Atheists want God taken out of Obama inaugeration

A collection of cells isn't life... :facepalm:

I'm going to assume you meant human life. Well, those cells have human DNA, I don't know how else you would define human life. The point is, pro-lifers is not a strictly Christian stance. American laws are not strictly based on Christian fundamentals (not that there's a whole lot wrong with that, considering most sensible Christian fundamentals share ideas with all other big religions (thou shalt not steal, murder, commit adultery) and even share ideas (knowingly or not) with more basic concepts about biology and instinctual social and family structures.

So when it boils down to it, the polarization of radical Christian or other belief structures are the real threat to American society. I also find it funny you claim that America is undergoing a Christian revolution of some sort without actually residing in the country.
A collection of cells isn't life... :facepalm:

I'm going to assume you meant human life. Well, those cells have human DNA, I don't know how else you would define human life.

come on we're not going down this road in a thread about obama's inauguration are we? hair has human dna

The point is, pro-lifers is not a strictly Christian stance.

of course not however in the legal framework the only objection to abortion is the christian notion of human life at conception. they have no other basis to challenge it legally

American laws are not strictly based on Christian fundamentals (not that there's a whole lot wrong with that, considering most sensible Christian fundamentals share ideas with all other big religions (thou shalt not steal, murder, commit adultery) and even share ideas (knowingly or not) with more basic concepts about biology and instinctual social and family structures.

I didnt say they were strictly christian based but rather christian-judeo based morality not the religion itself

So when it boils down to it, the polarization of radical Christian or other belief structures are the real threat to American society. I also find it funny you claim that America is undergoing a Christian revolution of some sort without actually residing in the country.

you put words in my when did I say christian revolution? I said people are more religious, I didnt even mean exclusively american, I also think that of canadians. we have become more religious (which isnt saying a lot because we're not that christian of a christian nation, if you get my drift)
I dont know it wasnt any one event but rather incremental changes over 20 odd years
Lets not, seeing as how its irrelevant to the topic at hand.

I disagree. Look at how the constitution puts it:

I'd still say its easy to make that case. It doesnt specify that those words, and only those words can constitute the oath. It doesnt say that the president elect can't choose to modify or at least add words to it.
It's funny how some atheists are basically to religion what satanism is to christianity. Same shit, different reasons.
You know what I'm saying...

Also if the leader of your country is religious, I wouldn't be surprised that he leads the country under the influence of his religion. ;) ...and I don't see what's so bad about that, considering that religion promotes morality and such.
^Cpt. Stern pretty much obliterated that a page ago with this quote:
"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming (of jesus) is at hand" - James Watts Secretary of the Interior under Ronald Reagan

Thats a good enough reason to keep religion/state away from each other. Try reading the thread before equating atheists with satanists (assuming you are talking about satanists who KILL others, thats ****in retarded).
^Cpt. Stern pretty much obliterated that a page ago with this quote:
"We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming (of jesus) is at hand" - James Watts Secretary of the Interior under Ronald Reagan

Thats a good enough reason to keep religion/state away from each other. Try reading the thread before equating atheists with satanists (assuming you are talking about satanists who KILL others, thats ****in retarded).

Yeah and religion is what got us to this point so don't just go around throwing it away like it's some pathetic lapse into retardation. It may be obsolete though, yeah I understand that. But no... CptStern, as intelligent as he is, did not just obliterate the progress of millions of people over thousands of years with that quote. Sorry. I could say the same thing about some atheist politician who doesn't care about the environment. But I don't because there are idiots in every group of people, that doesn't mean everyone is. I thought people would be less naive than to actually think that that politician's belief system is at fault, when he is obviously the one at fault. That guy was a bad politician, period.

**BEGIN SARCASM** And yes when I'm comparing atheism to satanism in the sense that satanism is the opposite of christianity, but yet strikingly the same, I actually mean that atheists are ritual killers who worship satan. **END SARCASM**
^lol I almost gave you a proper response to your dumbass post until that last part. Seriously, **** off you're an idiot.
No obviously you're the better man for passing such a grand judgment on a group of people that you know nothing about. I keep thinking I must be misreading your post, because I don't see how anyone can be so goddamn stupid. You were being sarcastic right?
No I'm not being sarcastic, at least not that much.
The large majority of Satanists don't actually kill people as part of their rituals, you know. It's all just fake blood and pentagrams and body piercings and lots of dirty butt sex.
Yeah, I know. They do kill people sometimes (like in Russia a year ago or so), but anyways it doesn't really matter.
Yeah I had no poi-some atheists are basically to religion what satanism is to christianity. Religion and atheism (as a group, I couldn't say that about individuals) are the same shit, they just have different reasons. I think you need to read that again lol.

It's like some nut-headed christian group starts yelling that they aren't seeing enough respect for their god, then some nut-headed atheist group starts yelling that they are seeing too much of "god".
Except atheism isn't a belief structure, it's a lack of belief for a particular belief structure.

