism, more of a witty retort to people who look down on other faiths, declaring their own the only true faith (and thus calling people who don't follow this one faith atheists, as they do not beleive in the true god/s). I think that's what the author was trying to get across, at least. An attack against bigotry in short.

Please read more carefully next time. I'm not saying you're a bigot if you disagree, I'm saying you're a bigot if you look down on it as a sort of lower level of intellect as well, being intolerable of it (there's that key word again). There's a big difference between saying something is factually wrong, and morally wrong.
I think most people who say they're atheist are actually agnostic

I'm agnostic :)

in some cases it's difficult not to be a bigot (according to the above definition) against other religions because some religious traditions seems alien or downright detrimental to its practioners

jehovah witnesses refuse blood transfusions
some islamic groups treat women horribly
some christian groups dont allow dancing
Christian groups that don't allow dancing? Where? I'm not contesting what you said i just want to know where this is the case.
the Hutterian brethren church (a protestant offshoot) doesnt allow dancing

even stranger than that is the United Pentecostal Church International which doesnt allow males and females swimming together
Oh right....How very odd. Have you any idea why? It seems rather contradictory for them to do such a thing.
the hutterites (heh hooters...heh ok i had my 13 yr old moment) are similiar to the amish in terms of modesty and dress, although they drive cars and use electricity
Varsity said:
Off the top of my head, America. :P

you're right I'm afraid. I'm creating a multimedia cd (for work) on world religions and the most restrictive and narrowminded religions are mostly from the US (in terms of numbers of religions not practioners). They're mostly christian sects, but some of them are as radical as any fundamentalist islamic group
Radical Islamic Militants are nothing compared to a jehovas witness on your doorstep.
heheh yes sometimes I'd prefer to be blown up then have to listen to their drivel

I usually tell them "I dont believe in my own religion (I was born catholic) why would I convert to yours?"