Athlon64 clock speeds and DDR2 memory timing


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've forgotten most of what I learned when I researched my hardware back when I built my desktop in the first place. I have an Asus M2N342-SLI motherboard and 2GB of DDR2-800 memory. I'm looking at an Athlon64 X2 series, 2.4-2.8GHz, but I want to make sure my memory will run at its full 800MHz.

In short, my question is this: If I get a 2.6GHz processor, will I be able to clock it up/down to 2.8/2.4 to preserve my memory speeds?
Link? Specs? I haven't kept up with any computer hardware in at least a year. I barely even knew the Phenom quadcores were out :P
The AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ is just 3.0ghz, the 2.6ghz 5000+ can easily overclock to at least 3.0ghz for the same performance for about $30 less. I have a 2.6ghz 5000+ running at 3.0ghz, at stock voltage, with the stock heatsink/fan with no noticeable increase in temperature.
Well it turns out that the problem laid with my motherboard, not my CPU. So... this thread was still useful, if I decide to upgrade my CPU in the future!

brb buying a $70 motherboard