Grouping atheists together is like grouping everyone who isn't a mechanic together.
Except atheism isn't a belief structure, it's a lack of belief for a particular belief structure.

Grouping atheists together is like grouping everyone who isn't a mechanic together.
"President-elect Barack Obama wants to conclude his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God," but a group of atheists is asking a federal judge to stop him." from the OP

So not when it's inconvenient huh?

That is all I needed to read to realize how much of a bigot and a ****in moron you are.
Do you not realize that I was being sarcastic? Or..?
I don't really know how to answer your stupidity. I am genuinely at a loss of words.
I don't really know how to answer your stupidity. I am genuinely at a loss of words.

Why? Are you denying the fact that those atheists are grouping together because of their beliefs and acting as a group, just like religions do? That and the fact that they are acting the same way those stupid paranoid religious groups act, except with opposite intentions.
Republicans group together, workers group together, families group together... groups of atheists are groups of people with shared interests that just happen to be atheist.

Let's see, what makes for a hotter headline... of critical thinking secularists trying to widen the gap between church and state present a case to court in an attempt to exclude mentions of God in the inauguration"


"President-elect Barack Obama wants to conclude his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God," but a group of atheists is asking a federal judge to stop him."

Yeah, you have a great grasp on the concepts of media spin. Just splendid.
I can make the same nice spin if it was, hypothetically, the other way around: of theists who share the same concept of god trying to close the gap between church and state present a case to court in an attempt to include mentions of God in the inauguration

But in reality...

"President-elect Barack Obama doesn't want to conclude his inaugural oath with the words "so help me God," but a group of christians is asking a federal judge to make him."

So what's your point? That atheist group is trying to deny Barack Obama's right to free speech to accommodate their own beliefs.

Also, any good lawyer can put a good spin on a bad situation.
I can make the same nice spin if it was the other way around: of theists who share the same concept of god trying to close the gap between church and state present a case to court in an attempt to include mentions of God in the inauguration
Jesus dude just read your ****ing post again, maybe it'll dong on you. Who knows, like I said I keep rereading your shit thinking I must be missing something...but nope, there it is, clear as day.
Jesus dude just read your ****ing post again, maybe it'll dong on you. Who knows, like I said I keep rereading your shit thinking I must be missing something...but nope, there it is, clear as day.

Are you trying to say that what I'm saying is ironic because according to you there is no gap between church and state? LOL. Then what is this gap we're speaking of? *sarcasm* Am I really so stupid as to think that the church and the government are not one and the same? Someone shoot me!!! */sarcasm*

I think that feeling you get that you "must be missing something" in my posts is denial, and you're just looking for an excuse to discredit what I say, no matter how crude.
There is no atheist movement, there is no atheist church, there are no atheist clubs or atheist parties.

There are people with shared interests and ideals, who may or may not be atheists, and who may or may not join political parties. What's my point? Atheism isn't a cult like Satanism- ATHEISTS DON'T NECESSARILY SHARE BELIEFS OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD.

Driving down the freeway, I observe two men, both riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles, pass each other while heading in opposite directions. Both extend the well-known "low wave," a one-armed salute one often sees among bikers. There was no reason to suspect that these men knew each other, only that they share a common bond. They belong to no real community and certainly have no organizational structure. Their bond is about a shared identity. And even though they may never meet face-to-face, the connection is palpable.

Atheists are two motorcyclists who may have huge differences in political, scientific, social, and spiritual beliefs, but can be seen as sharing a distinctive common ground. The only movement you can observe as being "atheistic" in nature is the movement defined by advances in critical thought, secular humanism, skepticism and education.
Ok, so I googled "atheist movement", "atheist church", and "atheist club" and got these results, respectively:

All of those things exist, but even so you are right about the lack of an atheist church, because that would defeat the purpose of it all. The "atheist churches" I found on google are small communities, not a large organization. Other than that though, you are totally wrong. Atheism is the anti-religious religion.

There are people who don't believe in god, and those are the people who think for themselves and have a right to. Then there are people who don't believe in god, and they go around forcing everyone else to... they are Atheists. That's what it is to me at least. I know the literal meaning includes everyone who doesn't believe in god, but there's too much of a distinction within those who are classified atheists in my eyes.
God damn it. I cant believe anyone is as dumb as you Lame-o. Holy ****. Seriously, because google had hits for those things mean they exist?

I could probably google "lame-o is a black ****** who eats pancakes" and get results. MUST MEAN ITS TRUE.

omg I just googled "Obama is a terrorist" and I saw links for it!!! OBAMA IS ACTUALLY A TERRORIST
Are you trying to say that what I'm saying is ironic because according to you there is no gap between church and state? LOL. Then what is this gap we're speaking of? *sarcasm* Am I really so stupid as to think that the church and the government are not one and the same? Someone shoot me!!! */sarcasm*

I think that feeling you get that you "must be missing something" in my posts is denial, and you're just looking for an excuse to discredit what I say, no matter how crude.
Yea I'm glad you figured it out, I'm in total denial cause your exactly right! Anyone who doesn't believe in a God regularly uses other people for ritual sacrifice. Stop bullshitting, you're the one who opened this whole discussion with a crude remark about a specific group of people.

