ATI 9600xt 128mb and Half Life 2

ilovemetal said:
how is the 9700 pro so far?? did u even get it yet?

It kills the 9600XT because it has 4 more pipelines and a 256-bit memory bus. It runs HL2 smoothly with everything cranked, even on my old processor (AthlonXP 1800+). The 9700 Pro performs extremely close to a 9800 Pro.
Oh, by the way, that's not gonna get you highest settings (if you mean 1600x1200, etc). If you wanna play ANY next-gen game on highest settings at playable framerates you'll have to fork over the $350-500. It's the nature of the beast.

I run at 1280x1024 4xAA, Trillinear filtering (I can't see any difference visually with AF on), highest DirectX level, maxed out settings, and water reflect world and consistently get 40-100fps (generally 50+).

EDIT: BTW, I'm getting tired of people just saying "with everything cranked." Mind specifying a little more? Because I'm pretty sure you don't have the resolution "cranked" all the way up to 1600x1200 with maxed out AF and AA...
I didn't buy it with the intention to run next generation games cranked. I run an LCD that maxes at 1280. If I were buying a video card to play upcoming games, I would have spent more than $140, kind of common sense.

My next upgrade will be an entirely new system, and that won't be any time soon, this will do me quite well for what i'm using it for.

Cranked? GAME SETTINGS CRANKED - everything on high, reflect all. Video card settings - 2x AA, 8x AF. My resolution is as high as it can go with my LCD.
i think im ganna get the 9600xt 128mb my friend also has it and said i should get it for the cheap price and it runs hl2 perfectly on high settins... so im ganna go with that...
kingthebadger said:
with 9600xt best u can get is low gfx .. trust me i had it, then i b0rked it and threw it in bin and got x800 pro

Uh.. with my 9600xt the best I can get is all graphics options maxed out, 2x AA and trilinear AF and it's perfectly playable. Dunno what you're talking about. :|
I have the 9800 XT CLASSIC 256MB and it runs every available game on full settings with no wheezing whatsoever, but you'll be looking to spend a fair bit for one.

I'll say it again...

so should i get the 9600xt 128??? ive heard its great for hl2 on full settings should i just go out and get it?
Jeez, just get the stupid thing already.

Go for the 128mb one.

Then, in a year or two, when that's not good enough, spend the same amount for a newer one.
ilovemetal said:
k man thanks alot

Don't get 96xt. You'll get low fps 25-35 only and all the time.

I wonder how those people can af/aa up with this card. probably they get around 20-30 fps and says its playable.
look, get the best u can afford, if it takes a month longer to save for a 9800 pro GET IT, but dont wait for 6 months or something ridiculous, whatever ur gonna get itll be better than what ur running now

i have a 9600xt 128meg and i run teh game in

res: 1024x768
model detail: high
texture detail: high
water detail: reflect all
shadow detail: high
antialiasing: 2x
filtering: anistropic 4x
shader detail: high

the game runs fine on those settings most of the time, sometimes it slows down to maybe 25 - 30 fps outdoors with lots of action and certain enemies/situations, so all i do is turn the 2xaa off and it will go back up easily over 40 until i pass that part. the rest of the time, the framerate is high enough in indoor areas ( greater than 50 fps >>average<< ) id guess that >90% of the game is perfectly playable in the above listed settings for me

bear in mind the card is slightly overclocked, 10% on the core and 20% on the memory, that and running cat 4.12 drivers make the diff between me using 2xaa and no aa.

i was expecting to have to upgrade for hl2, but i was surprised that it runs as well as it does, my friend even runs it on a ti4200 with the same settings as me apart from the aa and af and it runs ok (yes yes, dx8 i know)

finalisizing, if u want to run it in 6xaa, and 16xaf, and want smooth fps all the time go for something higher end, but if u just wanna enjoy the game on an "average/medium" level of eyecandy the 9600xt SHOULD be fine

btw rest of system specs p4 3gz HT, 512 ram

hope this helps somehow
kanette said:
Don't get 96xt. You'll get low fps 25-35 only and all the time.

I wonder how those people can af/aa up with this card. probably they get around 20-30 fps and says its playable.

Dude stfu you dont know what your talking about, I have a 9600xt 128 mb and I run it with 4xAA/2xAF with everything high at 1024*768 and it runs at 40-120fps, ilovemetal just get it its a good card.
TheInfamousMobb said:
Dude stfu you dont know what your talking about, I have a 9600xt 128 mb and I run it with 4xAA/2xAF with everything high at 1024*768 and it runs at 40-120fps, ilovemetal just get it its a good card.

Oh great, don't tell me you don't dip below 40fps. You sound so damn like a real 9600xt saleman.

Just kidding man, but I really get around 25-35 in our doors battles. Well, I'm just jealous of you
Mat_Brummitt said:
I have the 9800 XT CLASSIC 256MB and it runs every available game on full settings with no wheezing whatsoever, but you'll be looking to spend a fair bit for one.


I agree.

If you can spend a few more bucks, go for the 9800 series.

I've got the 9800 Pro, 256mb. I run hl²DM on 1024, max detail, 2xAA, 4xAI, all reflections, and it doesn't have any skipping at all, besides lag. There is so much more visual detail than my previous card that it blew me away. It stopped looking like a computer game and started looking like a movie.

I actually found one of those third-party ones, for about $230, here in town. It runs perfect, and I can tell I won't need to upgrade for a long time.
I think you guys need to start talking more about WHAT ELSE IS IN YOUR COMPUTAR BOX besides your damn video card if you wanna get to the bottom of these discrepancies in performance. To the kid (I lost track which one) who is wondering what card to get: I have personally seen HL2 played on a 9600XT on a Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz machine and it RAN FINE with all details set on high @ 1024. My personal recommendation to you would be to just get any ATI card 9600XT or above that you can afford that has at least 128 MB And 256-bit memory.
well my system is in my sig, i'm running the game at 1280x960, with all details set to high, reflect world, and trilinear filtering, with 2xAA - it runs smooth as silk and looks smoother, very impressed