athlon 64 cooling

The "extra stuff" would be the heatsink viewed from the bottom, the box, and the thermal grease/paste or whatever.

My Athlon 64 3200 runs at 28 degrees celsius on stock cooling, I was planning to get a different fan/hs but never did because of that. Don't know about the 3500. You might want to set it up with the default hs/fan and see what your temps are, then purchase a new fan/hs if you feel it's necessary. Might save you a few bucks if the default one cools satisfactorially.
Or you could waste a few bucks by going with the stock cooling and then realizing that it is insufficient and then have to invest in a better solution. Don't mind me, I'm just bitter because my AthlonXP 2100+ stock cooler was poo a couple years ago... :P

Anyway, you would probably be better going with the stock cooling. Personally I am using an Athlon64 3200+ with a zalman heatsink/fan and it's working like a charm.
The stock Athlon 64 coolers are very good. Unless you plan to really OC then there is no reason to buy a different cooler.

Well, actually I have OCed and with the Stock cooler. From 2Ghz to 2.3GHz right now. And currently holding at 38C. Of course I did use some of my Arctic Silver 3 that I had left over.

If you ever buy a cooler for an Athlon 64, either go with a Thermalright SLK-948U, Thermalright XP-90 or a good Zalmans copper cooler. Thermalright is my personal preference. ;)