Ok, so I googled "atheist movement", "atheist church", and "atheist club" and got these results, respectively:

All of those things exist, but even so you are right about the lack of an atheist church, because that would defeat the purpose of it all. The "atheist churches" I found on google are small communities, not a large organization. Other than that though, you are totally wrong. Atheism is the anti-religious religion.

There are people who don't believe in god, and those are the people who think for themselves and have a right to. Then there are people who don't believe in god, and they go around forcing everyone else to... they are Atheists. That's what it is to me at least. I know the literal meaning includes everyone who doesn't believe in god, but there's too much of a distinction within those classified atheists in my eyes.
Oh wow I'm almost ashamed to say you are at least somewhat right here, there are plenty of atheist interest groups that try to push an agenda like any other group. But sorry that doesn't make them murderers, stop bsing you know you weren't joking. Most of your posts in these kinds of threads come off as so immature and hypocritically stupid its...breathtaking.
God damn it. I cant believe anyone is as dumb as you Lame-o. Holy ****. Seriously, because google had hits for those things mean they exist?

I could probably google "lame-o is a black ****** who eats pancakes" and get results. MUST MEAN ITS TRUE.

omg I just googled "Obama is a terrorist" and I saw links for it!!! OBAMA IS ACTUALLY A TERRORIST

No, because none of the results would have anything to do with me being black and eating pancakes you brainless ****.

While the searches I made provide you with very real and very relevant EXAMPLES of what Pesmerga claimed didn't exist.

Also, hey this isn't about whether what the sources say is actually true, all I said is that they exist, and that's what my argument was about.

Oh wow I'm almost ashamed to say you are at least right here, there are plenty of atheist interest groups that try to push an agenda like any other group. But sorry that doesn't make them murderers, stop bsing you know you weren't joking. Most of your posts in these kind of threads come off as so immature and hypocritically stupid its...breathtaking.
So you actually think that I believe atheists are murderers? What the **** is wrong with you you stupid shit go play some games because you clearly have no ****ing idea about what is going on here.
"Very real"? In what way? I looked through many of those links and only a few of them were anything relevant at all. Most of them were Fox news using blanket statements to cover a large population of atheists, as if they were a group. Others were anti-atheist people creating a label for something that doesnt exist so they can get more shock value to horrify other theists into action. Seriously, the first few links in the "atheist movement search" yielded a fox news video (HMM I WONDER WHAT THEIR AGENDA IS???) And then a youtube video saying that the growing number of atheists makes it a "movement to be concerned about." Then one person's blog entitled "atheist revolution"

**** you. I'm not even going to bother addressing anything you say anymore. GET A BRAIN MORAN!
Gtfo mormon! You discredit google, you believe the interwebs is lying to you. (Only when it's convenient, other than that you use it for everything you search for ;))

I'll stop arguing not because I can't argue anymore, but because there's no point arguing with stubborn asses. Good luck with all your atheist shit and whatever.
Your definition of atheist is largely biased and irrelevant. You found internet websites that are most, if not all, centralized around advancing goals of humanity, not converting the religious. Of course there are idiotic atheists who want to believe that being militant is effective, they are in large part just idiots to be ignored. There are people of all persuasions that are idiots.

There is no NAACP or ACLU for atheists, because the existence of one would be hypocritical by nature. There are people with shared ideals and interests and agendas who may or may not be atheists. I don't really care about how you were raised to think atheists are some sort of malignant baby killers, because I don't really care about what anyone thinks unless they provide some level of competent intellect to a discussion.

There is no atheist agenda. There is no atheist movement. Atheists do not group together based on the mere fact that they are atheists. Atheists do not get together and practice not worshipping fictitious characters. Atheists disagree with a lot of things other atheists believe about any field of study, just how humans disagree in large part what there is to be disagreed upon.

Christians, while not undivided, are in large part discouraged from critical thinking or the understanding of sciences. They encourage blind faith and ignorance to reason and logical argument. They are, on average, idiots.

I tend to separate people who have general principles of a greater being or "a man with a plan" from the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities. Because most of those people are honest and well-to-do open minds who accept something if there is enough logical reasoning behind it, even if they always persist in a greater force. Hell, I believe in a greater, unexplained force. It's called gravity. As long as people maintain an open mind to new understanding, they're OK in my book.
So you actually think that I believe atheists are murderers? What the **** is wrong with you you stupid shit go play some games because you clearly have no ****ing idea about what is going on here.
Then why the **** did you come in here spewing your bullshit? Why don't you go **** yourself seriously, just reading your posts here and in the bill maher thread blows my mind. Goddamnit you are retarded. I'm not gonna bother here anymore so go ahead and take the last word with this, have fun.